Learn Piano From Home - Practice, Theory & Homework (Tests Included) (Part 1)

best way to learn piano online Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 welcome to the livin...

best way to learn piano online

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈

welcome to the living room piano course my name is Mark and I will be your instructor for the entire course in this video I'm going to tell you exactly how you should see this course what the layout is how I want you to look at these videos and how to get the most out of it therefore before moving on to the next video please allow me to explain this shortly to you so you know exactly what to expect you know if there's anything that you might be able to skip or have to repeat and basically you get the most out of this course the idea of this course is that if you have never played piano before at the end of this course if you go through all of these sections you will have the knowledge and skill of somebody that has had private piano lessons one time per week for a year up to two years depending on how good you pick it up and you might be wondering how is this possible well because these are videos and you're able to go back and repeat stuff and I'm also going to give you homework of course you're able to get so much more out of an hour of video than of an hour of private teaching because normally when you have a private piano teacher they come to your house you go to theirs and it's like hey how have you been blah blah blah then you sit behind the piano he or her may be demonstrating something and then you have to repeat it or there's something that you may be learning and then if you come back next week and there's something that you didn't quite understand you're gonna have to go over that again and it's basically just costing a lot of time because these are videos if you don't understand something you can simply rewind and watch it again and you'll be able to get that without having to pay another hour of private piano lessons so in order for you to get the most out of this course it's very important that you understand the structure and the layout in every video you'll be able to see three dots in the side I'll put that in this video now as an example and if this is the video screen you can see it in the video screen right now there's basically three little circles and there's a number let's say one another number let's say three and then there's a letter so the whole course has a very clear structure we have four levels level one two three and four every level has different lessons lesson one two three etc etc and every lesson consists of a description where I'm going to tell you what we're going to do in the lesson a theory bit because you actually want to learn some Theory before we're gonna practice and this is helpful if you don't have your piano with you so you can still watch it a practice bit where we together are gonna practice I'm gonna play something you're gonna play something I'm gonna play something you're gonna play something and then some homework that I'm gonna give you before you can move on to the next lesson or sometimes it's something that I want you to come back to later and I'll explain that in this area so that's how the whole course is built up that's one more thing that I want to tell you before we get into this this is a very in-depth course as I said you're going to learn about the same as if you have a private piano teacher for one to two years it is possible to watch this whole course in one or two months but it's going to be a lot of work and if you want to get the most out of this course I would advise you to get a little notebook and a pen and make little you know little scribbles when you find something interesting or if you want to go back and then use this indication right here for now I want to thank you so much for sitting through this boring explanation of the whole course where you're going to move into level one I will start off with a quick introduction as to what we're going to do in the whole level and then we will move on to level 1 lesson number one welcome to living room piano Lesson 1.1 this is the very first lesson of the course and I'm going to tell you if you need to watch this lesson why it's useful to watch this lesson and who can actually skip this lesson in this lesson I'm going to be talking about two main things first of all the layout of the piano white and black keys the gaps that are in there why does it look the way it looks and also some additional stuff that you need to know if you've never played the piano before and the second thing I'm going to teach you is I'm going to teach you the names of all of the notes now if you have a lot of piano experience you may go like well I already know all the notes so let's move on to the next lesson yes maybe you can but there's actually quite a lot of node names so we have the regular nodes we have Sharps and flats but we also have double Sharps and double Flats we have things like an e sharp or an F flat C flat B Sharp you may not know about that also if you have a lot of piano experience but you use the Doremi facility dough system watch this entire lesson it is very important that you get used to a b c d e f because we're going to be using that throughout the entire course if you have no idea what I'm talking about great this is absolutely the lesson for you to watch no worries I will take you better hand and I will teach you every single thing that you have to know so just take it easy for now what's most important for you to know is that this entire course will be using the alphabetical system this means a b c d e f and g and we will not be using the roomy facility do so if you use suduremy facility though watch this entire lesson and make sure you learn all of these notes what's also very important to know is that after this lesson I will assume that you know all the note names if there are difficult names that I'm going to teach you right now I will of course help you out later in the course but all of the basic note names I expect you to know them after this lesson so if you decide to skip this lesson that is entirely up to you I would advise you to watch through it anyway however as I said before if you've been doing a lot of piano already you probably know all of the notes here and then you can simply skip ahead to the theory bit or maybe to the homework bit just to check and make sure that you actually know everything that's required before moving on to the next lesson for now let's start out with the layout of the piano and then the node names including all these weird note names will begin in the theory bit we're still in the description right now okay so as you can see already I'm actually changing the camera angle for whichever purpose we have making sure that you can see everything you need to see so this is a piano if you've never seen one before this is a digital piano and a keyboard has very thin white keys and these ones are quite thick okay so that's a difference you can identify between a keyboard and a piano one of the things that you immediately notice is that there's white and black keys and that the white keys are a little bit more wide okay here wide the width of the keys and The Black Keys are a bit more narrow and we can also see that the amount of Black Keys is different than the amount of white keys in the same stretch so if we would look from here until here for instance we can have one two three four five six seven eight nine white keys and only one two three four five six Black Keys so there's more white keys than Black Keys on the piano before we go any further I want you to head over to the resource files of this course so before we're moving on I wanted to go to www.pgnpiano.com resources okay and I want you to download Resource number one it's a PDF free download of course you can simply open that on your computer and then print it out okay what you can see there is this PDF file that is currently showing in the screen and as you can see we have pianos there but the black keys aren't actually black they're empty and I did this on purpose in this resource file because you can actually write stuff in the empty notes and therefore it's very easy for you to write node names as we're going to do later or little dots or color it in or whatever is needed later in this course so make sure to download resource file number one if for some reason you cannot download that because you're watching on an iPhone or an iPad or you don't have a printer or whatever you're more than welcome to simply draw your own variation but I would advise you to leave The Black Keys empty so for now what I want you to do is if you have your resource file I want you to have a look and I want you to basically let me shift the camera a little bit I want you to find find an area like this area right here okay this area is repeating quite a lot on the piano I will zoom out a bit and you'll be able to see that okay so from here until here and then from here until here and the same goes from here until here okay so these this area repeats a lot how can you identify it you see two black notes and three black notes two black notes and three black notes Etc so you take the white note on the left of the two black notes and then you take the white note on the right of the three black notes and we end up with this position right here I will show you that in the screen and I want you to color it in as I did on the screen right now okay so simply take your time and when you're done you're seeing a bit of keys over here that are colored whichever color you use and some keys over here and we also left 12 keys in the middle okay 12 keys that we left and it's one two three four five six seven white keys and one two three four five Black Keys these are the only keys there are on the piano however it's repeating quite a lot of times okay but this is basically the section we are going to focus on as soon as we move into the theory bit so now that you have this done you'll probably see that there's a couple of nodes here that are colored in there's a couple of notes over there that are colored in and you will remain with these notes right here two black notes and three black nodes and one two three four five six seven wide nodes should still be empty and the rest should be colored in now I want you to keep in mind that when you have 61 keys on the piano or 88 like mine or even 45 there's so many pianos with different amount of keys and that's fine but on every piano we can actually find this little area of two black keys and three black keys and the five white keys so now is that we have this done I want to invite you to have a look at your own piano if you have a piano in front of you right now or at the other pianos at the resource file and see if you can find a different areas if you colored in the area in the middle and I want you to find an area in the left and if you call it an area on the left I want you to find an area in the middle or on the right and if you follow colored in an area on the right do that so basically you have three different parts of the piano lighting up so in your resource file there's many different pianos and I want you to take the top three and basically color out a lot of the stuff so that these notes remain your piano resource file will now probably look something like this so you can see that the same area is basically lighting up but it's placed on different parts of the piano this is something I wanted to get used to that we have different places where we can play on the piano so you may be wondering okay we have this area right here we have this area right here why is there so many of these same areas well basically if you listen the notes are actually the same but they get higher as they go to the left so listen this is the same node this is also the same node but this is also the same note as this as well okay now if you haven't played piano before or any other instrument you may go like is that really the same node yes it is but it's a little bit higher okay the sound is a little bit higher so as we move from the left side of the piano towards the right notes will actually get higher in Pitch listen as we move from the right side of the piano to the left nodes get lower okay however these notes are the same and these notes are the same they're just positioned on a different spot of the piano so now that you have your resource file looking like this we are actually going to zoom in on just one little