How To Teach Online Piano Lessons | Cunningham Piano

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online piano teacher

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welcome to Cunningham piano I'm Hugh sung in this video we're going to explore how to teach piano lessons online I've been teaching piano lessons online since 2009 when I created my youtube series Claire de Lune from scratch and since 2014 I've been teaching students all around the world through my online popular piano school at artist works be sure to have some links to those resources in the notes below in this video we're going to explore three basic ways for piano teachers to teach live one-on-one lessons over the internet they're going to vary in terms of the quality of the video and of the sound as well as some of the capabilities of what you can teach and show through these streaming lessons we'll also touch a little bit on what's going to be needed in terms of equipment for the students to receive those lessons for an effective online piano lesson the teacher and the student needs to be able to see and hear each other clearly the teacher needs to be able to play and show examples on the piano and the teacher needs to be able to see and hear what the student is doing in response and in a more advanced setting the teacher will be able to show multiple angles not just from the side but ideally also from above and also perhaps show examples from the music itself particularly if they want to write in fingerings annotate notes or make any other kinds of graphical markings on the music just like you would with pencil on the sheet music paper for a student but of course transmitted over the Internet so we're gonna explore all of those options beginning with the most basic form where you at least see and hear each other for the most basic online piano lesson both the teacher and the student will need some sort of device to capture video and audio connect to the internet and use a video conferencing program some popular video conferencing programs in the past Evon things like FaceTime or Skype but the program I actually recommend now is something called zum-zum is currently the most popular web conferencing program for many good reasons the quality of the audio streaming is excellent it has some wonderful features for recording and even transcribing the lessons so I highly recommend you check out zoom comm which works across all platforms so what I'd like to do is I'd like to give a little sample of what a lesson could look like what I'm going to do is I'm going to record I was a short musical example and so then you can see in here what it looks like on a standard laptop as well as on an iPad just by themselves I'm going to start this example first by using the zoom app on the iPad after you have downloaded the free app let's go ahead and open it up and the first time you open it up it will probably ask you to create a free account by creating a free account you can get started right away if you want to have more features obviously you can pay for a subscription that will give you more capabilities now opening the app I'm going to tap on new meeting make sure that the video on is selected let's go ahead and tap on start a meeting Here I am okay and I'm going to call tap on the call using Internet audio option here alright now what I'm going to do is I'm going to invite somebody to participate in this lesson do so look at the upper right-hand portion of the screen look at participants tap on here okay and you can tap on invite you can send an email or send a message or invite your contacts sending an email it's pretty simple you just enter the email address of the person you're inviting when I go ahead and invite myself all right and you're gonna see on my computer screen what that looks like that's gonna be sent out jump over to my computer and let's take a look at this invitation all right surrounded by computers okay so I've got an invitation here to please join a zoom meeting in progress tap on to here and I've got this link I just simply click on the link now if nothing happens it will probably prompt you to if you haven't downloaded zoom for your computer it'll ask you to download and install that once you have that installed we're gonna open up the app over here and it's very simple it'll join it automatically again join with computer audio here we go I turn this volume off if I can't and just like that teacher and student are connected / zoom with their video & audio connection it's so so simple once you have zoom installed on your iPad or your laptop sending invitations to each other to get these lessons started as meetings is incredibly easy let's start off with an example of what an online piano lesson might look and sound like using a standard laptop computer you can see that I have my laptop positioned about 3 or 4 feet away from the piano and elevate it this is the really important point I have this elevated so that I can get a full cross view of the piano from the bottom to the top so that when my hands are together I can still see the individual fingers on the notes if your camera source is too low it's gonna be hard to distinguish where those hands and fingers are relative to the keys so this kind of positioning is really really good for both the teacher and for the student view alright so you can use a small book shelf or at a high table if you have something that high in this case I actually have a laptop tripod a laptop stand that can adjust in height so this is an ideal tool for using a laptop's webcam let's hear what this lesson would sound like [Music] so what are the limitations of course is that I only have one view it's just that single camera view and you'll have to explain and talk through everything else there's no view of my petals there's no view of the sheet music but for a basic setup running this through something like zoom this is what it would look and sound like now let's compare that with an iPad you'll notice with this setup that I have my iPad situated a good bit further away and elevated so that I can get that angled look giving me a clearer view of both hands on the piano now a really important consideration why I'm using iPads and laptops and not a smartphone is simply for the fact that I need to be able to see the student and the student needs to be able to see me not just over the internet but also as we were doing the lesson this iPad pro screen is large enough so that I can even though it's a little bit further away I can still see the hands on the keys and if the screen is large enough the student can see me in return if you're using a smartphone and using the selfie camera on a smartphone it the screen is just too small because you're gonna have to have a far enough away to see the whole keyboard so on and so forth again it's that real time interaction that we need to maintain for an effective lesson alright let's hear what this sounds like [Music] now let's explore some more advanced ways for the teacher to enhance the quality of their video and their audio for the lesson now for very basic online piano lessons using a laptop or an iPad is perfectly acceptable keep in mind you're limited to a single point of view and the audio quality is going to be dependent on the internal microphones of these devices they're not designed to record high quality musical examples now you can't improve the sound quality somewhat by adding a USB microphone to a laptop and I believe the iPad also has external microphone attachment options as well personally I find that a multi-camera setup is much more effective for online piano lessons a side angle like this so that you can look at posture issues you can do some basic fingering things but I find that an overhead cam is much more effective at explaining how to finger the different notes and passages you can see your technique in a whole new and actually a personal way so I highly recommend exploring multi-camera lesson setups whenever possible in this next example I'm going to show you how to set up a very basic multi camera online piano lesson so this is what a multi camera view looks like when I connect two webcams to my laptop computer now I have a webcam on a tripod over there and I have another