best piano course Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 hey guys welcome back to my chann...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
hey guys welcome back to my channel in today's video i'm going to show you the best adult method books of 2021 don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already done so and make sure to check the notifications bell to never miss a new video a week ago i posted a video about the best piano method books for the young beginner for small children and i promised to make another one for the older beginner or adult beginner in this video i'm going to refer to both of these groups as adult beginner so uh if i say i don't just think about it as an older beginner 17 year old as well or a 15 year old the books materials and approach for the adult beginner is very different than for the young beginner the adult beginner will want to play songs that they heard on the radio their favorite classical pieces adults have a very busy life and they might find it difficult to find time to go for lessons adults sometimes want to learn without a teacher which is a lot less common for small children and finally adults have access to a lot more resources given their experience and age i have tried and examined a lot of piano method books for adults but to be honest adults could easily use some of the books that were meant for children as long as they are not bothered by the drawings or the language the main difference between the adult and the children piano method books are the style of communication language their repertoire and the pace of the books they usually go at a much faster pace so instead of telling you which book is good and bad again i will list all the pros and cons for each of these books and let you know which are my favorites and give you some tips for which book might work best in which scenario and just a small disclosure before we get into the books some of these books were made specifically for solo learning which means that learning without a teacher although that's possible and certainly you can try to do that i would always advise to get a teacher even if not for regular lessons but at least for a couple of lessons every now and then just point you into the right direction because a teacher can make progress much faster and you can avoid wasting time on concepts that you struggle to understand or master right let's dive in the first book i want to talk about is whole leonard's adult piano method this is a spin-off from the traditional piano method that they have the whole leonard student piano library which is mostly aimed towards children and this one obviously is made for adults but it's the same concepts and the same style book the method contains two books so two levels book one and book two and they contain some theory some technical exercises for each of these two books you can buy some supplementary books like christmas tunes book a popular hits or pop tunes show tunes and so on so if you want to supplement your progress you can select from these genres and add to the existing songs in the lesson books now i have to admit this is my least favorite book of all because i find the songs quite uninspiring in the first book they get much better in the second book but if the songs are boring in the first book you might never get to the second book because you might give up by the middle of the first book the lessons are accompanied by bite-sized tips for theory and also technical concepts and by the end of the book you are going to cover most of the basic piano playing concepts so it's a very sound approach in its progress it's just the music inside that i find quite uninspiring also if you look at the beginning of the book the entire first chapter is pre-notation so i call that playing by numbers where you don't actually read notes you just read finger numbers and you put your finger numbers on selected notes and you play them by looking at the numbers this might be a good thing for very small children ages five or six but i i definitely don't think that it's a good idea for adults it's wasting time you could do the entire first chapter in like 10 minutes you could cover all of those concepts the book follows a fairly classical traditional approach so both hands are going to be equally developed the material has a selection of classic tunes some traditional and spiritual songs you won't find pop songs in this book but if you get the supplementary book then of course you can get some pop songs as well although it's a good book with sound progress it's not my first choice and i would not use this book because there are many other books which follow a very similar pattern but with much better songs and tunes and it's much more enjoyable music i think it works best with a teacher it's not specifically written for solo learning number two is alfred's basic adult piano course now if you want to play songs as soon as possible and if you love pop songs then this is one of the best books you can buy this one is a spin-off as well from the standard kids edition and it contains three levels book one book two and book three and it has quite a lot of supplementary materials and it also has a theory and technique book of course you can get the the pop tunes the christmas tunes and lots of other supplementary books for songs there's also an all-in-one edition which combines all of those together so it has some pop tunes in it it has some theory and technique uh inside the lesson book so if you want less books um on your piano then you should go for the all in one edition now when you get to the end of the third book it shows you a correlation chart and the end of the book and after the third adult book you can go back to the kids edition number four level number four so once you get to level four in the kids edition it doesn't look so much as a kids book and you can carry on with that to the higher levels if you want to this book focuses very strongly on chords and building chords understanding chords and since it focuses so strongly on chords in the left hand it has a pro and con the pro is that it's going to prepare you to play pop tunes very quickly and very early on and also since the songs have so many chords even