bit of the piano right now okay so as you can see I edited my videos so that there's a very clear area where we're focusing on and you have the same thing in your resource file or you can look at your piano and find the same area right now it's time to figure out what these notes are called so if I play these notes this sounds very familiar to you probably right and these nodes all have names now the names are alphabetical and they reach from a through G so we have a b c d e f and g and you may expect that the first node is called a so we have a b c d e f g [Music] but that is unfortunately not the case it will make it very easy because this node over here is actually called C so we saw right here c d e f g and now we do not go to H or h we go to a and we have B now you may wonder why does it why does it sound like it didn't finish well because I haven't played ah that final note row there okay so this again is a c okay you can see there's two black notes the wide node on the left of the black is called the C and the same right here two black nodes wide node on the black on the left of the black is called C so c d e f g a b c d e f g Etc so this time what you can do is take a new piano and you can color in all of the black notes okay so that you actually have this view that we have right now and then what I want you to do is I want you to find the two black notes that are together there's also three black notes somewhere but I want you to find the two and simply place a c on top of that wide note on the left of the two blacks and then we're going to follow the alphabetical order so d e f and G okay this is of alphabetical we would start right here A B C D E F G and we can simply continue so your resource file should now look something like this simply enter c d e f g a b c d Etc so if we have a look at the piano again c d e f g a b c so these are the most basic node names because there's just a single letter right c d e f g a b they're all single letters from the alphabet and as you can see we have seven letters okay the G is the seventh letter of the alphabet starting on a we would have a b c d e f g and that's seven letters in total now with all of the other note names they're going to be based on these seven letters in the beginning it may be difficult for you to remember which of these nodes has which name because well there's just a lot of things going on a lot of blacks a lot of whites and in the beginning it can be tricky what some people do is they put stickers on the piano and I would definitely not do that okay please don't do that if you really want to do that only put stickers on the C okay so remove all of the letters and only put stickers on the C so here here here and here but to be honest you don't really need it if you don't use any stickers at all and just watch the piano and keep on watching this course you will learn these notes in one maximum two days and you'll be fine okay so the white node names the most interesting thing about that to me is that whereas most of the music we start on the C right here and then woke up um it's actually not the a but this is the C okay that's just how it is it's something that you're going to have to learn and remember but it's only seven notes and they're in the order of the alphabet so as soon as you find one note doesn't matter which one let's say this one and you figure out that it's an F then you can just keep on going F G always remember to after g go to a a b c d e f g a b c Etc and you can just keep on Counting okay so again in the beginning this may be a little bit tricky to you but eventually you will be able to learn all of these notes these are the notes for the white keys now I want to have a look at the notes for The Black Keys don't worry in the practice bit and in the homework bit I will repeat all of this if you don't remember it entirely right now that is fine but I do want to move on to the Black Keys because otherwise we will stay here too long so where the white keys have their own name c d e f g a b c The Black Keys do not carry a single name or their own name Black Keys are always being referred to as either being on the left of a white key or on the right of a white key you could also say above a white key or below a white key but if we talk above or below we again have to keep in mind that whole piano getting lower piano getting higher things so then higher would be to the right again and lower will be to the left so the pitch goes higher to the right and everything is basically up right higher down left lower so therefore every black key has two names higher than white or lower than white to the right of a white key or to the left of a white key so let's start with the names that are basically saying hey this black key is on the right of this white key so this black key is on the right of the C okay you can see that because if we're on the C I have to go to the right right here in order to end up on this black key right here on the piano I move from this C one step up to the right and I end up on this note okay whenever we have to go up or to the right or higher we call that a sharp and we indicate that with a hashtag okay so if you know that you want to name this key right here the black key this key then you can say look it's a c but it's not really a c it's the black key on the right of the C okay so I always start out with C because I want to refer from C and then I use this sharp sign the hashtag so therefore this black key is called a C sharp because we have to move up C C sharp we can do the same with d okay so this black key will be on the right of a d we have to go up from d in order together D go up so D sharp d D sharp okay um and then for the E that's not really a black note right here look e there's no black note so we don't have that um and then we move on to f ah look there is a black note on the right of f so this one right here is going to be called f um let's see there's also black note on the right of g g black note on the right of G so that's going to be called G something and then a and then right here the a okay so f g a F sharp G sharp a sharp okay putting those in therefore the black notes if we want to refer to them as being on the right of a white key it's C sharp D sharp F sharp G sharp and a sharp so now we have a total of normal letters of seven okay one two three four five six seven notes c d e f g a b and we also have five Sharps okay so sharps 5. in total that's 12. and guess what when we looked at that thing you hopefully still have the resource file and you look at this area you have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve notes so now we already have a way to indicate all of the notes fortunately we're not going to leave it at that okay we are actually going to have to refer to the black notes in different ways as well so let me explain that to you right now so instead of indicating a note as being on the right or higher than a white key we can also say that it's on the left or lower than a white key so therefore I want to start here again with this black note it's on the right of the C but it's on the left of the D okay so therefore I'm gonna write down d this black note it's on the right of the D but it's on the left of the E so now I can write down e if I just say d and e you're gonna think that I'm referring to these white notes right here so that's not possible so I have to indicate it again so we call those nodes a flat so we have a sharp to go up and a flat to go down a sharp to the right flat to the left okay so a flat and you basically indicate that whether it's not really a b but it kind of looks like a little B so put that on the left right here okay so this node is on the left of the D and therefore I call it a d flat as this note is on the left of the E so I call it an E flat on the left of the f i don't really have a note right there okay so I'm going to move on on the left of the G there's a black note again so if that's going to be a g on the left of the a there's going to be a black node so that will be an A and on the left of the B there's going to be a black note right here so we add the little sign to it okay and now we have d d flat E E flat g g flat a a flat and B B flat so if we do that on the piano d d flat E E flat g g flat A A flat B B flat let's zoom in a little bit okay so now we're zoomed in before we get into the practice uh round which is going to be the next thing I want to quickly run through all of the notes that we learned so far we learned seven white keys c d e f g a b and we also learned five Black Keys C sharp D sharp F sharp G sharp and a sharp but we also learned five different names for Black Keys d flat E flat g flat a flat and B flat now I want you to know that at this moment I did not expect you to remember all of these notes it's quite a lot of information that we're going through right here but I do want you to actually remember the wide notes okay so please make sure that you know these white nodes if you can't remember them yet that's okay we still have the practice and the homework to go for this lesson but at the end of the lesson I want you to at least remember the name of the wide notes and if the black notes are a little rough that's okay we will figure that out later but make sure that at the end of the lesson you know the wide notes okay so before we move on let me quickly remind you that you can find the entire course on pgmpiano.com and the best thing is there are no ads on the videos also the entire course is split out in different chapters and lessons and if that isn't enough you can also find the ultimate piano chords on there as well as well as over a thousand lessons for specific songs so if you want to learn your favorite Ed Sheeran songs or or Adele's Aerosmith or queen yaruma or any other composer that you might like that you can find on the website you can learn the specific songs right there there's many lessons there's chord lessons there's letter based lessons you can find it all on pgmpiano.com and since you're watching this video right here I'm willing to give you 30 discount on any of the memberships using the code virtual so simply enter the code virtual and you will get 30 off as long as you remain a member on bgmpiano.com so let's run through them one more time c d b f g a b and then ending up on C because that sounds nicer so c d e f g a b c and then C sharp D sharp F sharp G sharp a sharp or d flat E flat g flat a flat and B flat now you may be wondering but Mark why do we have Sharps and flats I mean why not just call it uh Sharps and leave it at that or call it Flats we will get to that actually in not the next lesson but the lesson after that which is called skills and then I will explain to you exactly why we have two different ways of describing those notes but for now I want to show you the chalkboard and actually write down all of the notes that we've done so far and show you a little bit of an issue that we have so we started out with the regular notes C d e f G a and B and then we added the sharps C d f G and a Sharp and then we did the flats d e G a and B now you can see my problem we're missing a note here and here and here and here okay that's four nodes that are missing so the question is do these notes not exist or did I simply not list them a lot of people don't really know about these notes okay people have only been playing for a bit or people who've not really played any classical music or you know because most of the times songs either have these notes and a few sharps or these notes and a few Flats but what you don't often see is these gaps that we have right here okay so let me draw them in that would be e sharp and also B Sharp okay because these ones were still missing and here we're missing an F so F flat and we're missing c as well so C flat so we haven't really discussed them yet now there's something weird about these notes I'm going to zoom in on the piano right now show you what it is so the weird thing about these notes let me quickly show you them once more C flat e sharp F flat and B Sharp the weird thing about these notes is that all of the other sharps are black notes C sharp D sharp F sharp G sharp and a sharp and same goes for the flats however the C flat the F flat the e sharp and the B Sharp are white nodes so let's start by playing the C if you have your piano with you and otherwise look at the diagram from your resource file or simply look at the video and the rule for flat is to go one node to the left so we saw right here on C and we go one out to