Best way to start jazz piano - complete jazz blues lesson

online jazz piano lessons Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 hello friends so today i&...

online jazz piano lessons

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hello friends so today i'm gonna tell you where to start so don't start here or with the real book here or you probably walk through uh you know your local music store or on amazon and you're like well i'll buy a jazz book and another jazz book and another jazz book and another jazz book and someday after going through all these i will be able to play jazz so let me tell you my background that did not work for me so i have a master's degree in piano performance and you know playing chopine toads list concertos that kind of stuff uh you'll just never feel ready you'll feel vulnerable you won't know what notes to play so i'm going to go through a quick lesson here where to start i think the best place to start is just with the 12 bar blues it can be as simple or as complex as you want but it can start really simple i've gotten seven-year-olds to be able to play just basic stuff and you can take this to a jam session you can just get started right away so i'm of the opinion like kind of like benny lewis learning how to speak a language speak from day one like you'll never feel ready so uh with that let's get started let's learn a basic 12 bar blues there's a lot of skills that you can get from here that you can apply to anything you want to do uh playing jazz piano all right so the first thing is uh about the forum so 12 bar blues uh i'll put it up above me on the video uh so the thing you're gonna have to get used to is being able to improvise over a form so the blues start by just playing all dominant chords so major triad uh minor seventh so it's gonna go c dominant for one major to f dominant for one measure back to c dominant f for two majors uh back to c and then you usually have like uh yeah we'll do a two then five one and that's it it's 12 bars so the first thing you want to be able to do take your metronome okay so here we go one two a one two three four two three four one two three one two three four now to f then it's going to repeat so the thing to get the feel of is the the the harmonic motion so the rate at which chords change throughout the form so i would start there as like a preliminary step yeah it sounds pretty square it doesn't sound so good we're gonna switch to doing instead of all notes here it's pretty square we're just going to play the shell so what the shell is is just the third and seventh of the chord so root third seventh then when we go to the four chord [Music] we can instead of skipping up here we're gonna go here so we get nice motion or we can do it down here okay so we're gonna play the root and the bass third and seventh in the right hand so let's try that one two one two three four for two measures two three four one okay so that's the first step just plain quarter notes now you can start to make it a little even just with those notes you can start to make it more interesting with the rhythm so a key part of jazz is the rhythm sometimes you'll hear like red garland or even oscar peterson like they can play this crazy stuff but i think the stuff that's most tasteful is when they place it really well on the beat they can just play something really simple like not very hard they just place it so well with the bass and the drums so that's something coming from a classical background you're just not used to you just want to like rip through all those notes learning really how to place things on the rhythm is so important all right so let's let's vary up that accompaniment a little bit one two a one two three four one two three four one two three four two two three four two three four two start over one yeah and you'd start over so that's like level one like you could probably get away with that at some kind of jam session right you could play behind a saxophone player or something yeah so the next step from there if you're just doing solo piano you could add a little bit of motion in the bass you could do a walking bass line i'll show you something really simple that you can do uh so if you know you're going to the four chord and you've got four beats one two three four one boom you're on the four now and then to get back to c one two three four one okay and then uh when you get to the two you can just walk and there you go so let's put those in action here a one two a one two three four [Music] two three four i'm gonna be the f for two measures one two three four two three four [Applause] four two three four and so on okay so you can just add little things and that that's already starting to sound much better okay the next level you can do is you can start adding more notes to this shell so instead of rooting third we can start we can add like a third above it so the voicing is going to look like this the ninth okay so this this core thing that we were doing before the third and seventh doesn't change we can add notes now on top then when we get to the two chord and then keep it okay so let's try it with that one two a one two three four [Music] it starts over [Music] okay so once you've gone through that make sure that is super solid because the next step is to remove this baseline and now you're gonna start to play something that sounds well like if you were in a combo you had a bass player uh in drums you wouldn't be playing this left hand what you were doing in the right hand you're going to do in the left hand so it sounds strange right at the beginning right if you're not used to this kind of sound but you do hear this a lot in jazz so let's just go through what we did with the right hand and the left hand let's just put that right hand in the left hand let's just do that by itself one two a one two three four two three four one two three four two two three four now we're on the four back to one two three four two three four starts over so now we're gonna do is we're gonna worry about the right hand so when i usually teach this i will play the accompaniment that i just taught you and i'm going to give you some very basic tools to improvise with so yeah you have lots of choices so the idea is when you're practicing you're learning you have a very small idea or a collection of notes that you're going to try to improvise with like you don't need to do everything so the idea i'm going to give you is the blues scale and there's two types we're going to go through one and then i'll give you the other in a minute so the basic like textbook blues that you'll see is something like this [Music] and really if you break it down it's really a pentatonic scale with an extra note in it so the pentatonic scale or a five note scale is this one two three four five then it repeats with this extra sharp four in it okay yeah what i'm what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna play this in the background and you're just gonna improvise i'll show you how i'm going to improvise with this blues scale over the forum so the nice thing about the blues scale is there's no wrong notes right you can play all of those notes over all the chords on the blues so it's kind of like a no fail way for note choice at least so all you're really left with is is rhythm and maybe direction you're going to go up the scale are you going to skip some notes right but just stick to those notes so let's try that here one two one two three four [Music] all right so that that's the idea so there's just the blue scale there's also this other scale that is really useful so it's this other pentatonic scale here this major version okay and you can add the flat three here so with those two things you're gonna be able to uh construct some kind of solo where you can improvise over the blues so let's just let's just constrict ourselves to these notes here and go through it building a solo that way one two one two three four [Music] so that's the idea there the next step is to combine the two ideas so you can combine [Music] you can combine you see what i did there i went up in blues scale and then i'm gonna flip to this major scale so i have this collection of notes and this collection of notes so i'm gonna i can flip between the two [Music] yeah so you can build a solo doing that so between those two you can build some really interesting lines so let's try that one two a one two three four [Music] okay that's the kind of the idea there okay if you're comfortable with that you're gonna have to start learning how to kind of multitask so we're gonna play what you were doing in the left hand and improvise in the right hand you have to have this really down in the left hand really solid so you don't kind of lose track so let's try that now one two a one two three four [Music] and starts over i might have cheated a little but uh pretty much i stuck to this major version of this pentatonic scale this major blues scale and this minor pentatonic scale another fun texture is you can space that so you can play like the you can play these this blues scale with like these open fifth fourth things so listen to this yeah sounds kind of that's kind of like red garland kind of stuff so let's go through a whole chorus of that we're going to play these open blues voicings over your left hand shell a one a two a one two three four [Music] that's the idea so i mean that doesn't even sound too bad as a solo like you could probably go to a jam session right there from day one so there you have it i've given you maybe four or five different things to practice uh and you can expand from there and then listen to recordings so recordings i would recommend listen to uh red garland's c jam blues and then uh wynton kelly he has some blues uh like all blues or something with miles davis i'll i'll post it uh really simple lines it's not too crazy i know when i started people suggested oh listen to oscar peterson or art tatum or something like it's just it it's way too overwhelming at the beginning like even if you have the kind of a technical facility like it's just there's just way too much information this language this new language you're trying to learn and speak it's just too much at the beginning start at the beginning i don't care if you're playing you know list concertos or something start at the beginning really go back to the basics learn how to speak from day one ...

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