the simpler songs they are going to sound a lot richer and they are going to be less boring than in other method books especially in the very beginning stages the disadvantage of this method is that your left hand is going to be significantly less developed than the right hand because you won't play so many skills and technically challenging patterns in the left hand the left hand is mostly used in this book to accompany the melody in the right hand and to play chords you can also purchase this book with the cd version which obviously gives you accompaniments and audio material which is great for learning by yourself but again i think this book works best with a teacher but it's also possible to do it by yourself although you might get into trouble here and there the book starts with notation right from the beginning so there is no pre-notation which i'm very happy about and it also has little letter names written into the note heads in the beginning of the book which is very helpful if you're learning by yourself because it gives you a point of reference the notation is fairly big and there's a lot of explanation so it's very good for solo beginners just like the standard alfred book it encourages you to read music by intervals which is a very efficient way of learning to read music the first book covers most of the basic piano concepts and basic rhythms and some popular rhythms as well that you wouldn't find in classical method books i would say it's medium to fast paced but more on the media closer to the medium side the only problem with the book is as i said the left hand remains a bit underdeveloped which is not a huge problem in pop songs but if you want to play classical songs later on chopin or beethoven then this book is not for you it's not going to prepare you for that number three is the classic piano course for adults now this one is the polar opposite of the alfred book this is a hardcore classical method it will not have any popular material or reference so if you want to play pop songs forget about this book it's not going to help you in that direction the method has three books one two and three but this complete edition contains all three books and as you can see it's not very thick so the whole three books are 122 pages altogether now this book is extremely fast paced you will play very difficult things by the end of the first book which is by the end of page 60. it requires a teacher it's impossible to learn from this book by yourself there's very little explanation inside the book so you need a teacher to explain your concept however the book places very strong focus on technical development so if you follow this book your technique is going to develop very well and you're going to have a very good playing style the book unfortunately doesn't have any supplementary books so you can't have any christmas or pop tunes with it and also it doesn't have any audio recordings so you really need a teacher to progress with this book having said that the approach inside is sound very well thought of and it progresses in a very logical way but as i said it progresses very fast the music inside is beautiful lots of favorite classics included even in the easier chapters so you go if you like classical music you're really going to enjoy playing from this book but if you like pop and if you want to play a mixture of classical and pop or just pop songs then this is not your book and then go for it next one on the list is joan thompson's adult piano course now this one is from the same author as joan thompson's obviously easiest piano course for very small children that's one of my favorite books for small kids so he wrote some very efficient piano method books this book is from the 40s so it's not a new method it's slightly old-fashioned but this is a new edition of it which has audio recordings to help your progress and it also has some supplementary books now it also has a pop tunes book to complement the lesson book the method has two books book one and book two there are no theory or technical books for the method and you will find quite little explanation inside so you will need the guidance of a teacher however just like the classic piano course it puts very strong emphasis on technical development and you'll find lots of technical drills the beginning of the book starts with a very interesting one pages for the student one page is for the teacher so for the very easy kind of boring songs you get accompaniment by the teacher to make them more enjoyable to play and once you get to the second third chapter you play by yourself so there's no more teacher accompaniments the book obviously starts with notation from lesson one as you could see there's no pre-notation like in the whole leonard book and also there is some kind of overlap between the easiest piano method book and this one so some of the tunes i recognize from the kids book but this one is more appropriate for adults i would say this is still a classical approach obviously there was no popular approach in the 40s everything was classical but at the same time it has quite a few traditional and spiritual songs and i have to say that it is very fast paced you will cover more in the first two books of this method than in the first five books of the whole leonard or the piano adventures method the method is going to develop your hands equally and as i said it places strong focus on technical development but it doesn't really talk much about chords and chord theory as i said it's quite an old approach so if you want to play a lot of pop songs then it might not be the best book for that even though it has a pop supplementary book but it doesn't talk about the theory behind pop music and playing with lead sheets and chords and so on this wouldn't be my first choice for either pop or classical but i wanted to mention it because it's in the public domain now so if you don't want to pay for a book then it's quite a good method to get access to for free moving on it's never too late to play the piano i have to admit i've never used this book before i stumbled upon this book when i was browsing adult piano books on amazon and i had to have a look at it so i ordered one copy for myself and i have to admit it's a really fresh