the left but there's no black note right here okay so we cannot play C flat right here because there's no black note instead we will simply end up on this note and you may say Mark but just a while ago you call that a b that is correct I did but just as the black notes have multiple names so have some of the white notes so C half a step to the left C flat the same goes for f okay if we have F flat we have to go half a step to the left there's no black note right here so we will simply end up on this note we usually call this node an e but it can also be an F flat so f a flat C C flat now how about the sharps we have e sharp and B Sharp that we still haven't talked about yet so we start on B what we have to do for Sharp is move half a node up or to the right again there's no black node so we will end up on this note right here so this is a B Sharp B sharp normally we call this node is C but in some in some cases the node is being referred to as a B sharp and we will see that in less than 1.3 same we can do for E so we have e in order to move up e sharp okay move up one note there's no black note right here e sharp is right here normally we call this F but sometimes it's being referred to as e sharp so now we can start again C sharp D sharp e sharp F sharp G sharp a sharp and B Sharp you can hear that it sounds quite nice okay now for the flats we can do the same so we have d flat E flat F flat g flat A flat B flat and C flat okay and that sounds very weird that is because that's not a skill we will talk about that a little bit more in less than 1.3 21 notes in total c d e f g a b that's seven C sharp D sharp e sharp F sharp G sharp a sharp B Sharp that's another seven and d flat E flat F flat g flat A flat B flat C flat as the final seven for a combination of 21 notes so as I said in the beginning of this lesson there's actually 35 node names and we've only learned 21. so am I gonna bother you with the other 14 no not at this moment okay it's not important yet we will get to that a little bit later but I want to Simply give a little hint of what that could be but you don't really have to do anything with this okay so a sharp simply means that we're going to move to the right okay so we have a note right here we move to the right and a flat means that we move to the left now the final nodes that you can find are what we call Double sharps or double Flats so if you see this sign sharp and another sharp we actually have to move to the right twice and you can also sometimes see double flat and then we have to move to the left twice we're not going to dive into this right now because it's too much you've already learned 21 notes and it's quite a lot so now we're going to practice these 21 notes and then the double shops and the double Flats we will do another day okay so don't worry about that for now but I just wanted to include it and tell you that they do actually exist so if somebody's talking about e double sharp they're not talking nonsense that note actually exists and sometimes we do have to call it that as well but we'll get into why way later in the course because it's not important for right now so let's focus on the 21 notes that we just learned and I'm going to give you some homework after that that you have to complete before moving on to the next lesson okay so for this practice bid what I want to do is if you have a piano I want you to play along at your piano if you don't have a piano I want you to either just watch the video or if you've been able to print out the resource file I want you to again draw away the rest of the piano and on this side and that side on the left and the right so that you're left over with just 12 notes okay seven wide notes again and five blacks I want you to start on see if you remember that so there's two black notes here there's one right note that's where I wanted to start and then ending here so I will demonstrate that in the screen right now that's what I want it to look like if you're working on the resource file and if you're working on a piano I want you to keep in mind this area okay so don't focus on this stuff it doesn't matter just focus on this area so I will color that in as well right now so this is the practice area right now I'm going to give you a little bit of tests and we're going to practice uh your skill so what I want you to do is simply follow along I'm going to press some notes and I want you to name which note that is and we're going to sort simply by playing the white notes so I'm going to play some notes and you have to tell me which note it is so say that out loud and then I will after that I will reveal which note it actually is okay so don't wait too long and just so you know these are normal notes so we're looking for a b c d e f or G none of the sharps none of the flats or just doing the regular notes right now and whenever we're doing sharps or flats I will tell you okay so don't worry about that for now let's just do the normal names A B C D E F or G is the correct answer what is the name of this note right here the name is C if you said c you're correct what about this one we're looking for f [Music] the name of this note is d [Music] but this is an a [Music] this is a g [Music] e C whoops G aha by this one it's B so this is quite easy but now we're going to spice it up a bit I'm going to play two notes at the same time and I want you to call both notes I want you to name both notes [Music] this is d and g [Music] e and a [Music] C and A [Music] or back to D and G again oh nasty sound F and B okay so you can notice that if you have to name two nodes it's a little bit more tricky now I'm going to get rid of these blurred things on the side so now we have the whole piano to look at and see how you do now so it's a little bit harder right now [Music] c and e [Music] D and A B and E okay now what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the entire piece of the piano from here until let's see where can I go on until here now until here okay so now it's gonna be even harder because we're moving away from this structure see if you can actually find it out now what am I playing here E and F what am I playing now D and another d foreign [Music] B and G okay so if you find this more difficult I can totally imagine it's quite hard um now that we're jumping across the piano all of a sudden okay I'm gonna do a couple more and then I want to move into the sharps and the flats so how about this it's c and e um let's see [Music] oh my God I hope you you'll be able to manage this a g and D okay if you got that very good well done on you [Music] B e and G okay if you've been able to get this well done okay this is not easy and if you haven't been able to get this that's absolutely fine in the homework bit I will tell you how you can practice some more you can watch back if you didn't manage to get all of them but um but well done if you did so now I'm going to play a couple of different notes and now whatever the node is that I'm playing I want you to give me an answer that is sharp so a sharp B Sharp C sharp D sharp e sharp F sharp G sharp okay whatever it is the answer is always going to be a sharp so we're going to do 10 examples here and then we're going to do 10 Flats as well so that's all right here [Music] this is an F sharp [Music] Sharp [Music] a Sharp oh my God it's e sharp [Music] C sharp [Music] F sharp here I'm just joking this is not a sharp okay so I just wanted to test you there for a little bit so this is not a sharp this one is what is this one G sharp [Music] again e sharp [Music] B Sharp D sharp okay so I hope you found a couple of them um if you did well done if you didn't that's okay okay these Sharps and flats are really quite difficult to learn in the beginning but you will be able to get them quite soon so now I'm going to point out a couple of more notes and whichever note a point out is going to be a flat so it can be a flat B flat C flat d flat E flat F flat or g flat whichever node I'm playing it's gonna be one of these so let me know [Music] this is a flat [Music] E flat [Music] g flat [Music] C flat [Music] d flat okay let's see I'll do four more [Music] a flat [Music] be flat [Music] f flat [Music] d flat [Music] G flat I hope that you managed to get a lot of these if you didn't that's okay mainly focus on the white one c d e f g a b c okay that's the most important bit these Sharps and flats will follow naturally later so now we're going to do a fun little game I'm going to call out any note and this can be any of the 21 notes so it's going to be the reverse instead of me playing a note and you're going to tell me which one it is I'm going to call it out and you have to play it and I just want you if you're if you're behind the piano just play along with me and if you're not then simply point it out on your resource file let's start with the regular notes and then we'll make it a little bit more interesting later on so I want you to play an A let's find the a [Music] this is the a okay so as of now I'm just going to be calling out the notes and then I'll give you three to four seconds to find it and then I will play it and I will call out the next one e G [Music] C foreign [Music] d [Music] G [Music] e [Music] C [Music] f [Music] G [Music] d [Music] okay now what I'm going to do is I'm going to include Sharps and flats I'm going to call out any of the 21 notes that we just learned and you're going to have to play that so I'll give you a little bit more time in the beginning and then I will go quicker and quicker as we're moving on okay I hope you're ready we're gonna do 50 notes right now I'm going to give you five seconds between each node and the beginning then we'll drop to about four three two and one one is going to be extremely quick man if you're able to keep up with that I would be so impressed but I but I really wouldn't expect it and that's okay but with the five seconds I hope that you will so here we go are you ready let's start right now I want you to play D [Music] Sharp [Music] a [Music] E flat foreign [Music] D sharp [Music] G [Music] C flat foreign [Music] D sharp C [Music] F flat [Music] F sharp foreign [Music] C sharp [Music] a [Music] flat F sharp foreign [Music] B flat [Music] C flat [Music] G sharp f d flat [Music] g flat E flat C flat a sharp D sharp G [Music] d a B flat F sharp Bishop eShop a flat g flat d-flat D sharp F sharp B f G sharp E C D sharp a flat g flat e g flat d flat A flat B Sharp e sharp F flat g flat and D wow I hope you did okay this is very hard to do right now let's move into the homework bit okay so I hope you did very well with the practice bid I can imagine that this being your first piano lesson it may have gone quite hard and I want you to understand that in the beginning everything that's new it takes a little bit of time to learn so don't worry about it too much if this went really quick I only expect you to remember the wide notes and if for whatever reason you're able to remember a few of the sharps or flats super super good but if you only know the wide nodes in fact if you only know one white note let's say this one right here then you can figure out the rest of the notes and because you now know that charbs and flats are going up and down you actually you're able to figure out every single note on the piano right so if you only know one node and if you only remember one node you're able to figure out the arrest I can imagine again that this went pretty quickly I also want you to keep in mind that we have loads and loads to learn I'll promise you that I would teach you the same or more than a private piano teacher will teach you in a year and I only have 40 50 lessons to do that so I have to kind of hurry up these are video lessons so you're always more than welcome to rewind and watch it again if at any moment you have issues um you forgot something you want to go back you're always more than welcome to go back to video and watch it again or watch pieces of it again for instance this practice bit that we just did it's very easy to find that due to the P that was in the screen right now it changed to age for homework right so right now we're in the most favorite Department the most favorite section of the lesson the homework nobody likes to the homework but I try to make it fun and cool for you so if you go to Resource file number two you will find this file that's on the screen right now and you will see that all of the nodes that we just learned are on there you can also see dotted lines what I want you to do is I want you to print this resource