My 14 favorite piano books for beginners! (update)

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beginner piano books

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hello and welcome to today's episode of cameron tv i am alicia your host and i wanted to share with you some of my favorite books for piano beginners and i have done a video like this but i did it way back in 2015 right around the time i started the channel so i have an updated version and i have a lot more books than i did the first time around because i have just done an extra six years of teaching since i made that video so without too much ado i wanna just share with you i think i have something like 14 books in this pile i think i added a couple extra there might be 16 books there was supposed to be 10 and then it just kind of uh expanded and kept expanding it's like i can't forget this one so some of these are an overlap with the original video that i did back in 2015 but most of these are new and caveat you do not need all of these books there's no reason that you should go and buy every single one of these my hope is that by sharing with you some of these books and why i like them and just showing you like a little taste of the music that you'll find in these books you'll find something that you can look at maybe just like one book a new idea a new book to try not 14 though like unless you're you're a crazy book collector like i am so let's get into it the most important ones that i'm gonna start with are the method books that i am most familiar with using which is the i just totally hit my elbow on the shelf piano adventures for adults one and two i always supplement my teaching even if i'm doing um like i'm picking and choosing from other sources i always supplement my teaching with method book structure because method books though they don't provide a repertoire of really interesting pieces i mean some of the pieces are nice but for the most part it's just more like exercises or um like lesson type pieces so um i like to supplement method books with pieces that have a little bit more pizzazz let's say but i think that they provide a really good structure and a really good template kind of like uh like a like a lesson book uh well it's literally a lesson book so what am i trying to say here it just uh it's a nice if you're spending a year at preparatory level before going to grade one like in the beginner stage then going through one to two method books in that year at the same time as learning other pieces individually i think is a really really good format you're going to get a lot of sight rating practice you're going to be introduced to concepts in a linear structured manner so that there's not going to be as many gaps or hopefully any gaps in your learning and this is similar to the approach that i use when i teach my online lessons with complete piano path uh which is something that um you can always join the waitlist i open them twice a year if like for these group lessons but what i recommend my students do even though i give them a piece to work on every single week something that maybe theoretically has a little bit more pizzazz i do give them uh guidelines for following along with a method book in uh like separate practice so um that's something that i've always done with my students and i swear by it i'm a big fan of method books that's my spiel piano adventures are just my favorite in terms of most familiar they might not be the best ones out there but they're the best ones that i've used a lot next and this is an old book it's a little bit different now is the royal conservatory of music preparatory repertoire book so they um have level a and b so they've divided up the beginner stage into a so super beginners and b which is progressing beginners sort of in the same way that i've divided it up my my online teaching classes where i have complete piano path a and b and one is for complete beginners and one is for progressing beginners very similar thing with the royal conservatory of music books and then after that you go into grade one so i have the old book which is all in one but the new rcm books are divided prep a prep b those are good for um they're just nice collection collection books so you'll get a diverse palette of of pieces by a whole bunch of different composers from all kinds of different backgrounds and there's something for everyone in them i'm not usually a huge fan of collections i usually like to buy a book written by an artist as opposed to it's kind of like if you buy a cd buying like big shiny tunes three which is a pretty great album or just buying the google dolls album i was trying to think of what songs are on that album um i like to usually just buy them by the individual artist but i do make an exception for the rcm books typically but let's get into i believe the rest of these yes every single one of these on the pile is individual artists so let's get into individual artists we'll start with um bella bar talk micro cosmos i have talked about these at lengths on this channel um these books the first book in particular starts at pretty much a complete beginner level and ends at around a grade one or two level i think there's 36 exercises or something like that um great little study book uh not everyone likes the sound of bartox music so you might want to listen to what they sound like before you make a decision on that um but yeah i'm a big fan of teaching from these i think this is just good sight reading practice good hand independence practice um yeah that's something that i've started to use a lot more in the last five years another thing that i've started to use a lot more in the last five years and one note about these two is these two collections are i believe in the public domain because they were published a long time ago so you can access them on same goes for coons's conrad coons is canons i have his first book i can't ever seem to get a hold of the second book i don't even know if it's published in any format but the first book is all you need it's basically well a hundred cannons and they start at a complete beginner level and they go to better grade one or two level actually they probably go a little beyond that so um if you were to even just do like one of these a week and work through it cannons are amazing for hand independence practice i did a whole video just on this because i feel really passionately about this book so good one for beginners um i like um i was looking through my probably like a year or two ago i was looking through my music collection i was kind of begrudging the fact that um i didn't have a ton of diversity like engender with the composers that i was teaching so for my beginner materials especially i made an effort to explore um canadian artists because i think it's i'm canadian i kind of like to support other canadian artists but also female artists so one awesome female artist who has really good music for beginner level is melanie bonus so this is a um album i don't know if i pronounce that right sorry guys um but yeah there's some really nice pieces in this one i find the whole book is pretty approachable i'm just