piano tutorial online Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 You are frustrated that you c...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
You are frustrated that you can't play hands together. All your life you've only needed to use one hand to write to, brush your teeth, to shake hands. You just picked up the piano and you quickly realized that you need to be a master at controlling both hands and to execute different movements at the same time. Well, how challenging is that? You want to create beautiful music like... Or you want to play... Or you want to play... You want to play all this amazing stuff but you just can't seem to get your hands to do different things at the same time. Hi! My name is Jazer and today I'm going to give you 10 exercises you can do right now to improve your hand coordination. This channel is filled with piano tutorials and free lessons. So, if you want to be amazing at piano, remember to SUBSCRIBE and TURN ON notifications. Now before we start with our piano exercises, I have a fun coordination challenge for you. Let's see if you can do this. You will need your 2 hands and your 2 thighs. So what you're going to do with your left hand is you're going to do this punching motion like this. Very gently, of course. Don't hurt yourself. And with your right hand, I want you to do this. Okay so, hopefully you're going okay with this. Now let's see if we can swap them around, so the right hand is now doing the gentle punching and the left hand is doing the stroking. So this is an interesting one. Okay when I get people to do this, uh quite often when they do this challenge they start to do something like that. Like punching both of them or they sort of stroke both of them. And especially the change is not easy so, so just work on this guys before we start our piano challenge. So hopefully you went well with that. Let me know in the comments how you went. Alright, so we are going to jump into our exercises now. For all of these exercises, we are going to be placing our fingers right here in the C position. So your right hand's thumb is going on this C. Place your index, third, and fourth, and fifth finger on the next keys. And the left hand, you're in the same position but your pinky is on the C, and 4 - 3 - 2 and 1 are over here. I have created 10 levels for you to do today. Okay, let's see if you can do all 10 levels. Level 1 - I call this level "Best Friends'. Okay, so they're going up and down at the same time. Now this might look easy but if you're new to piano, this can be a little bit challenging. Okay, you might find the fourth finger, this one here, is particularly hard to play because it's a very weak finger. Now don't worry, you're doing great. Just keep practicing and it will get stronger. Okay you want to make sure you're focusing on creating the same volume for each note. Okay pay attention, especially to fingers 4 and 5 because they're a little bit weaker. Okay so you don't want to play something like this, for example, the left hand. You don't want to play this. You don't want to play that. So you want to make sure they're all at the same volume. Okay, that is super! Alright, so once that starts to feel good, I want you to now start to increase your speed... Okay but it's very important that you maintain control. So what you don't want to do, you don't want to do something like this... Okay, so this is what I call very unclean music where it's messy. It's not together. You want to make sure they are controlled, and executed exactly at the same time. Alright, amazing! Moving on to Level 2. Level 2, I call this "The Mirror". So you're gonna remember all the 10 levels are based in the C position. So, imagine there is a mirror right between where the hands are. You're gonna now do this... Okay so it's where the thumbs play together. You're going to travel outwards and then you're going to come back inside. I'll teach you a quick musical term here. This is called the "contrary motion" in music. The contrary motion is where you go out and come back at the same time. Okay just a quick tip for you here guys. Just make sure when you're playing this that your pinky is staying low and down when your thumbs are playing. And vice versa when your pinky are playing that your thumb is staying down. So please don't do this. This is bad technique. Okay so you want, what you want to do is to keep everything pretty grounded and controlled like this. If you see how really amazing concert pianists and jazz musicians play. This is the reason. They have really, really good technique is because they control it. And they get all the fingers to stay down. You might start to experience that your fingers have sort of this tendency to want to come up. So you just need to keep that in control, guys. Keep that low and in control. Moving on to Level 3. Now Level 3, I call this the "2 for 1" is where the right hand plays two notes and the left hand plays one note. It looks like this... Okay, right hand - 2 notes for every one right left-hand note. Okay hope you're going okay with that one. I'm gonna now show you Level 4. Level 4 is the same thing (two for one) but it's flipped around, where the left hand is playing 2 notes right hand plays 1. Okay and of course you just keep repeating that. But just for the sake of this video, I'm gonna, I'm gonna plow through these very quickly. Level 5 is called "3 for 1" so you might guess what this might sound like. Now 3 for 1 - 3 notes in here, 1 in here. Okay Level 6. Now Level 6 is also "3 for 1" but flipped around. Okay, hope you're traveling okay. Level 7 is now called "4 for 1" and it starts with the right hand playing 4 notes. Level 8 flipped around okay. And if you just noticed something my fingers are very controlled and I'm keeping them down. Okay, just remember, it's very important that you don't have your pinkies or your 4 or your thumbs flying up. Stay grounded to the keyboard. Our final 2 levels, Level 9 this is a pretty tricky one. This is the "Polyrhythm 3 for 2". This is where your right hand is playing 3 and your left hand's playing 2. So, it sounds like that. Okay so if you see, if you, if you're doing that correctly it should all end back together on the C. Let's see that one more time. Okay and Level 10, the final level. Okay this is Polyrhythm but flipped around. Left hand playing 3, right hand playing 2. One more time. How did you go with this hand coordination tutorial? What level did you get up to before things got a little harder? Let me know in the comments which level you got up to comfortably. If you enjoyed this video, make sure you stay tuned to my Part 2 of this hand coordination series where I'm gonna upload some more difficult challenges to improve your coordination even more. Again my name is Jazer. Thank you for watching, I hope this helps you coordinate your hands a little bit better and I'll catch you in the next video. ...
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