Memorize the Piano Notes in Under 2 Minutes (Easy!)

keyboard notes Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano -For-All">Click Here 👈 what's up...

keyboard notes

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano-For-All">Click Here 👈

what's up my piano friends my name's Zack Evans today I'm gonna teach you how to memorize every single note on the entire keyboard in less than two minutes and we're actually gonna time it on my stopwatch and we're going to do this using a clever little pneumonic device that have literally taught to kindergartners and make sure you're paying attention because at the end of the video I'm gonna show you where to get the quiz to make sure that you learned all this stuff and the PDF cheat sheet to help you out all right time to get started focus for these two minutes in three two one so alright if you notice on the piano keyboard we have groups of two black notes and three-button notes two black three black to black three black to black three black all the way up the keyboard you know anytime you see three black notes we're gonna call this Grandma's house anytime you see two black notes we're gonna call it a dog house why cuz grandma has a dog house the dock house is obviously smaller so the two black notes this is the dog house now inside the dog house gets what lives there a dog right so the note in between the two black notes in the dog house is the dog and guess what it even kind of looks like a dog with the snout and the two ears dog D now guess what the dog has two friends he has a cat and an elephant yeah he's a pretty weird dog so cat C dog D elephant EEE boom now you have these three notes memorized and let's go to Grandma's house know like any house there's a front door F and there's a back door B and guess what when you walk on the front door you see grandma grandma G and she's baking an apple pie eggs so we have front door grandma apple pie back door F G a B boom now you know all these notes now guess what anywhere on the keyboard these are the same if you have a dog house up here this is D if you have grandma's house down here its front door grandma Apple door or apple pie back door it's the same no matter where we are on the keyboard boom now you know all the white notes now let's talk about the black notes all the black notes are pretty simple you've probably heard of sharps and flats now a flat is any time the note goes down so for example if you have a basketball and it goes flat the basketball goes down so for example if we have D flats we just take a D and we go down one note flat G flex a flex and sharp is the opposite sharp goes up the sharpest kids in the class go to the top of their career so if we have D sharp yes notice B sharp a sharp F sharp boom now we know all the notes on the keyboard and we have seven seconds to spare all right I hope you were paying attention there's gonna be a quiz and I'm gonna show you exactly where to get it as well as the cheat sheet but first let's do a quick review so we got dog house and grandma's house we have cat dog elephant CDE we have front door grandma apple pie back door F G a B these notes are the same all throughout the keyboard no matter what dog house or grandma's house you're using and on top of that flats are any time you go down so B flat sharps or any time you go up G sharp this note is G sharp alright so what I want you to do right now is this is gonna be a quiz so I want you to click the link in this video I'll put one in the description and one somewhere on the screen that's gonna take you to this page note names bonuses and extra resources all you do is enter your first name email address hit get my bonuses and that's gonna take you to this page you notice this first link is the quiz so I want you to click that link that'll take you to the quiz and there's going to be a bunch of questions where it says what note is this you put in your answer answer them all hit submit and then go ahead and comment what score you got on the quiz now after that there's also gonna be some exercises so you notice exercise one this is a flashcards exercise there's also an online training exercise that you don't even have to be near a piano to do now the flashcard cheat sheets are down here so you can click on these print them off and actually cut out flashcards and the note names cheat sheet is here and that's gonna look like this it shows you the dog house Grandma's house and all the note names to make it easier for you guys and on top of that if you scroll down there's other helpful lessons and this is like hey Zack I did all these lessons this makes sense to me I'm going to take my piano game to the next level I love that attitude so if you're one of those people there's gonna be extra lessons down here alright so right now click that link sign up for the bonuses take the quiz and let me know in the comments what score you got thanks a lot for watching peace out and happy practicing [Music] ...

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