webcam above that is suspended with a tall boom microphone stand and a special attachment that can attach camera accessories and I'll have links to all of the equipment that I'm using in the notes below it as you can see now I have the option to show fingerings okay and then by switching the camera by going down to the bottom of the zoom menu and then clicking here I can select the different cameras that are connected to the computer in addition to the built-in computer camera the FaceTime camera here okay so here you go one of the nice things about this particular setup is the fact that the computer screen is right here so when I'm looking at my student all right my student will see the different views but I will see the student right here so it's a little bit closer view for me to observe what the student is doing it makes it easier for me to observe instead of having the laptop further away from me having a run in front of me makes it a little bit easier to interact okay so this is a multi camera view using webcams I almost forgot I wanted to include an example of using a USB microphone this microphone is an audio technica at2020 but almost any decent USB microphone should do so I have this connected into one of the ports using a port extender for my laptop computer here so let's see what this sounds like I have the microphone placed in a way so that it's facing sort of in between me and the piano so kind of equidistant between me and what the piano should sound like so I'm gonna go ahead and also switch over to the overhead cams take advantage of that extra view and let's see what this sounds like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now you probably notice that my image was flipped horizontally by default zoom has all the image settings to be mirrored which is OK for a face-to-face meeting but if you're trying to show fingerings and your hands are all backwards or later on in the more advanced settings when you're trying to actually show sheet music and all the notes are reversed that certainly is not going to work for an online piano lesson so let's take a quick look at one additional setting within zoom to turn off the mirror feature so within the zoom application scroll down until you see this bottom menu bar appear and click on this little arrow which will give you the option to go into the video settings click on this and look at the my video settings you should see mirror my video click on this to uncheck that box there you go you can go ahead and click X to get out of this and now the video should be showing with the proper perspective in both of these previous examples we saw that there were real limitations in terms of the quality of the video and of the audio although it did improve significantly when we added an external USB microphone what if there was a way to have really high-quality multi-camera video including maybe an extra camera for our feet to show pedaling and maybe even a view of the sheet music so that our students could see the annotations on the music as well as high quality audio that's liked more specifically for the piano and a separate microphone so that the student can hear the teacher speaking more clearly in this final example I'm going to show you what I think is the ultimate set up for an online piano lesson and now let's look at a system that combines multiple high quality video cameras with high quality audio for an online piano lesson streamed live so I've got a side view over here I've got an overhead view using an acaso sports camera it's similar to a GoPro but not quite as expensive you can also see that I've got an iPad over here and that iPad it's a little bit washed out in this overhead view but I switch a camera view and boom I've got sheet music check this out and then I can simply draw in my markings you can see my markings coming in real-time I can highlight things I can also race them necessary very very cool stuff and of course we have a pedal cam I can show my pedaling while I'm playing what's more if I want I can also overlay a pedal cam to an another view so now let's really test and see what this all sounds like I've got to dedicate a lapel mic I've got two dedicated piano mics so no high quality audio in high quality video combined together let's see what the result is [Music] at the heart of this setup is a streaming video switcher called an 8m mini made by Blackmagic Design this device allows me to combine video sources up to four video sources through HDMI cables now as for the audio I'm actually using a dedicated mixer now my mixer is a little bit larger than necessary but that's what I happen to have so I'm able to combine one audio input from my lapel microphone and two very high quality piano microphones into two other channels I'm using a pair of DPA 4099 piano microphones that are very expensive they're very very good so all of the audio channels go into my mixer now what's interesting is that I actually have the audio then being output from the mixer into one of the cameras the camera then sends its HDMI fee with the audio and video combined back into one of the video channels and then within the 810 mini I can actually select this is the camera camera number two that has the audio combined I turned that on and no matter what channel I'm on the audio will stay connected to that audio source over there okay so the 810 mini in short gives me a lot of flexibility I can also do picture and picture view you can see the pedal as I'm playing that's camera number one I can move that to different parts of the screen like so very very useful if I'm doing an overhead view and I want to show the pedal while I'm playing very easy to do as well and I think what's really nice about the system is that I just hit a few buttons and it's very easy very quick for me to switch the views quickly if I want to go to my sheet music and quickly write up a couple more notes I can do it it's not a hassle switch back quickly I'm not fussing around with finding the controls on the computer by the way the most powerful thing about this video switcher is the fact that it works as an external webcam a single webcam when I go into zoom and go into the settings down here and select a video source you can see the Blackmagic Design is selected here and that's again working as a single webcam combining all of these signals into one high-quality broadcast stream now the 810 mini as I said connects up to four video sources I happen to have a wide mix of video sources here I've got some very high quality cameras some of high quality camcorders I have a relatively inexpensive overhead acaso sports cams kind of like a cheap version of a GoPro so it's not as high quality if you wanted to have a high quality overhead cam you could certainly invest in a ceiling mount and permanently a fix a good quality camera up there the same quality as what I have shooting over here the microphones of course they are very very expensive but you don't need to get the same level of expensive equipment if you have the 810 mini you can even get a smaller mixing board for the audio sources and use some less expensive microphones but I think the key thing is having options having the options to have a dedicated audio source which will always sound better than a single audio source trying to capture everything you can hear my voice more clearly because it's isolated you can hear the piano more clearly because it's isolated and of course these different cameras you can certainly get less expensive cameras as long as they have the ability to connect through HDMI cables so I think that's really the key takeaway here is that if you can invest in a good dedicated streaming piece of hardware that can combine the video and audio sources all the rest of the components you can get as your budget allows so that's a quick look at three different setups for online streaming piano lessons I hope you found this helpful I'll be sure to have links to all of the the tools that I use in the notes below be sure to subscribe so that we can let you know whenever you have new tutorial videos like this one for Cunningham piano I'm Hugh sung thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time ...

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