learn piano keys Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 hey everyone Jacque Hopkins here a...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
hey everyone Jacque Hopkins here and I teach the fastest piano lessons on the Internet over at piano in 21 days calm and in this video I'm breaking down all the barriers when it comes to learning how to play the piano because I'm going to show you how you can be playing your favorite songs on the piano in just four minutes even if you've never touched one before so if you don't know how to play the piano just looking at one may be intimidating and overwhelming and that's because we've got these white keys and we've got these black keys you know what's the difference between them well I'm here to tell you there is no difference between black and white keys we literally could have 88 identically looking purple keys but then how would you know where you are on the keyboard at any given time so that's the reason we have white keys and Black Keys is so that you know where you are at any given time the next thing we need to do is learn the names of the keys now you don't need to memorize all 88 keys because we have these sections of twelve keys that just repeat themselves over and over again across the entire keyboard so let's focus in on one of these sections and learn the names of the keys the white key just to the left of any two black notes is a C key and then from there we continue down the alphabet and go to the right on our keyboard so we have c d e f g now the alphabet starts over after G and music so we're going to go a and B next there's are seven white keys let's learn the five black keys black keys are named by the white key they're next to and they also have the word flat and sharpen them the way this works is a sharp is a black key just the light of any white key and a flat is the black key just to the left of any white key so for example right here we've got C sharp and then this is also called D flat so every black he does have two names so now we've learned the names of every key on the entire piano the next thing we need to do is learn how to play some chords chords are just multiple notes played at the same time and they're the foundation for the songs that we want to play on the piano the majority of chords fall into one of two categories we've got major chords and we have minor chords and you don't need to memorize all of them you just need to know the simple formulas and once you know the formulas you suddenly know how to play all the courts so for example the formula for major chords is simply 4/3 what does that look like let's say we want to play ad major chord we'll start a D go up the very next four notes 1 2 3 4 and then the very next 3 notes 1 2 3 that's a D major chord let's say instead we wanted to play ad minor chord the formula for minor chords is reversed it's 3/4 so we'll start at D and go up 3 1 2 3 and then 1 2 3 4 there's D minor so now you know how to play all the major and minor chords on the piano how do you know what chords make up the songs that you want to play for that we just turn over to turn over to Google and in this case I want to play all of me by John Legend so I'll jump on Google and I'll type in all of me chords and the first result is almost always a good one so in this case it looks like the beginning of this song is a minor C major G major and D major [Music] so hopefully you can hear that this sounds like all of me by John Legend there are more advanced techniques that you can start adding in there and make the song better and better over time and with practice and eventually the chorus can sound something like this [Music] if you want to continue down this path of learning piano quickly and easily I've got a free workbook waiting for you just click on the image of the workbook in this video or click the link in the description below ...
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