5 Apps Piano Players Need for Essential Skills

app to learn piano free Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 there are five apps that I ...

app to learn piano free

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈

there are five apps that I recommend that will help you practice essential skills to becoming a great piano player and great musician some of these skills include reading music sight reading and ear training your piano teacher Tim here of course and before we begin make sure you're subscribed you have all notifications turned on because you have new lessons coming out all the time and you don't want to miss a beat all right on with [Music] okay the first step I'm going to talk about is music reading trainer this one is fun because it's it's a music reading app but it has this really cool arcade mode which really really is kind of like it kind of game of ice the whole experience of reading music there's a classic mode where just pretty standard you know note drills things like that but you can go to the arcade mode let's check out treble clef now here's the thing is if you want to do a lot of this other stuff you will have to pay about three dollars or so but you can at least check out the app for free so here you go so these are the notes coming down and I have to hit them in the order that they appear there oops I missed one they only give you so much time so okay oh my god it's so fast oops I started reading in the wrong class see so it goes so fast that you really really really have to keep up so you don't have to go quite as fast as they come but it does only give you like that that little bar there at the top that does your amount of time that you have so you really got to go quick but it's really cool because like I said it kind of turns it into a game as well there's a classic mode where you can read you know very simple stuff here it looks like a lot of these are free luckily for the classic mode but there you go it's a really good way to drill your note reading make it a little bit fun some of the more fun stuff and advanced stuff in this app do cost money but it's not really that much ok the next app is called free music flashcards so this is a lot like the app I just showed you except it's a lot more plain a lot more simple it does not really turn the whole thing into a game there's very limited things you can do with like the settings and things like that the only thing you can really do in the settings is either show piano keys or like the letters of what the buttons are called I recommend doing the piano keys and you know again it's limited I really wish it had more than one octave here like say that's middle C and as another there that way you can practice better like where it is on the piano but unfortunately with this one you just can't do it you're just going to be hit you know that's an e see again like that was e this one's e and you only really have one place for it so I don't recommend this one too much unless you don't have many other options okay floki this one's a cool one if you want to learn basically some popular music or some you know music that people have heard you know a lot like Fur Elise for example there are obviously free songs you can choose from and then obviously the some of the other ones you're going to have to pay for just like pretty much anything else in life so let's take a look at furry lease and I'll show you what the app is all about so plays it and then click learn song and here we go this might look it probably looks very similar to a lot of the videos of the tutorials you've seen on YouTube where it lights up the keys up top kind of as the sheet music go on the bottom so I'm just gonna press play we're just gonna see what it does so here we go you would follow along there I recommend using the sheet music more than anything use the top part if you are lost for whatever reason now you may be saying wow this is way too fast well I'll take a look here there's a little speedometer there and you can play it at 50% speed you can also choose which hand to learn although I think that that doesn't really do anything except it lights up one hand or the other I would just keep it on both hands honestly because either way it's gonna be showing you both cliffs so 50% speed unfortunately when you do that the sound quality isn't as good but it does make it a lot more manageable and the cool thing about it as well is you can actually pause it and you can slowly scroll through the music like that and it scrolls through the video part as well so that is pretty cool I do like that one word of wisdom or one thing I want to tell you about this app is please don't use this app to learn piano entirely if you want to learn a specific piece you know might want to check it out on a flow key see if it helps you learn that piece but don't get it like like I say this about Synthesia all the time which is that program where those colored bars come down and you got to hit them it's if you become too dependent on it it will hurt your progress in the long run but it does have some utility and some uses for learning piano if you concentrate on the bottom part here reading through the sheet music because that's really what you should be doing like i said don't cheat and look up top all the time you won't get nearly as much out of it but a very cool app obviously you can play many many different types of pieces so here's perfect same thing you know and I just give you the lyrics as well if it's a song type of piece very song I guess they call it when you sing them but very cool but like I said don't use it all the time don't use it as a crutch did you every once in a while if you want to learn a specific piece pretty cool ok the next app is called functional ear training we're gonna be training a guess what our ears so let's take a look we're doing a functional ear training and if you don't know your training is one of the more essential things you can practice on the piano because you can it just gives your brain more information to go on so you can both hear and correct yourself you know you'll know something is being played wrong you also be able to replicate what you're hearing a lot better a very useful skill to have but it takes a long time to get used to this so let's take a look you can click on learn the method if you want to learn you know the basics behind ear training but here we go we're gonna go into basic training we're gonna go to C major the notes are all within one octave and here we go we're gonna play we're gonna see what happens here alright so here what happened was is it played what we call a cadence which are like the main chords [Music] and then it plays a note and you had to figure out like what note of the scale that that note was it actually didn't give us the key but I'm