and sound approach now this is um a little bit different to the other methods i wouldn't call this a method because it's a single book series so that's all you get it's one book however the material inside is very well written and it covers both pop and classical so as i said it's only one book there is no level to level three and there is no technical studies for it there are no theory books for it but you've got a couple of supplementary song books since the book covers a wide range of genres you will find some classical tunes in it you will find whitney houston in it you will also find some traditional and spiritual songs in it so whichever genre you're more attracted to you can buy supplementary books for christmas jazz classics show tunes rock and roll and blues the book also comes with a cd so you can listen to the songs and there are nice accompaniments for each of the songs inside the book this method is very very fast paced and i think the the purpose for it is to teach a complete beginner to play the piano up to an intermediate level in a very short amount of time with very little investment so this book doesn't this method doesn't want you to buy too many books like the whole leonard or piano adventures which has so many books in the series you will definitely need a teacher for this one because it progresses so quickly the beginning of the book is quite dry most of the examples feel like little drills or technical drills and as you can see the notation is quite small as well which might make it a little bit difficult for a beginner to read music but as soon as you get to the second half of the book you're going to play classics like fire elise or even whitney houston songs i think this is a really great and imaginative book with a very modern approach that puts very strong emphasis on technical development and it also covers so many genres that whatever music you're attracted to this book is going to be a fit and it gives you um a wide range of skills to be able to play in different styles of music although the book is very fast based for the for the complete beginner if taken very slowly i think it's manageable for everybody and it's going to be a very enjoyable book to work through moving on the easy adult piano beginners course this is by ho leonard as well but it's not part of the first series i was talking about this is a single book method again and this book was written specifically for learning by yourself at home it's very obvious from page one and to be honest it reminds me a little bit of the dummies series if you know you know piano for dummies um computer science for dummies the the layout of the book is very very similar it doesn't look like a traditional piano book the notation is very big which is excellent for beginners and you will see letter names in the note heads throughout the book now that can be very good when you learn by yourself because again it's a good reference but if you get to the end of the book after 100 pages you shouldn't really be seeing letter names in the noteheads because it's going to make you too lazy to actually read the notes the first half of the book is medium paste it's trying to cover a lot of basic concepts with a lot of explanation and some theory as well it puts a very strong emphasis on chords chord inversions and using chords in pop songs understanding how chords are built so for that reason just like the alfred method it leaves the left hand very underdeveloped compared to the right hand so it's definitely made with the intention of playing more pop song spiritual and traditional songs if you want to go on a classical route and you want to play lots of classical songs then this book is not for you the second half of the book is just songs so once you reach the second half of the book you finish learning concepts and then it's almost like a song book and for each of these songs you've got two versions there is an easy version and there is a pro version of the exact same song after each other the songs cover a wide range of tunes but again you won't find too many pop songs here and i think that's for copyright reasons now this book doesn't have any supplementary books there's no technique there's no theory and there are no pop books to buy but it comes with lots of audio recordings to help you progress this is not a traditional piano method book and if you want to play classical piano you should stay away from it however if you just want to play piano and play some pop songs traditional songs and you don't want a teacher this is the best book from all of the ones i have here for learning by yourself because it has so much explanation and it was created for people wanting to learn without a teacher the other thing you have to bear in mind is that the book only covers the basics so like a very beginner level it doesn't get to intermediate levels so if you want to progress after finishing this book you have to switch to a different method because it doesn't have any higher levels next in the line is the michael aaron adult piano course again this is a spin-off from the traditional course for kids and younger beginners the kids version i think has five levels and even that one is very fast-paced but this adult piano course puts all of that into three books and is extremely extremely fast paced so this is not a book that you can learn from by yourself you definitely need a teacher there's very little explanation inside there's no theory book for it there's no technique book and there are also no supplementary song books for it this book again is from the 50s so of course it's a traditional piano method it's not a modern piano method but i used this in the past when i started teaching and the songs are really nice and enjoyable in these books for adults and kids as well but as i said it's more traditional spiritual and classical tunes in it you won't find any pop songs and it doesn't cover any of the popular theory sections like chords lead sheets and popular rhythms it places a strong emphasis on technical development you'll see lots of technical exercises but almost nothing about music theory by the end of the second book you're going to play things that the whole leonard book doesn't even get to by the end of the sixth