file and cut along the lines and what you will end up with is 21 neat little cards with the note names on that and then you can actually shuffle them and you can put them on your piano or you can take a little ball and put them in simply draw one out and then you have to play that on the piano and see if you can find it okay another thing that you can do which is really fun is to shuffle them and give them to your mom or to your friend or to your sister or an uncle or daughter and they have to flip through and you have to actually play that note you can also decide to only do the white notes by simply just taking the wide node names or only do flats or only do sharps or Shuffle everything together and you can do it like that so that's the first thing I want you to do what is very helpful if you want to do it with somebody else is to keep that piano that you see on top of the resource file separately as well so you can easily check or they can easily check if you manage to play the correct note you can put that on the piano you can lay that flat play a note and simply turn it over and check if you manage to find the right note I want you to do this a couple of times as use the little cards okay and here's exercise number two you close your eyes you hit any random mode on the piano let's say this one and then you open your eyes and you look and you say I think that's D okay and then again you can take the resource file to check it or if you simply know all the no names that's cool as well and you check and verify if that's the correct note so you go again right here ah I think that's a g you check the file oops it's not correct it's actually an F okay so number two exercise number two his eyes closed okay you close your eyes you play a random note exercise number three you can do it with one or with two or with both what you do you close your eyes you play a random note you can call it out if you want to you don't have to but I want you to find the same node a bit to the left or a bit to the right depending on what you want so you play this is ah it's a d and now I find another d right here there or if you played it here find another d right there if you're doing the card game I want if somebody calls out a name let's say they say B flat you simply play a B flat and now you want to identify another B flat as well maybe over here okay number three is change the note and that's it that's all the homework I have for you so really check out resource file number two take a scissor print them out scissor I have those little cards and use them you can use them yourself by simply putting them in a bowl and draw a random chord and try to play that on the piano you can have your sister read them to you or your brother or your mother you can also decide to practice with your eyes closed simply keep your eyes closed play a random note and figure out which note that is that's the reverse and you can change the note okay so you can play a note and now you have to find the same node somewhere else and play that again these are the three exercises that I have for now I want you to at least try these exercises once before moving on to the next lesson and then I wanted to try these exercises again you know throughout the next week as long as you need to in order to actually learn all these notes if you notice that your flats are okay and your normal notes are okay but you have issues with the sharps simply take out all of these cards and only use the sharps and practice with those okay so you can do that very easily and you can make it your own thing you will know what you need extra help with if there's certain notes that you find hard only put those in the in the little box or in a little ball and only practice for those notes until you know you can at least play all of the wide notes easily and maybe also the blacks that would be really awesome for now I want to move on to the second lesson where I'm actually going to teach you your first song that you've played on the piano welcome to living room piano lesson 1.2 I hope you learned everything in the previous lesson if you didn't let me quickly sum up what we did we learned the names of 21 notes on the piano all of the regular names the sharps and the flats this lesson is going to be a little different if you don't know the node names yet that's okay if you have trouble to remember them it will get better and better every time you watch one of these videos I also hope that you're able to keep up watching at least one of these videos every week but if you can do a couple more maybe two three or four a week that will be really awesome it's your time it's your piano level it's all up to you so if you have some time if you have a Sunday off or whatever maybe which two lessons you know just to get things flowing a bit more quickly or you can take some time to review a lesson that you watched in the past in this lesson though I'm going to teach you had to play Sea Mist it's a song it's really cool I'm going to play it for you first and then I will teach you how to play this song The reason I want to teach you to play a song already is because it's fun to get started with things and this is a bit of a classical kind of sounding song but it's actually really beautiful relatively easy to play and this will get you started playing the nice thing about this song is that though it's a beginner song who actually plays the left and the right hand on the piano and you don't have to really play them at the same time that much so it's not very difficult yet we play left right left right and you will hear that it's really nice and my goal is that at the end of the lesson you're able to play this song Maybe slowly maybe a little bit quicker depending on how soon you pick it up the main challenge will probably be to remember what to play but hopefully you'll be able to do that so I'm gonna play it first you don't need to watch the piano so I'm Gonna Leave the camera right there just listen to this song and the main point of this video is so that you learn to move your fingers in the correct way and it's not really about learning that song but that's just a little bonus for you so at the end of this video maybe you can play this song for your friends and family and they'll be surprised what you've been able to do here we go see mist thank you foreign thank you foreign thank you okay so that was C Miss I hope you enjoyed listening to that right now it's time for you to learn to play this song so we're going to zoom in on the piano a little bit and I'm gonna demonstrate to you how we're playing that song of course I'm gonna break it up into little pieces so you don't have to learn the whole thing in one go let's have a look at the first piece right now so before we're getting into the nitty-gritty of how to play this song it's very important that where you yesterday learn the name of the notes CDE Etc we also need to know where we're navigating on the piano okay there's quite a lot of notes still left over there and then there's also almost falling quite a lot of notes over there so where are we on the piano your right hand is going to be on this C and we call this the middle C because it's located in the middle of the piano actually okay depending on which piano you have how many keys there are that that key may be in a different spot so what I want you to do is I want you to locate a couple of C's that are in the middle and listen and now listen to which C you're playing because we want to find this sound okay this is the one we want and your left hand is going to sort on the other one okay so that's the starting position these two C's right here now I want you to have a look at the left hand first and we're going to play three notes the C the E and the g okay we're not going to play them at the same time we're going to play them one at a time [Music] okay like that you can play them like this or you can play them by holding them we're going to be using the petal of the piano as well so right here one of them the right paddle if you have multiple is the sustain pedal and you're going to use that to make the note sound longer but we will learn a little bit more about that later on so you don't have to worry about that now if you're having trouble to use that pedal or you don't know how that makes a whole lot of sense so with you the notes are going to be sounding a bit more a bit more like that okay and that is okay because if you don't know how to use the pedal yet um there's no other way around it but if you do press the pedal it's gonna sound a bit more like this okay so if you want to start to use a pedal already basically we're going to play in these little and then and what you do is you simply you press the pedal before you have a piece so I press it I play and now release it and then I press it again [Music] and I release it and I press it again okay like that so you can experiment with that a little bit already if you want but mainly I want to focus on what our hands are doing not so much the feet okay so if it sounds like this I'm happy with that as well we're going to start with the left as I said so you play c e G and we're going to do that three times in a row so wait a bit wait a bit and play it again you can also go slower [Music] like that okay practice that a couple of times if you need to but keep in mind that when we play this song there's going to be a break so you play wait a little bit wait a little bit like that okay and it's going to be like this one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six okay that's how we're going to count that right hand is going to start on this note with the thumb and we're going to play this little thing okay that's what we're going to play so we start on the C and then we play D e g okay so C e g now the way this fits in the counting is going to be one two three four five six okay so one two three four five six like that okay let's slow that down a little bit one two three four five six one two three four five six so what we actually do is we play this once and then we move the thumb from the C to the B but these fingers are gonna stay the same so the first time it's c one two three four five six Now we move to B one two three four five six so this entire bed one two three four five six one two three four five six C wait wait d e g b wait wait d e g and now we're moving to B flat okay so [Music] like that now is the cool bit we're going to combine left and right so let me move the camera a little bit more here there we go we're now going to combine left and right you know that we have this one two three four five six and remember left was one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six remember that actually let me move it a little bit more here we go remember that so one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six so left is being played on one two and three the right hand is being played one two three four five six so you play left on one two and three and right on one four five and six this means that left and right are being played together on the first note so play them together and then left okay so we'll be together left left right right right okay so together left left right right right okay so do this slowly a couple of times we can go very slow in the beginning that's fine play them together left left right right right do that again together left left right right right let's do the counting one two three four five six one two three four five six the right hand is playing and then moving to the B so let's give that a go so we're going to play the same and left because left keeps on repeating the same and right we're gonna change to this B so let's go slowly two three four five six now change right to the to the B and then we do the same one two three four five six back to the beginning so together left left right right right together left left right right right if that's going too quick for you let's do it a little bit slower together left left right right right together left left right right I'm playing this without a pedal right now by the way just so you know okay so once more together left left okay now we went up to the B flat remember so right is starting here there and there okay so left is still going to play the same and now we play the B flat so we play them together left left so let's get all the way up to there go to B flat like that okay let's do that one more time very slowly and then I'll do one more time a little bit quicker and then even quicker see if you can keep up