flipping through it um all the way up until about a grade one or two level some of the pieces at the end are maybe a little bit more challenging but there's a lot of yeah a lot of nice sounding nice sounding pieces and that's fun so that's a good one i got two kabalevsky books and these are uh oldies but goodies so pretty much every students i've ever taught in my entire life i've taught them at least five pieces from this book so this is kampalevsky's 24 pieces for children opus 39 the first i'd say like five or six exercises or pieces i mean on this book they fit on two pages so they're short but they're really potent they're great to practice they're great for beginners and like not a total beginner but someone who's been playing for like i don't know like three to six months or so uh i love kabalevsky's music really good stuff so um the whole book is good i also i don't teach out of this one as much but there's some really cool pieces in his 35 easy pieces opus 89 which um has a like a lovely piece called first waltz which i believe is in the um rcm repertoire if i remember correctly at a preparatory level it's really it's a really beautiful waltz but there's also like a lot of other fun ones like at recess or there's a first piece very very easy that can be done by total beginners there's a first etude which is a little exercise in um basically in chord patterns and so on so these are really cool books kabalevsky is a early 20th century composer his work is not public domain yet so you'll need to actually buy the book and not get it online big fan of christopher norton who i think is australian um and he has uh yeah he has a whole bunch of books but one collection that i think is pretty cool it says micro jazz collection um so basically this this whole thing is it's kind of like a method book it's like for absolute beginners it's the a level and um yeah it's basically teaching you how to play piano via like jazz styles um the first book is very easy so if you're just starting out you can work through this book um if you're if you've been playing for like i don't know three to six months say you'd probably want the b book like the second version of this but the thing that's cool about this um i don't use cd players anymore i used to have a boom box in my old studio but there's audio recordings of all the pieces so they basically they're designed so that you can play around along with a band which is one of my favorite things about christopher norton's music in general because if you want to develop your ear and your sense of rhythm and just have fun when you're practicing piano play along with backing tracks it really makes practice a lot more interesting so that's a good one i have christine duncan's legends and lore i've been teaching this one for ages as well i love this collection now this isn't for total beginners but some of the pieces are uh a little easier like most of these could be tackled by someone at a preparatory level some of them are a little harder um like maybe grade two three level but the thing that i like about legends and lore is a lot of music at a beginner-ish level has a sort of child-like sound to it um or it's like kabulevsky's like 24 pieces for children okay you don't have to be a child to play them but a lot of the song titles are like at recess or something like that so um what i like about this is that these pieces are doable for relative beginners but they have like a almost like a video game sound to them so i think uh there's not a collection of early level pieces that has this sound they're they're totally unique and they're very stylish so if you find yourself turned off by a lot of maybe like childish type beginner repertoire i think even though this is like this is definitely like designed for younger people like looking at the cover and everything like that but um i think the sound of the pieces uh are very nice moving on we got i don't know i have a sticky note on this i got soda pop and other delights by linda neomath and uh there's another she's another great artist so playful puppy is actually um maybe i'll show it to you but it's a is a cute little puppy that you can color there's like a little coloring book piano book um so yeah marketed towards kids with great pieces i know when you're like a piece like uh sleepy kitten i think is another one in here that i like teaching um or playful puppy i think uh this is like for little babies i don't want to play baby music but they're really fun and they sound pretty good and they develop your your finger technique in like a nice fun way so just like embrace your inner child and explore some of this music you don't have to play like hardcore serious music all the time and uh you might even be playing to your detriment if you do because sometimes you gotta get a handle on these these simpler pieces before getting to the really intense stuff and even these simple pieces these are not simple pieces to play uh they're still gonna be a bit of a challenge so that's oh i just saw a big teddy little teddy look at this that's adorable i like that piece i forgot about that one then we got um i got my my trio of ladies here the christine duncan linda nehemath and ann crosby she is one of my favorite composers for beginner and intermediate level students i think she just makes music that sounds so um like beautiful for the level where you're playing something and it sounds way fancier than what the level actually is so friday the frog again i know this is a really kitty type um marketing but uh there's some really nice pieces in here so for example um angelfish it's absolutely gorgeous sounds very sophisticated um to fly like an eagle very similar the starfish at night is a cool like very abstract mysterious piece so there's some neat stuff in here that doesn't just sound like bouncy little kid music it has a lot of class grace and sophistication finally these are the bonus ones i have a couple walter carroll books um who's also i believe a late 19th century earlier 20th century composer and now i'm second guessing that someone's going to tell me actually he was born in 1950 and like know the entire backstory but um these are great books the easier one is um scenes at a farm first piano lessons so this is meant for pretty much straight up beginners um basically on the back it says grade zero to one um and they're just cute little exercises so if you're not really into like if you like older style method books and pieces that are a little bit more like you know you're not into the piano adventures or anything like that something like this would be fun and then the the countryside is basically just a slightly more difficult version um this is the one that you could do probably after so that's my stack of books for beginners and we covered a lot of ground so hopefully that gives you some ideas i've also linked to my blog post below where um i have links to all of these books if you want to go check them out and flip through them yourself so hopefully you found this useful and i will catch up with you guys in the next video [Music] do do [Music] you ...

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