Paul McCartney's Piano Lesson

piano lessons at home Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 you know i meet a lot of youn...

piano lessons at home

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈

you know i meet a lot of young groups and i say i can't read music or write it they go what and it's like well that doesn't work well if you've done this how could you do it without what it means that it's here it's not on a bit of paper i tell kids who want to learn the piano i say okay here you go start with middle c we all know that it's the first thing in a pianist and then think about like the eddie cochran thing i said well that's that's a chord if you play those together and you just got that remember this and that so you do that one space finger one space finger so there you go the chord i say you know we started there and so you could kind of write a song with that but if you just move this up one it's the same shape yeah you've got another chord now you got two chords you move it up again you got three chords and move it up again you've got four chords and then again you've got five and then now you've got six well you don't need more than that yeah so you can now put permutations yeah of that and you get songs but it's that same little shape yeah but that shape is a marvelous shape you can do anything with that shape you know did your dad teach you that shape no we figured that out for we had to know this to do jeremy lewis so once you figure that so it's really gets super fascinating i think absolutely you've got all the chords you can play with put those impermutations then mess with the bass notes obvious thing to do is to do the note one octave down that relates to that chord or but you can do harmony and you're getting really dramatic now yeah and i think that's all we ever did you know just experimented with john doing it imagine you can hear that's him it's just sort of what we'd learned based on that i saw john legend the other night and john's doing this i forget what the song was and then he sort of goes well that's that's those yeah you you know if you put some nice soul stuff over our there composer was bach in the beatles because it was nearest to what we were doing we would just say just put a beat behind it yeah be better yeah that would be better man yeah what i liked about it was the mathematical thing so that you kind of go in ellen a rigby you do that so you got one two three four unless you found out this is what they were doing one two three you know so you put those together and then on top of it you might put [Music] so you've got like you know two or four or eight yeah in the same space it's all happening together so it gives this lovely feel of something satisfying ...

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