now if at any moment you cannot play that quick without making a mistake slow it down okay it's better to slow it down and practice it gently slowly speed will come the most common mistake is that people want to go too quick too fast they will learn it the wrong way and then it's very hard to get it out later okay there's one song that I learned to play all the way in the beginning of my piano career and I messed it up the way I practiced it and up to this day I'm having issues to play that song correctly because my fingers are used to the way I played it so rather go slow here we go slow a little bit faster and then a little bit faster okay now let's go a little bit faster [Music] like that and even a little bit faster okay now we've reached an interesting part of the song Because up until here the right hand is just playing okay and the left hand is playing the same the whole time but now after playing this B flat the right hand is moving to a okay so agf instead of the d e g that we have been doing okay agf so this is [Music] like this together left left right right the system is still still the same B flat E G a g f okay so the left hand is playing this for three times the road hand is moving C B B flat okay those are the three times that we play so let's do that one more time again we end up right here okay so so let's combine that once more by playing it slowly and then a little bit quicker and then we will actually change the left hand so far okay so here we go slowly foreign a little bit quicker [Music] there we go okay so now what's gonna happen let me play the next piece and then what dissect it a little bit so you come here foreign [Music] is doing three different kind of things right now we play this okay left this plane f a c f a flat C d f a okay so let's do that a couple of times to get used to it like that okay slower [Music] like that I want you to keep in mind that when I'm playing this there's a camera between my face and my hand and I have to sit back from the piano a little bit further than I usually do I'm also trying to make sure that I play in a way that you can see so sometimes I will be holding my hand back a little bit further than I would usually do so do not pay too much attention to how my hand is positioned okay don't focus on that too much but you can look at where my fingers are touching the notes like I'm trying to play with the correct fingers as much as I can also I have very small hands so sometimes it may be easier for you to play it in a different way but this is how I like to play it so f a c f a flat C d f a and there's the same principles in the beginning here one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six okay the right hand was coming in here from agf and we are now going to play e d c d e d c d e okay so this will be one two three four five six one two three four five six one okay you may already be noticing that when I play my left hand separately on my right hand the song sounds completely different as when I play them together and this has to do with the fact that when you play them together you get certain chords that are being played and you don't need to know anything about that for now but if you're practicing yourself and you think Hmm it sounds a little bit weird um it sounds different when he plays it or whatever maybe this has to do with the fact that when you play these notes separately when you play your hands separately the song sounds different and that makes a whole lot of sense okay so again road is coming in here agf and then basically we land here on e d c d e d c d e so we came from here one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three okay that's where we are right now so now is the tricky bit before the left hand was playing the same thing but now the left hand is changing okay so let's make it nice and easy and see how you go left is starting on this F and right is sorting on the E okay one of the things that you may have noticed is that the left hand is playing this C and then the right hand wants to play this c as well so make sure that your thumb gets out of the way in time for your right-handed thumb okay so one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three now even though the left hand is changing here the right hand stays in the same area Okay so maybe right now it's advisable to have more attention on your left hand than on the right because the right hand is saying in the same grip on the same notes the whole time throughout this area so one more time slowly and then I'll speed it up a little bit and then we will connect piece number one and piece number two very slowly speed that up a little bit as well so [Music] okay like that a little bit quicker [Music] like that if you're having issues to play this keep in mind this is one of the first piano songs you're most likely learning if not the first and you do not have to go as quick as the video is going okay I'm explaining this but if there's any part where you go okay I want to pause the video I want to practice a little bit more you can always pause the video you can always rewind a little bit go back to the part where we're going before so don't worry about that for now let's um combine these two parts very slowly try and play along but if you can't watch me play it and then pause the video Try it yourself a couple of times and then if you manage super good if you don't manage simply move back into the video a little bit and watch it again and pause it and try it until you get it okay I would really like you to get this part and before we move on to the next part here we go super slow and then I'll do it a little bit quicker [Music] foreign [Music] foreign slow and then a little bit quicker and you can keep your own pace you really do not have to go anywhere near as quick as I'm going you can take it easy but try to count one two three four five six one two three four five six if it's helpful to you if it is not helpful don't count and just play we're almost done with the first part of this song so let's finish it up we ended up right here [Music] okay so now the right hand is going to play C Okay so this is where we moved from we moved from B flat all the way over here okay we went a whole different course we're doing the same here okay moving to DCA so let's put that at the end of what we've been playing so far so here [Music] okay d c a let me do that one more time a little bit slower so you can actually play along here we go just like that okay and now we have to finish up this section by playing this okay you cannot see the left hand so I'm gonna change the camera a bit there we go so left was here on DFA we're going to jump down to gbd I only have to play that once and the right hand is going to play g a b d so it's still the same pattern one two three four five six and here it's one two three four five six so let's combine these [Music] like that okay [Music] so let's do the whole bid I thought we did so far okay if you still want to practice small little bits pause the video right now and then I'm going to play through the whole bit that we did so far [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] okay so what I just did is I played this twice one time slowly one time a little bit quicker and what you actually may have noticed is that that's how this song is actually going you play this first bit two times okay of course you don't play it at different Paces you can if you want to if you want to get used to it play it slowly and done a little bit quicker but normally when you play this song it's going to be one pace okay whatever something like that depending on how quick you want to go and you play this whole first section that we just learned in one go now the cool thing is there's one variation in the song so we're going to teach you that in a bit and then all you have to do is end up with the end of the song okay this little ending up right there okay so if you know how to play everything we did so far if you're doing a good job then congratulations because you've already nailed probably 70 of the song okay because the the next part is just a little variation but the idea is going to be the same one two three four five six one two Etc so you're already using that we are just going to change the specific notes you're playing okay so have a little break get a glass of water pause the video and then come back to learn the variation that's happening in this song and then eventually the ending as well we have about 15 minutes left in this lesson in this practice bid before I'm going to show you the homework for this lesson good so I hope you have a clear mind I hope you took some water a little bit of a break I did so as well um even though you're not able to see that in the video actually it took a little break this is really important guys sometimes when you're playing the piano you may be frustrated to learn something or it's just not going your way and then what you should do is take a five or ten minute break and if it's really not working out then sometimes you take a full day break okay but um it's very important when things are not going the way you want them to go if you keep on going your muscle memory especially when playing piano but it's also with different parts of life of course but especially when playing the piano your fingers will learn the wrong thing the muscle memory will store the wrong movement in your fingers so if you're stressed and it's not working out and you keep on making the same mistake you're either playing too quick or you did not take a break at the moment where you should take it so if you realize that just stop take that break let the water let the toilet break or maybe even just wait a whole day before you try it again that's okay so now we are going to put in this bit that I really like I'm gonna play it first so you can listen and see it a little bit foreign what's basically happening is that we start with the same thing okay up until here but now instead of playing the G we're going to the F to make it dramatic [Music] okay you hear that and then we saw the new section right here on the G so let's simply run down your fingers okay one two three four five six and we start the new section right here like that okay [Music] okay let's have a look at this let's start with left you play G B flat d G B flat d flat f a c f a flat C okay so quite an interesting bit and it's again the same thing one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six now if you're not used to playing the piano this may be hard for you to remember um in a couple of lessons this will be very easy for you to remember because we're just playing some really recognizable patterns in the left hand but you don't recognize them yet and that's okay so take your time to learn this play along with me G B flat d four five six G B flat d flat four five six f a c four five six f a flat C four five six one more time slowly without me talking through it foreign [Music] and now we're just going to play this okay so as soon as that g is being played f e f g f e f g f e f g so that's three times already and now just play the f okay so G two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four okay but you only play that four let's do it one more time foreign [Music] let's combine them okay I'm going to combine them relatively quickly right now but then I will slow it down but I just want to show you one time how it combines okay so we start right here let's do that one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four like that okay so let's do that very slowly and then a little bit quicker after that so you can play along and again if this doesn't work these things in the left hand may be a little bit tricky for you in the beginning okay so just take it easy with yourself as well you're doing a very good job even watching this so um just stick in there and you'll be fine okay we're gonna do it slowly and then a little bit quicker foreign foreign [Music] don't worry at the end of this lesson I'm going to play through this whole song very slowly so you'll be able to have a look at how it all fits together then but I guess you have a pretty good idea already you play the first bit [Music] and then after having done that two times we move on here okay so let's continue on right here [Music] and now what we're doing the right hand you already know okay so you already know that ending up right there the left hand is a little bit different in the sense that we used to play f a c have a flat C and DFA okay so remember