piano lessons virtual Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 hey guys this is jamal with g...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
hey guys this is jamal with gospel musicians.com and i'm sorry i've been a little quiet lately but as you know as i always say if i'm quiet that means i'm working on something big and this next big thing is mediculous 4.0 uh the number one question by far within the last couple months that i've been getting through my emails and through facebook and twitter and everything else is what are those keys that you're using for your videos where those keys that we're using is through a software called mediculous that we produce so we are we don't just do lessons we actually produce the software and the musical software so we wanted to wait to do this video because we were in the process of launching ridiculous 4.0 okay so what we're going to do is we're going to demonstrate how to use zoom ecam through zoom to do lessons to your students okay coming back at you [Music] ridiculous okay this is going to be an in-depth video if you have any questions please put them in the description so we are going to start from scratch on how to completely use ecamm into zoom to shoot live zoom lessons that hat that shows the keys and the chords and everything uh with this covet everybody's been asking me this is this is probably the number one requested video and like i said i apologize for not doing it i did not want to demonstrate ridiculous 3.0 i wanted to demonstrate mediculous 4.0 because that's the one that we're coming out with coming this uh black friday so without further ado let's get into this the first thing we want to do is to open up mediculous and this is our new 4.0 interface um all vector based beautiful everything's there and i have a yamaha montage right here that i am using to uh interface in that i plugged the usb out of my montage into the computer and what i have to do in meticulous is to go into settings and then i have to go to my midi sources and i refresh and as you can see the montage is already selected for my audio output device i'm actually going to uh use uh we could use a zoom driver but it really doesn't matter we can use the ensemble so there we go there so now that this is connected through the midi sources i should be able to hit a note and what i want to do this is the actual what we added in meticulous 4.0 this is the input so we have a dedicated midi input i want no sound on this one so that the sound will actually be from my keyboard so [Music] okay so what we're going to do we're going to put this over here for now and we're going to load up our trusty ecam live you ask me why are we using ecamm live because ecamm live has a better way to funnel things inside of zoom okay so here you see my interface and this is me now i'm going to show you what this really looks like because this is already set up so let me let me exit out this lot right here and that's what i look like i have a a a video camera so it requires coloring and luts but i make my own luts so if you know anything about that and you want my luts go ahead and have them so the first thing we need to do is we go up into ecam and so as you can see i have sources here different sources this is my imac but i'm choosing the one directly into my black magic pocket cinema camera 4k okay that's what i'm using for this and so this is what it looks like it has all of the stuff right here i'm using this this can act as a virtual camera to funnel into zoom so the first thing i you want to do which is very important is you go into your preferences and what you want to do is go to screen sharing uh and you want to um video there is an option here to show you can show mouse clicks include the mouse cursor here's where you can include the desktop picture or include the desktop icons we click these off so those can actually be black okay that's very important and so and streaming we're 4k uh audio fine screen sharing facebook this is where you uh the account in general so we're good right here now in order to get my picture looking good i have some luts here this actually allows you to load in luts what luts are are what does it stand for look uh looks look up table so basically it's a configuration of colors that you can use that pop out so i have my custom luts so i select the luts that i use and i use this rec 709 and bow it pops the color out all right i use high quality here and i have full blown on the lut i can go all the way up or i can just adjust it down but i go full pop color okay so what we're going to do now we got our ecam setup right we're good now it's time to go back to mediculous so this is what we can do in meticulous now i have two screens here so you're able to see both screens alright so what i'm going to do in mediculous let's pop these things out this is something you can do in version 4.0 okay version 4.0 allows you to right click and say detach keys all right these are way too big and let me make this smaller all right i can dynamically resize the keys any way i want to all right and so i right click here and detach the cord and i right click here detach the score bam and so now we have this i can minimize this now just to add some cool stuff let's go to now everything you want to do on meticulous you right click to do pretty much so let's right click and go to show and let's show the pitch mod all right we can show the pitch mod right here all right let's take this to size let's take this to a 61 key so we can really make this big actually let's hide that and let's make this really really big so you can really get over exaggeration of these keys and so let's bring this down here and let's do this make these big all right and then what we do we make this big and we can kind of make it yeah let's do something like this i like to put it here let's uh let's resize this and then we resize this about right like this actually let's do something here let's do this and let's resize this like that trying to make it look kind of decent all right so let's do that now um here's something we can do with our mediculous let's right click and foreground color let's make it white background color let's make it black and then let's right click here and say same as score so it uses the same as the score so as you can see we went very detailed and these keys are very big and this sustained pedal is very very big and so we play so actually let's switch this up put the chords up here let's go over here let's do this and then now we can kind of make this a little smaller and let's stretch this out my right there bam now we're looking good okay now we're looking good so now um they just added a new feature in ecamm which allows you to so let's look at this bam all right we set this up so we have everything that a student would want to see all right so now what we're going to do is we're going to scroll over to our ecam and let's go picture in picture all right let's uh let's hit this and now you can see i got the picture in picture right here and i can adjust this size here and you know what let's make this even bigger let's just over so what happens is it adjusts per the screen i don't like it fully but i'll i'll take it i rather you be able to adjust it uh i rather you be able to adjust it on the screen but this is fine so here is what someone would see in zoom so this is how your lessons would look [Music] super big keys super big keys all right and so that's what you do now let's open up zoom opening up zoom and this is our zoom let's go to i'm gonna make a new meeting okay and uh join with audio here is zoom and this is what my zoom looks like uh it looks like it's reversed or upside down or something so here's my zoom meeting let me go into here let me mirror all right there we go and let's rotate now we don't want to do that let's d and so use 4k so for some re so this is my zoom look here so for some reason that is upside down and but you can see it's a screen in the screen that's why it's doing that so this right now is the zoom meeting so it let me close let me minimize that and minimize that so for some reason these over here are reversed so i'm sure there's an option over here to do a reverse on the screen which i haven't found yet but obviously that's probably an option so basically this is what people are going to see on the screen and this is the close this down this is the zoom and we do a back to new meeting and it looks like this so this is the full screen this is ecam into zoom and this is what your lessons would look like uh i will come back to you on why this is reversed but i think all i have to do is let's see seconds display yeah that second display and show crop um probably there's a something on the display that allows me to reverse it so i will get with um ecam and see if they can uh tell me how what i'm doing wrong but uh either way here guys this is a lot this is what they see this is what your people will see you can shoot the destination here to youtube you can shoot the destination to twitch to facebook to periscope so i just wanted to shoot this video to show you guys that this is what the lessons will look like to your students and i got the complete look right here i got my chords here i could change the colors and i got everything really big full hd full 4k display super duper big if you want to over exaggerate this a little more just to be silly with it you could still make it even bigger and it's super huge really over exaggerated but i just wanted you to see how big we can really do this stuff [Music] and this is how you can use our mediculous 4.0 to push from ecam into zoom to do live lessons another thing we do just another feature i wanted to ask we can do uh we can pin this so it doesn't move we could pin these and as you can see i can't move it and i can say always on top so that means that they're always on top so no matter what other interface i scroll over here it's always going to be on top we specifically designed meticulous 4.0 for you teachers who want to do zoom lessons in this covet time this crazy covert time so we wanted to show you it's not out yet i know it's a teaser we will release this around black friday so here's an introduction to mediculous 4.0 from gospel musicians.com how to use ecamm to funnel in live videos into zoom coming back at you [Music] mediculous ...
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