book so that's how fast-paced it is and it has true classical favorites in not adaptive form but in the original form so you can play original classical masterpieces the reason why i mentioned this book again is because it's in the public domain so you don't have to pay to get it obviously if you want to get the book you have to pay for it but you can access it online for free although it's not a great book for the beginner and it's not a great book for learning by yourself it is a great book for learning extra piano pieces because if you're doing a piano method like for example whole leonard or piano adventures whichever and you want some extra classical songs then you can have a look at these methods because they are obviously in a progressive manner and you can use it as a supplementary book for technical exercises or for classical pieces next in line is the adult piano adventures the piano adventures universe as i call it because it has hundreds literally hundreds of books is becoming one of the english speaking world's most popular piano method books not just for kids but for adults as well these books were made with so much attention to every single aspect of piano playing all of these method books come with a lesson book a theory book technique book scales book and lots of lots of song books for all kinds of genres classics pop sacred spiritual show tunes disney chinese song so everything you can imagine you'll find in this method group or series the adult method is almost the same as the kids one but obviously it's a different language again a slightly faster approach not much faster but a slightly faster approach and also an updated graphics layout so it appears more to adults now this book is an all-in-one series it's a spiral bound edition which is excellent for putting it on the piano and it has for every chapter lesson music theory technique and lots of audio recordings to help you with your progress and there are also video demonstrations on the website that you can access freely with these books the adult method contains two books one and two and just like in the alfred method after the second book you can switch on to the traditional kids method to i think book three and then you can progress on with the same books as the kids the graphics are going to be a little bit different but the music is still just as beautiful in the kids section as well i would say this book is slow to medium paced and closer to medium it's not specifically made for learning by yourself but i think it's suitable for learning by yourself because there's such a plethora of resources you have online resources video resources audio resources theory technical exercises and a very well explained lesson book so by all means you can you can try it by yourself of course it's going to be easier with a teacher the first book covers some basic concepts the songs are not all very enjoyable in the first book because they are quite basic but you have very nice accompaniments on the audio recordings so when played together with those even the very boring songs become very enjoyable and you can supplement the first lesson book with pop tunes from the pop book the book covers all genres from classical to pop and the amazing thing about piano adventures is that it basically combines the alfred and the classic piano course so it will give you lessons and exercises that will not leave your left hand underdeveloped so both hands are going to be equally developed in in case you want to play classical songs later on but it also covers a lot of popular piano theory like chords how to build chords from the very beginning is going to give you songs with lots of rich chords and it moves away from the five finger position so it's a very modern sound well thought through approach i can only recommend it it's very good it's a little bit slow paced so it's not the best for the quick learner if you've had lessons in the past and you just want to brush off your knowledge and carry on then it might not be the best first book because it's quite slow but if you're a complete new beginner then it's one of the best books out there because it gives you the option to go into either direction pop or classical right i managed to speak for quite a long time in this review as well but i wanted to point out a lot of information about these books because it's so difficult to to make a choice when you start off your piano journey you don't know much about piano you don't know what these books are you just see lots of dots in them so here are a few final tips if you find the review a bit overwhelming if you want to learn by yourself without a teacher then try the piano adventures series or the easy adult piano beginners course that's the only one that was written specifically for learning by yourself but piano adventures is going to be very suitable for that purpose too if you are a very fast learner or you had lessons in the past and you just want to carry on try it's never too late the joan thompson book alfred's course or the classic piano course all of these are going to be good if you're a fast learner or if you have some previous piano knowledge if you don't want to buy any books you just want to try something that's free online try the john thompson book or the michael aaron book they are both available for free as a public domain resource if you want to play a lot of pop songs or popular genres then definitely try the alfred method the piano adventures or the easy adult piano beginners course they're all excellent for pop material if you don't want to play any pop music and you're solely interested in classical piano playing then the classic piano course and the uh michael erin course is going to be your best choice if you want a bit of pop and a bit of classical because you can't yet make a decision or you like both of them equally then piano adventures is my first uh choice in this scenario or it's never too late is an excellent new book but it doesn't have so many resources and progression stages as piano adventures so this is the end of my review if you have any questions about these books leave them in the comments i try to answer them thank you very much for watching 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