this [Music] okay that little bit right there right now the left hand is going to play d f a d f a flat and then back to d f a it's the left hand that is changing before we were here fac f a flat c and d f a and now we're starting already on DFA DFA flat and the away and then we move down to gbd okay so this bit let's start right here this is what the transition happens and now like that okay so one more time slowly [Music] and again this whole piece is one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six Etc keeps on going like that okay so let's leave this whole bit that we just did very slowly and then we will finish up this song because that's all there is left to it so here we go let's do it slow thank you [Music] thank you thank you so what we're doing right now in the song we finish right here we're going to do the first bit again [Music] until there and now we're going to do four times is with the left c a g okay that's what's left and now with right c a g so you do this right after each other one two three four five six and now we're gonna have to move so let's move the camera a little bit here we go so I was going right here over cross over my left hand wow that looks so cool if you do that okay so G c a g and now here you cannot even see that on the camera anymore damn this is going really high right here is where I finish up so here and then finishing up like this okay so how do you do that once more c a g c a g and you do that two more times so c a g c a g cross the left hand over do CAG now the right hand and now it's up to you you can play that high C with your left hand and now this is cool you're going to play c g c and e at the same time to finish up if you can do that okay so like that and that's the entire song so I'm going to play this entire song for you right now relatively slowly and you can see if you can play along you can just use it as an instruction kinda and then we move on to the homework which for this lesson is not going to be that much so make sure to stick around and listen and look at how I play this song and then stick around for the homework it'll be like another two minutes and then we're done with the lesson for today [Music] thank you thank you foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign this lesson so far this was the practice bit right now let's get into the homework we didn't really do any theory in this lesson per se but there's going to be a lot of that in the next one so don't worry about that the homework well the homework for this lesson is quite obvious I want you to practice this song and you don't have to be able to play it perfect you don't have to be able to play it up to speed what I want you to do is I want you to see how far you can get see if you when you play this slowly if you're able to get used to the one two three four five six one two three four five six one two if you can get used to that kind of thing because basically the whole song is in that one two three four five six kind of setup right see if you can get used to that have a little bit of fun make sure to watch this lesson again if you're having trouble or scroll back to a part where you're having trouble with maybe the uh the news section okay so we started with the first section and we had to repeat that and then we played the next section which is a little bit more tricky maybe than the first one so make sure to check that out for now I want to thank you for watching thank you for keeping up with the course in the next lesson we're going to discuss scales this is a very very very important so make sure to watch that lesson you're going to learn a lot and there's going to be a whole lot of aha moments you know like oh now I get it that's going to be in the next lesson lesson 1.3 of this living room piano chords for now get some rest try to play this the next time you're behind the piano and I will see you in the next one so before we move on let me quickly remind you that you can find the entire course on pgmpiano.com and the best thing is there are no ads on the videos also the entire course is split out in different chapters and lessons and if that isn't enough you can also find the ultimate piano course on there as well as well as over a thousand lessons for specific songs so if you want to learn your favorite Ed Sheeran songs or Adele's Aerosmith or queen uruma or any other composer that you might like that you can find on the website you can learn the specific songs right there there's midi lessons there's chord lessons there's letter based lessons you can find it all on pgmpiano.com and since you're watching this video right here I'm willing to give you 30 discount on any of the memberships using the code virtual so simply enter decode virtual and you will get 30 off as long as you remain a member on bgmpiano.com hi welcome to lesson 1.3 in the living room piano chords in this lesson I'm going to be teaching you about the major scales this is one of the most important things to understand when playing the piano if you don't have a clue about this it's going to be very hard to progress through a high level so what I did when I started to play at the piano I was around 17 and all I did was learning song song songs and just playing playing and there's nothing wrong with that okay that's cool it's way better than just learning boring music theory or really stupid simple songs but eventually if you want to take that next step you are going to have to learn something about music theory like in this case skills so that's what we're going to do right now and before I tell you a little bit more let me just remind you that the whole idea of this course is that every lesson is a little block and if you watch that whole lesson in one go in one sitting that will be most beneficial to you because I structured these lessons so that if you start you may have some questions but then at the end of the lesson hopefully all of the questions are answered so yes these lessons are quite long 45 minutes to an hour but it really helps you if you sit down find a moment every week or maybe twice per week where you go okay I'm gonna watch this entire lesson and that actually really helps you in the learning process so for now what about these skills so have you ever been singing this song in your head or just out loud so let's say um same bad but it feels just a little bit bigger now and then you look at that song because you wanted to you know you say oh that's a good song I'll look it up and then you hear the person singing same bad but it feels just a little bit bigger now where you go oh like why is that different right so there's people that go same bad but it feels just a little bit bigger now and they have same bad but it feels just a little bit bigger now same bad butter feels just a little bit bigger now same bad but it feels just a little bit bigger now now which one is correct now first of all I'm sorry I had to sit through that but apart from that which one is correct they they they pretty much all sound okay right they go like maybe it's that one maybe it's that one okay they all sound horrible because I'm singing them but apart from that you go ah I think it's that one so if I translate that to piano let's see what happens [Music] so is that one correct or foreign or is that one correct they all sound right they all sound like that's how the song is supposed to go so how's that possible well the short answer is I'm playing these songs and I was saying these songs in different keys and keys are based on skills so that's what we're going to learn today the different major skills how you can identify them how you can figure them out and eventually later on in this course you don't have to worry about that at all but we're actually going to learn how to take a song that's written in a certain key or a certain scale and transform that to another scale so we can actually change the song this is very helpful let's say that you want to play the piano and somebody is singing and um it's a girl instead of a guy and the song was written for a guy and so the girl has issues because if she sings at the same key that the guy who wrote this song was originally singing in it's either going to be too low for her like same bird feels juicy you know it's way too low or it's gonna be way too high for her because she picks another octave higher so what we can then do is go like okay well let's write that song down a little bit or let's push it up a little bit but not a whole chunk okay so that's just one of the things that you can do when you know your skills we're gonna do that later on in the course right now we're going to start by learning all of the major skills okay so we're in a theory bit again today there is going to be a practice bit as well but it will be a little bit later on let's start with the theory the first thing I would like you to do is to head over to your resource files on pgmpiano.com resources and you can download file number three and I will show it in the screen right now and what you will see is you see three pianos and um and you see that you can actually add the name of the scale that you're writing down you can add the notes that are in the scale and and you can also color in stuff in the piano so what I want you to do for this lesson is print this file six times if possible if you don't have a printer or if you watching this on mobile you cannot download it or whatever that's absolutely fine you can simply draw a piano yourself draw an empty piano yourself um you may not want to do that 18 times those so see what you're doing right there but I ideally you can print the resource file if you don't want to write along it's absolutely fine as well it's just a tool that will help you to understand this a little bit better but if you say Luke I'm sitting in the train and I'm watching this on my way to work or to school no problem you can follow this without the resource file as well but it will help you a little bit more cool so I'm going to demonstrate to you what I want you to do so the whole idea of a key or a skill is basically indicate which notes are allowed to be played and which notes aren't in a certain song So as you still remember hopefully from the previous lessons let me rotate that camera a bit if we looked at this area right here we have 12 notes if we play all 12 of them that's not going to work in a song generally speaking and for now we're going to stick to that as well we will only have seven nodes in one song this may be quite a relief to you because having only seven notes in there is actually really nice because it makes it a lot easier you don't have to pick from 12 you only have to pick from seven so as you will also remember we had 21 node names in the lesson about node names so you may think but now you're talking about 12 yes so we have 12 keys so once more 12 Keys one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve but we have 21 names because a lot of these Keys have double names there's only three keys that don't have a double name up until now okay so if this is a bit confusing to you right now don't worry it will become easier and you will get all of this stuff later so for now we have 12 notes as I said you're only allowed to play seven in a song which means we're going to play seven notes and we're going to remove five notes okay so there's five notes that we're not playing in every song now seven is that we are playing and there's a total of 12. the first thing you have to realize is that when we talk about skills major skills every node has to be in the scale once and it can never be in that twice so you may go like dude you were just talking about that we leave five notes out yes so now I'm only talking about the letters so the letters that we have are a b c d e f and G and all of these letters have to be in every scale once and they're not allowed in twice now there's one exception when we are going to draw these skills on our resource file you will note that below the piano there's eight spots okay there's eight spots and that's because when we practice our skills we always end up on the same note as where we start so that note isn't really part of the skill it's just more that we want to have the same and the same beginning so if this was the a major skill for instance I would simply add another a at the end so that when we play it we can finish up on an A and start on an a otherwise it would sound like this foreign [Music] okay so therefore we always have the same note at the end as in the beginning when we