keyboard piano lessons Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 what's up my piano frien...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
what's up my piano friends zacchaeus here today i'm going to teach you the top four exercises for piano beginners your own piano technique workout plan four simple yet powerful exercises to develop your finger strength flow control and effortlessness on the keys if you have any of these issues you know sloppy choppy tone hand independence issues weak in feeble playing or if it just seems like my hands don't want to cooperate these exercises will just take care of these once and for all and give you that beautiful smooth effortless confidence on the keys to develop the muscle memory to play the songs you love and surprise your friends and family with your beautiful plank maybe even bring a tear to their eye section one i'm going to teach you exactly which notes to play section two is important i'm going to teach you the proper movement patterns so you don't drill in bad habits that are an absolute nightmare to correct in the future and section three is the fun part simple tricks to learn these easier and faster using the science of how our brains work to work smarter not harder and people who use these strategies learn an average of four to ten times faster than those who don't i literally taught this to adult beginners all over the world and even gave a ted talk on it so if you're struggling on piano you're in the right place alright let's get started alright so step one is learning the notes now this exercise works on the principle of hitting every two note finger combination so basically if we label our fingers one through five with our one being thumb and our five being pinky if we start from finger one which is your thumb there are only four options we have right we can go from one to two we can go from one to three we can go from one to four or one to five where there's literally no other options i can play from here and same thing if we start on finger two right we have four options we can go two to one we can go two to three we can go two to four or we can go two to five that's the only place we can go from finger two same with finger number three right three one three two three four three five and the same the exact same principle applies to fingers number four and five so as you can see there's only a total of 20 possible finger combinations in all of music and if you can get all these two note combinations sounding smooth and strong and powerful with good technique you can play any finger combination out there so for example let's say you have a song that goes you know one two three five one maybe it's a melody like something like that right well guess what this is just a combination of one two two three three five five one one two three five one so if you have all these two note combinations sounding good with the finger gauntlet exercise all you have to do is essentially put them together and you already have the muscle memory drilled in for the song that you're working on so here's how you actually do the finger gauntlet exercise so first we start with our thumb and we play through all the first finger combinations so one two one three one four one five then we do the same thing we work the second finger combination so two one two three two four two five then we take the third finger combinations so three one three two three four three five and then the fourth finger four one four two four three four five and then the fifth finger five one five two five three five four and that's it takes about a minute remember there's a downloadable cheat sheet with all the notes and everything you're gonna need from this lesson so that way right now you can just focus 100 of your attention on the video so once we do this hopefully you guys can see how this is the only exercise you need for finger strength and independence because we're literally hitting every single finger combination now most technique books like you know hanon and stuff they'll give you like 20 different exercises that accomplish the exact same thing that we accomplished with this one exercise so the finger gauntlet as you can see it's a great kind of bang for your buck exercise you're going to reap a lot of rewards just from learning this one exercise now that will step on the notes on to step number two this is a step most videos will not teach you the movement pattern now make sure please please please pay attention to this part this is the most important step because you don't want to drill in bad habits here and the key to this the key is to stop focusing on the notes and start focusing on the movement pattern so check this out it's simple body mechanics really if you take a look at your hand you'll notice your fingers are all different sizes right your thumb and your pinky are significantly shorter than your middle three fingers so if we line up our hand on the keyboard and if we use a straight wrist right which is bad technique we'll talk about that later you'll notice your second third and fingers third and fourth fingers are nice and curved right they have this nice strong curved position but your pinky if you curve it it's gonna fall off the edge of the keys you won't be able to play the keys so you literally have to have a flat pinky just to reach the notes and guess what a flat pinky is never going to be strong and it's never going to be powerful it's never going to sound good but check this out all we have to do to fix this simple issue is rotate our wrist down and to the outside whenever we play our pinky and now look at my pinky right it's nice and curved as this nice strong curved motion and all i did was rotate my wrist down and out so here's the basic rule anytime you're playing toward your pinky you move your wrist down and out and anytime you play toward your thumb you move your wrist up and in like this and hopefully you can actually hear how strong and even the playing is through my fingers now if you look at it you know if i try to play with a straight wrist it's going gonna get weaker as it goes up if i curve my if i use the wrist motion you can say it's almost like i'm playing