online keyboard lessons for beginners Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano -For-All">Click H...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano-For-All">Click Here 👈
so my journey with the keyboard started at the tender age of seven my very first keyboard being a christmas gift for my parents with the promise of lessons lessons that never came but that didn't stop me i would play the keyboard every day for years however getting no better than the day before because i didn't know what i was doing but that changed around the ages of 11 to 12. you see the keyboard that they bought me it was one of those yamaha keyboards with these speakers built him so it had a bunch of songs pre-recorded in his internal memory and i still remember the songs it had popular songs like jumeirah choir virtual insanity [Music] but it also had classical joints like fur elise and moonlight sonata and i learned all of these and not by ear you see the keyboard had one of those little tiny screens that would show you what notes were being played when you're listening to the song and i'd study the screen learning a few notes at a time playing them on the keyboard and then going again to learn the next few notes and again and again there was no pause button no rewind button and certainly no forward button so i had to watch it from the beginning every single time but this repetition helped me to learn the songs and passively i was learning new chords i was improving my dexterity with my fingers and i was training my ear all whilst having fun so it was interesting to me when melodics reached out and asked me to check out their software because when i did it took me right back to how i started on the keyboard only this time having access to a pause button information on the correct fingering and instant feedback to let me know how i'm doing melodics is an app for windows mac and ipad that helps you to learn to play musical instruments specifically the keyboard or pad controllers like the machine or machiner and electronic drum kits which i don't have all of these instrument types can be connected to a computer or an ipad via usb allowing for melodics to monitor our input and provide instant and meaningful feedback so melodics is broken down into four sections and we'll get onto each section in a bit but we're going to start with lessons as that's where i started when i was checking out the app before agreeing to do this video and so i tried a few of the first lessons and as you can see i scored a perfect on all three that i did well of course this is grade one so you're starting with the very very basics and that's how it should be each lesson focuses on a different aspect of playing be its rhythm melody or intervals with later lessons introducing new themes like chords chord inversions scales and arpeggios to mention a few but let's not get ahead of ourselves today i want to stick to grade 1 and show you how the lessons are structured so let's do a lesson on melody and with the genre of r b you know me has to be r b man so each lesson is broken down into multiple steps making it easier to digest with each step melodics will give you a preview to hear how it sounds and show you what notes to play it also indicates which fingers it suggests you use which i think is fantastic because i don't know what they told you i really don't know what they told you my friend but practice does not make perfect that's a lie good practice makes perfect and using the correct fingers or having your hands in the right positions or good positions is part of good practice when it comes to playing the keyboard during this time we're able to practice along with the preview or practice on our own before jumping onto the performance where melodics will grade us okay so let's know this [Music] do [Music] wait you're not a robot that was totally flawless i know i know maybe you're half human half metronome i've been playing keys for years so if i didn't get a perfect grade on grade one i would be worried but even still that instant feedback is very gratifying you see i'm smiling because it almost becomes a game you know and i'm itching for the next level i'm itching to ace that next level so straight after the lesson we get a bit of feedback showing us how we performed if we were early on some notes if we were late if we misplayed some notes or if we were perfect from here we can decide whether we want to go back and try again on the same lesson if we want to move on to the next one or if we want to favorite this lesson to come back at another time so we got perfect score so i think we're cool to move on and jump on to the next one [Music] [Music] [Applause] great oh be leveled up a perfect performance on your final step you've gone platinum an incredible achievement congratulations thank you so once we finish the complete lesson we get our overall feedback once again we can see we passed each of the lessons but we also get a new option called memory add another level of challenge with the memory option as you play perfect notes the arrangement will fade out and you need to have internalized the music to do well which i think is cool because as you progress with melodics you'll be learning new songs especially as you get onto the more advanced lessons and these are songs that if you do internalize if you do practice enough you'll be able to play outside of melodics which i think obviously is is very important playground is another mode which allows you to just jam along to the song um that we were just learning as it says there are no rules and no scoring jam the scale and chords be creative so let's have a little go and that's our first lesson done from here we can simply move on to the next one in grade one or if we thought it was too easy or know that stuff already move on to a grade that you think is more suitable or we could take one of melodic's many many courses there's a course on r b keys which i'm quite interested in taking and a couple of jazz courses which have also piqued my interest or if that all sounds a bit too overwhelming like there's so much going on and you lack a more structured approach to your learning then there's guided which will take you through step by step and is probably where you want to start if you're just starting out on the [Music] keyboard all right so that's our daily goal complete those of you with a keen eye would have noticed the your play time today filling up as we worked on our lesson melodics only wants you to commit to five minutes a day a tiny commitment but one it motivates you to stick with with streaks streaks show you how consistent you've been in practicing a minimum of five minutes a day the first streak you'll reach is a three day streak then five and seven ten i'm about to go for a 30-day streak i'm not sure if there is a 30-day streak but i'm sure there probably is a 30-day streak but that's what i'm gonna try and do now i'm accountable to all of you guys that i'm gonna do a day streak on melodic's i feel that i've stagnated a little bit in recent years when it comes to my playing so i want to see if and how melodics can get me learning again and improving my playing i'll be documenting the 30 days and bringing you additional videos on melodics in between so if you want to jump on the same journey as me melodix is free to get started but they have also hooked me up with a promo code with a special offer for you guys which you can find down in the description below if you like this type of content and want to join me on this journey be sure to hit that like button and subscribe i've been stefan and as always happy beat making you ...
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