write down our scales on our resource file so what I want you to do is on the resource file you have the piano right and then you have here scale name blah blah blah blah and then you have the notes that are in the scale so the first thing I want you to do is to pick the first seven pianos okay so you have two so you take three sheets of paper and on the first piano you you write a major okay that doesn't fit so what you write there is a major okay on the second one you're going to write the second piano you're going to write B major and you're going to continue this all the way until G major so there's going to be seven pianos that we use right now um first one is a major and you write it all the way until G major every piano gets their own skill so what I want you to do now is leave the piano empty we're not going to use that yet we're just going to write down these nodes below the piano now if you followed along you have seven pianos where you put a name in now skill name okay a major B major C major Etc what I want you to do is when you have these eight notes that you can enter underneath your piano on the first position of the first piano I want you to put a and on the last position I want you to put a as well okay and this is of course for the piano where you wrote down a major scale now for the next one I want you to write down B and B okay I would like to continue this process for all of the pianos so for the a major skill you have a and a for the B images good you have B and B Etc okay let me show you an example of what that would look like right now so the first piano is a major skill second piano B major skill third piano C major skill and we have the first letters filled in and now what I want you to do and keep in mind we are just starting to enter these skills so they're not going to be complete yet but these are the correct steps to follow okay what I want you to do is I want you to take some time to fill up the entire scale on all of these pianos how are you going to do that with alphabetical order so a major you're going to write b c d e f g and then you already have the a for B you simply if you look at the alphabetical order up top you're going to start with C so like that okay so b c d e f g a b we can do this for C d e f g a b c okay and I want you to do this for all of the seven pianos that we are doing right now on the resource file so at the end you will have a different letter of sorting but the uh order will always be alphabetical okay so I hope you pause the video if you haven't done so do that now and and finish up your resource file so now we have a bit of a problem the only skill that is actually correct on your resource file right now is the c major skills c d e f g a b c and if we have a look at the piano that makes sense listen okay [Music] now any of the other skills for instance the a major skill that you have written down like that A B C D E F G A if I would play that okay that's a weird sound because we want all of the major skills to sound like this okay so that's a little bit weird we eventually want to work towards the spot where C sounds like this and a sounds like this okay so this means that there's going to be a couple of black notes that we will have to introduce in these scales so what I want you to do for now is I want you to have a look at your piano in the um in the resource file and I want you to color in the c major skill already on the piano because that one is correct so what I would do is I would simply put little dots if you have the piano right here so if you have the piano right there you simply put little dots on all of the notes that you have to play okay and you only do this from C to C okay c d e f g a b c I will show you that in the resource file right now so now the question is if C major is correct why are all of the other ones wrong in order to explain this you want you to have a look at the piano right here so all of these notes we have 12 notes they're all a distance apart that we call half a note so you want to not walk here on the white bit you want to put your finger here and then walk this way so that you're going to reach every single note okay and then here if I walk here sounds a lot different [Music] than when I walk there okay so when I do this I'm playing what we call half notes all the time so it doesn't matter if you go from white to black or from black to white or here from white to white every time when you hit a next note is half a note so a half note and I would like to abbreviate that with an H okay half again it does not matter if we go from white to white from white to black from black to white but if we play two half notes we get a whole note of course so from here to here is half from here to here is also half so therefore from here to here is a whole note okay so whenever you skip a note we're talking about a whole note so C to D is a whole note because we're skipping this note right here D to e is a whole note because we're skipping this note right here even though it looks the same as right here look this distance is exactly the same as here and here but because there's no node in the middle we're not skipping a note so this is only half a note pay attention to that very important from here to here we skip a note whole note Skipper node so this is a whole node and here we don't skip a note so it's half a whole node we use w so now we're going to build a pattern for that c major skill okay so if we have a look as I said we only play wide note okay so we have to figure out what the steps are so as I said from here to here because we're skipping a note we play a whole note okay so write down a w so now I went from C to D now I want to go from D to e because I have to play the white notes for C major okay so from D to E I'm skipping a note so again a whole note oh that's a little crooked but anyway so now I'm on E right so that c whole node D whole node e now I have to move to F because I'm staying on a white nose and you know this is only half a note so we're going to write down half a note okay so for now the c major scale start here whole node whole node and then half a note this distance right here now we have to move on to the G because we stay on wide notes so there's a black note in between there's a node in between so it's a whole note so write that down whole note and we can already see that it's going to be the same for a and for B because there's black notes in between so we can write those down as well and now all we have to do is go back to C so we're on B go to C there's no node in between so that's half a node okay so now we have this pattern wwh w w w h and this pattern is the pattern for the c major scale now we have a lot of major skills we're going to do 17 in this bit of the course so if every major skill would have a different pattern that's going to be such a ball breaker okay so I can already tell you that that is not the case this code this pattern works for every major scale you can simply start on any note let's zoom out a little bit you can simply start on any note let's say c and then add a whole node so we end up on D add a whole node so we end up on E at a half note so we end up on F Etc and we can do that and we will always end up on a major scale so you may be wondering but Mark we already have all of these skills because when I start on a I add a whole node so I end up on B I add a whole note so I end up on C etc etc but let's have a look at the piano to see if that's actually correct so when I start on a I have to play a whole note so I skip One play the B that's correct and now I have to play a whole note again so skip wait there's no node to skip here so I actually have to skip this node right here and I will end up on here okay so ABC is not correct because we're ending up on a black note not on the C it's a d flat or C sharp so now we're going to take these seven skills that you already entered and again the c major scale is correct but we're going to figure out the correct skills for all of the other ones so let's put that on the board and and we will do this together and enter all of the correct skills so before we're going to write down all of these skills on the board I want you to take your resource file the ones you're working on um you're probably working on three pages by now and I want you to put that code wwh w w w h on top of that page the reason I didn't print them on that is because we're going to use these Pages later on for different types of skills and different types of exercises so I didn't want to put that on there because we sometimes may use a different code but I want you to put wwh wwwh on there right now I also want to give you a little idea of why these skills are useful because right now we're going to invest a lot of time to figure them out um and the whole idea is that these skills are going to tell you when you play a song which nodes you can play and which notes you don't have to think about which notes you can ignore so let's say a major if you know that a song is written in a major then you already know which notes you don't have to play and which notes you can focus on and that's going to be super helpful later so for now what we're going to do is we're going to figure out a major and B major together and then you're going to fill out d e f and g major yourself and then later on I will check that to see if you actually managed to do that so for now let's figure out A and B major and then you can do the other ones yourself and we will check that out later okay so if you have a look at your resource file you will have A and B major with the ending notes and you're already put in all the notes in between as well okay so with all of the nodes filled in it will look like this and this is already correct you have the correct notes there but we do have to decide is a node let's say this C is it just a c is it a C sharp or is it a C flat okay that's very important to figure that out now one thing you can be sure of is that the first node and the last node the A and the b in this case are going to be correct okay so for a major it's just an a for B major it's just a b the name of this skill is always going to be the first note in your scale and this note is always just the name of the skill so a major is going to be a we also have a sharp major so then the first note would be a sharp okay I hope that makes sense so right now we're going for a major and B major so these notes are correct already and now we're simply going to walk on the piano okay and we're going to start with a major so a now we have to take a whole step so we Skip One note and we play B okay so B is correct I'm going to circle that in a bit and then we have to take a whole step again so Skip One node which is this and move up here okay so a b and this note right here the question is always is this the d flat or the C sharp and that's why we already filled this in to help us out look it has to be a c so the B is correct as I said and the C is this black note right here this note so I have to name it C sharp okay because if it's a flat it would be d flat but that's not possible because the next node I have to use is C and that's why I like to fill them in like this so C sharp is the next node in my a major scale so what we did is we did a whole node we started here whole node whole node and now we have to do half note remember whole whole half okay so we did we started here whole mode whole note now we have to do half a note so just the next note is going to be this one the D okay so moving here which is the next ah it is the D so that's correct and I can simply fill out the D right there cool so now moving on I'm on D I just did my half note so now I have to do a whole note so I'm on D skip a note play the next okay so the next one is e Ah that's there so that's convenient okay and now we have to move on we have to do not a whole note so from E I have to skip a note and then place this one right here now this note as you know hopefully is either an F sharp or a g flat so we have to see is it F sharp or g flat ah it says F so I have to make this into an F sharp so now this one is correct as well so now I'm on F sharp right here and I have to do another whole note okay so a skipper note play another note now is this is this going to be a flat or G sharp let's have a look the only option left is G so we have a G sharp and now we have all of the nodes in let's check if that's correct A B C sharp D E F sharp G sharp and a let's listen A B C sharp D E F sharp G sharp and a that is correct