the notes with my wrist and i'm just catching the notes with my fingers and that way you're playing all the notes with one motion with your wrist which makes it sound nice and smooth instead of playing individual notes with each finger which is going to make it sound choppy and sloppy and this is actually one of the keys to building in flow and getting that smooth sound like you know when you hear a piano player and they just seem to have the ability to make the piano just sing this is the technique that's allowing them to do that all right so in order to drill in this over under technique into your muscle memory what you want to do is every time you're running a finger gauntlet exercise make sure you're focusing on using the over under wrist motion all right so let's take just the first finger combinations for now to make it simple so one two one three one four one five all right so when we go one to two guess what we're moving toward our pinky right one to two so we rotate our wrist down and out that's the rule right so one two and now we go back to one so we're gonna rotate our wrist up and in to go back to one and then we go to three so down and out because it's toward our pinky and then up and in back to one and then down and out to four up and into one down and out to five up and into one so as you can see for this particular exercise you're basically making these small little circles so one two one three one four one five now at first when you're practicing this exercise you want to really exaggerate the motion and the circles you're using so it should look like you know you're really exaggerating how far up and down you're going down because the more you exaggerate it the more your brain can really put it into your muscle memory and you're giving clear singles to your hands and to your fingers that this is how i want you to play now as you get better and better and as you start to speed this up these circles will become smaller because you don't have time to do giant circles and in reality once you start playing actual songs these circles will be very subtle and you might kind of barely even notice that your wrists are making these circles but at the beginning when you're training you want to exaggerate this wrist motion once you get this motion down once you drill it into your muscle memory it starts to become second nature and it'll start happening automatically when you play songs you won't even have to think about it all right on to step three and you're absolutely going to love this part this is everybody's favorite part the accelerated learning technique to learn this drill absolutely faster basically just a fancy way of saying hey let's work smarter not harder and get the same result in a shorter amount of time and today we're going to focus on rhythmic variations which is my personal favorite strategy for drilling in muscle memory or what some people like to call finger memory all right so here's how it works for now we're just going to focus on the first finger combinations to make it a little bit simpler for you guys and we're going to run the finger gauntlet through the four different rhythms all right so first we're going to run the finger gauntlet through rhythm number one which is long short long short it sounds like this long short long short long short long short next up we're going to run it through rhythm number two which is short long short long sounds like this short long short long short long short long and then next we're going to use rhythm number three which is long short short short sounds like this long short short short long short short short and finally we're going to use rhythm number four which is short short short long sounds like this [Music] and i promise you if you run this exercise through these four rhythms by the end of it you're gonna be amazed how much more you feel it in your fingers and when you go back to normal it's gonna feel easy it's gonna feel like it's in your fingers all right so does that make sense are you starting to see how putting all these steps together is way more effective than just you know repeating it over and over and banging your head against the wall trying to learn it you know let me know in the comments if this if this is really kind of opening your eyes to what's possible on you for a piano once you have the correct tools to learn at this point a lot of people start thinking zack why don't i just practice the finger gauntlet like you said it has every single finger combination you know i don't need the rest of the stinking exercises and please do not make this mistake do not fall into this trap okay remember these exercises are designed to work together in a system for example if you're not practicing the relaxation exercise you'll end up just drilling in the finger gauntlet with a bunch of tension and it's actually going to hurt you down the road and you know there are other things like crossovers that we have to drill in with the finger control exercise so remember these all fit together in a plan and so the rest of the plan i'm going to put in four separate videos because if you want to learn piano the right way for each of these exercises you need to learn the notes the form and the motion and the accelerated learning techniques now most youtube videos out there they just give you the notes and they're like good luck bucko and all these students they form these bad habits that absolutely kill their technique down the road because nobody taught them how to play with proper technique so i need to give you everything you need to be successful but that's gonna be a super long video if i put it all here i'm gonna put a link right here click the link enter your name and email hit submit and you'll go to this page with the intro video here and the other four videos here and i'll be releasing one of those every couple days you can also click this link to get the cheat sheet for not only this video but it also has stuff for the other videos in this series alright so click the link i'll see you there and i'm excited for you to start your piano journey toward beautiful effortless piano playing ...
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