Learn Piano At ANY Age: How To Learn FAST Over 40!

learn piano quickly Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 are you wondering if it's t...

learn piano quickly

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈

are you wondering if it's too late to learn the piano I'm thrilled to tell you that it's never too late whether you're 40 50 60 70 80 or even 90 you can still learn the piano I'm here to introduce you to a unique piano learning strategy that can accelerate your progress this way you can enjoy learning the piano at any age most piano teachers are going to start you off with children's music even as an adult but I know that you want to be able to enjoy the instrument as an adult student you want to be able to play your favor songs with a road map I'm about to show you it's going to help you be able to play your favorite songs much faster the first thing you need to do is learn your Chords chords are the foundation of all of your favorite songs and the great thing about them is if you learn them you can feel very accomplished earlier on let's take a look at some basic chords to help you get started some extremely common chords are C Major G major a minor and F major and if you learn these chords first you're actually going to be able to play hundreds of songs because hundreds of songs use these exact chords so let's take a quick look at how to play these chords the c major chord is always c e g the G major chord is always g b d the a minor chord is always a c e and the F major chord is always f a c with with your left hand you could easily just play the mirroring root so for example if you're playing the c major chord you can play C in your left hand G major chord g in your left hand a minor a f f and if you really start to learn all of your chords you can go online and find the chords to all of your favorite songs one of my favorite websites is Ultimate guitar.com so I'm going to go to Ultimate guitar.com now and find a song to play so here's the song I'm Yours by Jason morz you can click right here and head to piano and that actually shows you how to play the different chords in the song then you can scroll down and you can see the chords in the song along with the lyrics so this is what you do you play the chord where it lines up with the lyrics I'll show you an example of that at the chorus of this song but I won't hesitate no more no more like that and just like that with learning chords and finding the chords to your favorite songs online you can start learning the piano a lot faster with a lot more joy but I know just playing chords would sound boring after a while so that leads me to the second step learn how to improvise on those chords learn how to make those chords sound more interesting with what we call improvisation or Rhythm patterns so for example with this song I'm Yours that I was just playing instead of just playing the chord I could have gone like this but I won't hesitate no more more no more it cannot wait I'm yours so what I did there was I went like this so I'm kind of tossing between my hands that's one way out of a gazillion way ways that you could make this song Sound more interesting before I get to how to add the melody let me know in the comments are you learning piano later in life let me know all right the third step is to add The Melody of course you want to play The Melody of our favorite songs one fantastic way to do this is to learn how to play from lead sheets I'm going to pull up a lead sheet right now to show you what I mean all right taking a look at this lead sheet of Let It Be by the Beatles it kind of is like our cord Shard that we just looked at but there is the melody here with the treble class staff so all you're doing is reading the melody with your right hand and in your left hand you're playing the chords so it could kind of sound like this so what I just did there was I played the melody with my right hand chords with my left hand and since we only have to read one line of music with a lead sheet it makes it a lot easier I really love lead sheets because they're easier to read I can play my favorite songs much faster and the last step is I can make those lead sheets my own creative version of the song So how I just played it was with just the chords in the melody but if you learn how to improvise and learn how to use Rhythm patterns and things like that you can make the song your own so here's an example of that so in that example I use some arpeggios in my left hand to make the song my own and that's another way that you can really Jazz up and make the song more creative but since it was a lead sheet I could make that choice on my own and make it beautiful in my own way this is what Jazz pianists and pop pianists do also they play from lead sheets so if you're learning from lead sheets you're not cheating or anything you're being a real musician so if you are learning piano later in life and you want a faster track to playing your favorite songs I do recommend watching my free training in that free training I'm going to go into a lot more depth than what I did in this video and teach you exactly how to learn these topics I've tested this program on hundreds of students in my music school and hundreds of students in my online program and it works here's one of my students Kirk who joined the piano accelerator after he was retired with only a few months into the program he's already singing and playing Fly Me to the [Music] Moon so if you'd like to learn the piano just like Kirk did be sure to check out my free training and if this video helped you be sure to like And subscribe and I will see you next time [Music] ...

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