so now that we have this you can actually draw it in the piano okay so you have this C sharp F sharp and G sharp please draw that in the piano so color in the dots for a b c sharp D E F sharp G sharp and a put a little dot like with a red pen or some color in that file so you actually have that visually as well as uh literally you know alphabetically written down there okay let's do the same with B major and then I want you to you already have C major done so then I wanted to move on with d e f and g and do them by yourself and then I'm gonna check that for you to make sure that you have the correct answers so B we have to start with the whole note so skip a note we're going to end up on this note right here this can be d flat or C sharp let's see what we have ah we have to make a c so C sharp now we have to do not a whole note so I'm on C sharp I have to skip a note and then this note is the next okay now I'll tell you a little secret we already know there has to be a sharp because this one is a sharp so we're usually going to stick to look sharp sharp sharp here it's going to be the same so the next one is going to be sharp as well if I have to pick between sharp and flat from now on it's going to be sharp so B C sharp D sharp so I did a whole note and a whole note now I have to do a half note so I'm on D sharp and I have to do a half note so I'm simply going to do one and I'll end up on E half note done now I have to do three whole notes okay let's see if we can remember this to speed things up a bit so e gonna skip a node F sharp because we know it has to be a sharp Skipper node G sharp because we know it has to be a sharp Skipper node a sharp okay yeah whole note whole note whole note Sharp sharp sharp okay so for B major B C sharp D sharp E F sharp G sharp a sharp B which basically means that we have five Black Keys in the lesson okay and that sounds correct so right now we have a B foreign [Music] so three skills done already please right now move to your resource file and finish D major E major F major and G major pause the video and once you're done I want you to put in Sharps but it could also be Flats okay so be careful it could also be Flats and make sure to finish that using the wwh wwwh right now we're heading into the practice bid this is your practice for these scales so check that out right now see if you can find all of these skills and then pause the video because as soon as you're back I'm going to reveal these skills to you okay so don't worry I blurred the image on purpose just in case you're still watching and you haven't figured out your um skills yet but I'm going to reveal the first one the D major scale in three seconds say three two one and this is the skills I want you to check if this is correct if this is what you actually have on your resource file d e and then we go to F sharp g a b c sharp and D okay so um make sure you have that and then the second one I'm going to reveal that in three two one e we have F sharp and G sharp A B C sharp and D sharp and E so I hope you got that correct as well make sure look we're doing a whole a whole and a half node whole whole whole half okay the next one the F major scale I'm gonna reveal that in three seconds three two one okay f g a B flat okay there's a B flat if you had a sharp you have two a's okay f g a a that's weird we want to have F G A B flat c d e f and then the final one G major revealing that in three seconds three two one g a b c d e f sharp there's only one sharp in here and it's the F sharp so I hope you had these skills written down correctly we're going to be Towing quite a lot with skills in this course if you didn't don't worry it's not the easiest thing to do but make sure that you actually have your resource files printed and then write the correct skills in there and you can also draw little dots in your piano so you see exactly which notes are in there so right now on your resource file you should have your scale name and then the correct notes written down okay below the piano and also those notes represented with a little dot or Little X or something in your piano so you can actually visually see it now I'm also going to give you a little bit of homework right now what I want you to do is to take the other resource files that you still have empty and I want you to put in this C sharp as a D sharp F sharp G sharp and a sharp major scales so you're gonna start on C sharp you're gonna end on C sharp and you're going to do exactly the same so you're gonna write d e f g a b C sharp and now you have to figure out if there's any notes right here now when there's a sharp in the beginning okay these notes will also get Sharps if they get anything most likely okay so you're not going to see C sharp E flat whatever right so it's most likely going to be Sharps so C sharp D sharp F sharp G sharp and a sharp please put them on your resource file right now C sharp in the beginning c sharp in the end and fill up all of the other notes you can do that right now and then for your homework I want you to figure out exactly which of these notes have Sharps and um and which are just the normal notes and I want you to do the same thing for Flats okay so we're going to have d flat E flat g flat a flat and B flat so it has 10 skills in totals that I want you to do on your own without me and then later on in this video I will come back and check them with you and see if you actually managed to do them correctly so go ahead and do that right now as soon as this video resumes I will have the answers for you you're of course free to don't do anything and simply wait for me to tell you the answers but if you actually want to learn to do this stuff use that wwh wwwh formula and you'll be able to figure this stuff out in no time and it's so helpful if you do this yourself if you allow me to do all the work then you're just not learning anything okay so do it right now pause the video and by the time you'll be back I'll have the answers for you okay so I hope you had a good time figuring these out if you haven't done so already I've blurred the board just to be sure and I will be revealing the c-sharp major scale in three seconds one two three here we go so the C sharp major scale is relatively easy in the fact that every node carries a sharp so we have C sharp D sharp e sharp F sharp G sharp a sharp B sharp and C sharp so I hope you managed to figure that out again if you didn't this is quite advanced stuff so don't beat yourself over the head with it let's move on to the D sharp major skill and I was a little bit naughty um this skill is a bit tricky so if you had trouble figuring out this skill have a look right now we have D sharp e sharp and then an F with a cross okay or an X and that's something that I didn't tell you yet I hinted towards it in the note name lesson that we can have something as a double sharp so if you had D sharp e sharp and then an F with two sharps that was correct but we also note it by simply putting a little X sideways so that you know um oh well actually it's not sideways it's just a little X so that you know that it's a double sharp okay so D sharp e sharp F double sharp G sharp a sharp B Sharp C with an X again so that's a c double sharp and then D sharp so I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this before but I wanted to see if you were able to figure it out by yourself if you did so congratulations if you didn't I mean I really did not expect that you you did okay so if you haven't done so then still very good job on you for figuring out the other notes let's have a look at the F sharp major scale so we have F sharp G sharp a sharp B that's the only regular note and then C sharp D sharp e sharp and F sharp hope you got that Azan G sharp so it's G sharp a sharp B Sharp C sharp D sharp e sharp and then an F double sharp again so we have the cross okay and then for a Sharp it's a sharp B Sharp C double sharp so again an X or a cross and then D sharp e sharp F double sharp g double sharp and finishing up with a sharp so now let's have a look at how you did with the flats I'm very curious to see what you did with the flats so again I have blurred the answers because maybe you weren't ready yet but I am going to reveal the d flat major scale in three two one here we go so the flats are in general a lot nicer to work with than the sharps when it comes to skills because as you can see right here we don't have any doubles yet so d flat E flat g flat a flat and B flat and then F and C are just regular notes okay so d flat E flat F G flat A flat B flat c d flat let's have a look at E flat major also here a lot more clean than uh its broader resistor the D sharp major so E flat F G A flat B flat C D and E flat let's have a look at g flat major this one everything is a flat except for the F so g flat A flat B flat C flat d flat E flat F G flat let's check out a flat major A flat B flat C d flat E flat f g a flat and then B-flat major B flat CD E flat the E flat is the only other node that has been flattened and then FG and a so I hope that you did quite all right in this lesson I know it's a lot of information especially the first time and you may mainly think dude I now know so many skills but what do I have to do with that what is the use of it well we're going to figure that out quite soon there's a lot of stuff that we're going to do with this information basically if you think about it most of the cores will revolve around this so make sure that if you made a mistake take a little break an hour or two or maybe a day and then the uh these scales that you did not manage to fill in correctly try them again you can print the resource file as many times as you want you can always change the name of this scale because the files are empty right you can put your own name so let's say the d flat major scale the F sharp and the a sharp if you did not manage to get them correctly simply put them on a resource file and try again maybe tomorrow we are now going to move on to lesson 1.4 where we are going to actually play these skills with the correct finger position which is really important and there's also Daily skill practice exercise in that lesson so if you want to practice your skills which is something that you should be doing if you want to become really good at playing the piano it's one of these things that you just have to do you don't have to do it super often but it's good to do it now and then then the next lesson is absolutely going to be worth your while it will be mainly a practical lesson whereas this one was mainly theoretically based right that lesson is really going to involve the pianos if you can make sure you have a piano with you at the moment you're watching that lesson I want to thank you so much for watching this far if you enjoyed this course you can leave a review takes you about 30 seconds and really helps me and also other students to find this course and it helps them because you can actually tell them what you thought of the course and like I said it's a 30 second thing you can do so make sure to leave a positive review if you like this course and if you have any questions you can always reach out to me at pgmpiano fans gmail.com for now let's move into lesson 1.4 okay so thank you so much for watching part one of this course if you want to keep on watching please head over to pgmpiano.com you can watch the entire 20 hour course right there you can also find the ultimate piano chords there as well as over a thousand lessons for specific songs there's no ads on pgmpiano.com and you can watch all of the lessons as many times as you want of course and the resource files are located there as well make sure to use your special discount coupon virtual to get 30 of any membership for as long as you remain a member and keep in mind I can simply not offer this entire course free here on YouTube because first of all the video will be too long there will be too many ads and also it took me actually a couple of months to record and add a business entire course and I cannot just always give stuff away for free sometimes I can and sometimes I just have to pay the bills the electricity the food the mortgage you you can hopefully understand that as well so make sure to check out the entire course at pdmpino.com I want to thank you so much for watching here if you have any questions you can leave them in the comment section down below or send an email to PG and piano fans at gmail.com for now all I've got left to say is keep playing ...

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