pretty sure it was the fourth one and it was yep [Music] and that was three I think oh good I remembered something from your training class that was clearly like the the starting note you hear that - oh I got him oh I think it's four oh yeah there you go okay and in the settings you can kind of adjust some things that may make it easier you can kind of give the notes a slower tempo if you want to give yourself more time to hear these two under to really get the most out of this half though I recommend learning your scales you know learning the sound of what those scales sound like because then you can pick out okay that's the third note of the scale down there so it does take some getting used to and some time to get used to it as well but a great great thing for getting used to these different patterns recognizing these different patterns with your ears melodic dictation czar the bane of my existence and now we're going to take a look at what they have here so we're gonna do this first one here now what it does let me explain it before we do it is it plays obviously the same chord pattern we were hearing before but then it plays a series of notes so this is the melody on top and it's a melodic dictation you are literally figuring out what notes were being played oops oh it only does that one oh and then three of those okay see I was shifted down a little bit let's try another one here that that was the beginning of twinkle twinkle little star so that's one one five five oops got him all right I didn't fail that time let's try another one [Music] here and then you may be wondering how do I figure this out well it starts out only giving you the selection of these three notes the first note the third note and the fifth note so it was doing like the first note of the scale fifth note third fifth but if you really don't know much about your training do it this way here the lowest note first so that's down there and then it went um like all the way up here and then you hear that it did the note in the middle and then back to the top so you can kind of use your pitch recognition in terms of like how far apart the notes are to figure this out this is going to take a lot of time to get used to and you're gonna want to check out some ear training videos practice some intervals before you really start doing this stuff but if you're ready for that it's super super good for training your ears okay now we're gonna do perfect ear another ear training app a little bit different let me show you so here's perfect ear and okay so there's interval exercises and actually you know I actually recommend you do perfect ear before maybe you practice on functional ear training because this will help you identify different intervals I would even start out with interval reading and then I'll show you seconds and and Unison's so if you don't know if you play a note and then your friend plays the same note on a different piano or sings the same note that's what's called unison you might have heard the term singing in unison before and that's what it's referring to a second is just a note above that note so it's probably gonna have you identify whether it's unison for a second and and the identification one it's just on the sheet music so you can actually if you know how to read music play them like that and like oh those are two different notes so that's going to be what we call a major second meaning that it is two half steps above that again you need to you know a little bit of theory behind it beforehand let's do this next one F G flat see how they're right next to each other that's a minor second so it does a really good job at adding these things in a way that won't overwhelm you know could you just go down the list here unison seconds do all those do the Third's seconds and thirds and then it goes through like all the intervals you're ever gonna have to know identifying them on paper although it does look okay it does look at a certain point that they want you to upgrade but they give you a ton to start with this is all the stuff that you're gonna want to start with you know if you are just starting out learning your ear training but that's not really ear training identifying them on the sheet you do want to start there but then you want to go to maybe interval comparison and then what it's gonna do is it's actually gonna play it all right now that actually I'd ask you what interval is larger so let's play it again so you may notice that the second interval was closer together because that's a minor second first moment it was a major second so the first integral is larger I got it right how about that [Music] all right second one was larger so it again adds things in in a sequential way where it won't be too confusing for you again scroll through these you know keep doing these exercises this actually adds in the ear portion rather than just identifying them so very very important stuff and then my favorite get ready guys because I am not so good at this unison what you're gonna do just use unison singing and as you can see I've actually done a lot of these already but all unison singing is that my favorite is okay so now it's going to use the microphone on your phone to judge whether you are singing the right note it even knows like how far away you are basically so let's give a shot all I have to do is reproduce what I'm hearing on the app here oh I got it and I was within two cents there are these like little measurements they use great well actually did it oh I was an octave low okay see I can't sing up that high bah I did it okay so sometimes it might not be in your range you might have to use something called oh where you have to sing up a lot higher or maybe even a lot lower than you are used to I think there's options somewhere in here I can't find it right now on how to set your range so that you're not singing those notes really high or really low okay and then after you can sing Unison's just sing away here then you're going to be doing a major and minor seconds this gets tricky okay it says sing a major second above the plate note I did it I was a major second sorry so clearly I need a little bit more practice on that but that's what you're doing now is you're you're hearing the original note they're showing you what note they want you to do and then you have to sing that note without hearing it first so that after the Unison thing gets really really tricky but practice this stuff every day and it will get a lot easier so now that you have a good selection apps to choose from make sure you check out the other lessons on the channel because you can learn a lot here just write on youtube so thanks so much for coming out today it's been your piano teacher Tim thanks so much and have a great day [Music] ...

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