beginner piano songs for adults Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 what's up my pi...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
what's up my piano friends today i got four super simple songs that are absolutely perfect even for complete beginners and i'm not talking about mary had a little lamb or chopsticks either i'm talking real songs from the radio that just happened to be super easy to play on piano and along the way you're going to learn some music theories some basic rhythms and build some finger dexterity make sure you stick around to the end the last song is super romantic it's the perfect song to play for your husband wife girlfriend or you know that cute girl from starbucks that you're too scared to talk to i'm talking to you billy all right enough jokes let's get on to the first song just the way you are by bruno mars so instead of using complicated sheet music you actually only have to learn these four chord shapes up here and just copy them to the keyboard it's way easier so if you look at the chords we have g major looks like this and then e minor and then c major and then back to the first chord g major and these four chords simply repeat over and over and over throughout the entire song now watch how easy this actually is so if we start out on our g major chord and then we move to our second chord e minor the only note that changes is this bottom note right so this is g major e minor g major e minor these top two notes stay the same g major e minor so it's actually very simple then when we go from e minor to c major again just this top note is changing so we have e minor c major e minor c major these bottom two notes stay the same so again it's very easy and then finally our last chord we just go back to g major which we've already learned so now we have our four chords g major e minor c major and g major now all we're going to do to make this sound really cool is just play each chord shape four times so we have g two three four and then e minor two three four and then c major two three four and finally g major two three four and now you can play the entire song check this out cause when i see your face there's not a thing that i would change cause you're amazing just the way you are and boom you repeat these same four chord shapes and you can play the entire song alright so next up we got hello by adele super easy song to learn so if you're liking this style of teaching go ahead and smash that like button it really helps out the channel alright so for hello by adele we have four new chord shapes except you'll notice they're not really all that new because a few of them are actually the same chords we already learned for just the way you are alright so first we have e minor then g major then d major and then finally c major and when you're learning these i highly suggest you look for similar notes between the chords just like we did for the first song it'll make it a lot easier to learn now for this song i'm going to teach you a basic rhythm to make it sound more like the actual song so if you've heard the song hello by adele it sounds like this so you notice the rhythm is da da da da if you're having trouble with the rhythm you can try clapping it along first so it sounds like this and we play that rhythm over the chords it's gonna sound like this hello it's me and i've been wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything and boom you can repeat these same chords over and over and now you can play hello by adele now i know what you're thinking you're thinking zack your voice is so amazing why don't you sign up for american idol adam levine would totally turn his chair around for you and they actually invited me to sing on the show but i'm like sorry usher i can't do your little show i have to teach people how to play piano on youtube alright enough with the jokes let's get back to the piano alright next up we got a newer song shivers by ed sheeran i've been absolutely jamming out to this one like crazy lately all right so here are the chord shapes and as you'll notice you've actually already learned all of these chords in the first two songs so this should be very easy to get the hang of all right so first we got e minor then c major then g major and finally d major and for this song all we're gonna do is we're gonna play each chord two times so one two one two one two one two and now you can play cause baby ooh i love it when you do it like that and when you close up give me the shivers oh baby you wanna dance to the sunlight cracks and when they say the party's over then we'll bring it right back or if you want a bit of a challenge you can actually jam out and create any rhythm you want so that it sounds more like this oh baby i love it when you do it like that and when you close up give me the shivers oh baby you wanna dance to the sunlight cracks but that's more advanced so don't worry about that if you're a complete beginner you can always get to the more advanced stuff later alright next up we got the most romantic song on the list and this one is actually super easy to learn but first i actually have a cheat sheet for you that has all four of these songs with the chord shapes that way you can put up on your piano and have these four songs for the rest of your life so to get that just click the link in the upper right or in the description [Music] all right on to song number four perfect by ed sheeran and as you'll notice guess what it uses these same chords we've already learned in the other songs just in a different order all right so we have g major then e minor then c major and then d major and for this one we're simply going to play each chord four times so we have g two three four e minor two three four c major two three four and d major two three four and now it's gonna sound like this cause i found love for me darling just dive right in and follow my lead or of course if you're more advanced you can jam out just feel the music and create your own rhythm maybe you create something like this and i found love for me and darling just dive right in [Music] anyway feel free to take this at your own pace and if you like this video you're gonna absolutely love the next one it'll give you one secret chord progression that you can literally copy and paste to play hundreds of your favorite songs from the radio it's called learn four chords learn hundreds of songs plus it'll give you the left hand and some money patterns you can use to really spice things up so click here for that video and i'll see you in the next one ...
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