7 Days To Learning Piano (Beginner Lesson)

learn piano Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 let's learn some piano so maybe you&...

learn piano

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈

let's learn some piano so maybe you've always dreamt of learning to play the pianos maybe when you're a kid you wish you had piano lessons but it just wasn't possible or maybe you did take lessons and you had a terrible experience and you gave it up whatever your reasons are there's never been a better time to get started or return to the piano so this video is going to give you a complete practice routine and we're going to start from the beginning so if you've never touched a piano before i've got your back i'm going to take you through all the steps we're going to be learning how to navigate the keyboard how to play scale how to improvise and how to play a song and we're going to do all of that in seven steps so i've designed this to be sort of a day by day thing you can learn the first skill pause the video go practice return work on the next skill and just keep on coming back but if you're keen on you're not really making progress right now feel free to go as far as you like into the video you can make this whatever experience you want it to be the main takeaway here is that i've got your back i'm going to walk you through all the steps you're going to learn some amazing skills and you might surprise yourself at what is possible in a really short period of time so here we go okay so first things first keyboard familiarity we've got this beautiful instrument in front of us here and we need to know what's what and how to get around so the first thing i want you to do is take a look at all the keys and notice that we've got black keys and white keys and this is really important because as a piano player even if you're not brand new to the piano you need to know your way around this keyboard and the better you are at this now the better you're going to be down the road when you want to go play something that sounds amazing so notice how we've got groups of two black keys and blue bloops groups of three black keys oh dear okay groups of two and groups of three black keys these are going to help us to sort of navigate and create landmarks on the keyboard that will help us to move around so at the base of a group of two we have c and you can notice that that pattern repeats itself throughout your keyboard um so this is c and it would be so good for you just to take your right hand thumb your which we'll call our one finger and play c and then c and then c and then c and then you could do the same thing with your left hand five finger your baby finger you play c in the middle and then down low and just practice that way so if we know that's c we can use our alphabet so we could move up from c we've got d we've got e then we've got f then we've got g in the music there's no h after g we just go to a and then b and then would you look at that group of two we're on c again so groups of two help us to sort of find c groups of three three you'll notice at the base of those we've got f so that's another really great little landmark that will help you to get around the keyboard and so you know find your group of three there's f or three f three f so that's step one is just getting comfortable with the musical alphabet and the layout of your keyboard so for your first day or your first practice what i want you to do is practice moving your hands around so right hand five fingers one two three four five left hand five fingers one two three four five you're gonna take your right hand thumb and place it on c and i'm gonna take your left hand five finger and place it on the c below and see if you can get all your fingers to nicely sit on on each key see how each finger kind of has a key for a home my wrists are curved like this i'm just going to keep my hands here i'm not going to play anything yet we call this c position so you can find c position and place your hands on your lap now we're going to see if we can find f position so remember that group of three you're gonna look for it boom there's f position and i want you to get there as quickly as you can so back to your lap quickly find c and then back down and then quickly find f and then if you know where f is where's g here okay if you know where g is where's a it's just after now let's get random where's d this is c here's d so how quickly can you get your hands into position into all of the different you know kind of spaces that are directly in front of you so i guess a better way to say that is work through your musical alphabet you can go consecutively you can start on a which is here b c d e f and this might take you a bit to all your fingers cooperating g and then we just repeat back at a or you could go in random order just kind of call it a random musical alphabet like d boom okay and then a okay there spend i don't know three to five minutes doing this and you are going to have such a great feel for the layout of the keyboard you're gonna save yourself so much time in the future because there's nothing more frustrating than trying to play something amazing and you can't find where your hands are supposed to go because you don't know where the notes are on the keyboard so that's practice day one okay day two so this would be your second day of practice i know the first day we didn't do any playing but trust me you're going to be thankful for that now so what we're going to be doing in this step is we're going to be actually playing some notes and we're going to be moving around the keyboard a little bit and so there's a great there's a great deal of goodness that's going to happen in this particular part of your seven day process because you're going to develop finger dexterity controlling your hands and you're going to be taking some steps to teach yourself a chord progression and you won't even really realize you're doing it just yet so here's what i'd like you to do take that right hand find c position with it you know how to do that because we've been practicing boom there it is okay so we are going to play the five notes that fall under my hand so c d e f g and then back down f e d c now if you're brand new to playing the piano just doing this can be very difficult fingers get tense and you feel like your brain isn't connected to your hands and that's okay you can actually take as much time as you need on this step you could take a few days here and that would be totally okay so see about just spending a few minutes playing up those five notes i'm pressing right down into the keys and you can just keep going up and down like this as many times as you like and when you're ready i'd love to encourage you to practice this with your left hand as well because left hand is a hand that often feels a little bit weaker on the piano and when you're really feeling like pushing yourself or if you'd like a challenge you could do this hands together but this is tricky at the beginning so don't worry if you can't do this right away so that's a five note scale on c and so that's part of what we're going to be doing here but i actually want you to practice it on c and then i want you to move your hands both of them down to g position so here's c position here is g position and you're gonna do the exact same thing now i'm demonstrating hands together but as i mentioned earlier there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing this one hand at a time and taking as much time as you need just to build up the muscle skills for this it can take a bit so here we go one more time and then i'm actually going to switch positions again and this time we're going to move up to a so g a so we're just it's this teeny little shift you can play that a couple times remember to breathe and smile and relax and once you're comfortable here we're gonna move down to f position which is a g f remember that group of three we talked about at the first day boom there and there's our f position and they're gonna sound a little funny and strange for now but don't worry about that this is just about getting your hands to wake up to get your fingers to cooperate and just to develop some strength and dexterity and control in your fingers so that's basically it for day two so your job is to locate and play the five notes that fall under your fingers in c position either with your right or your left are both together depends how you want to put this practice together and where you're at in your skill level and coordination so you're going to do it on c then you'll move down to g then up to a and then down to f and a great rule of thumb would be to play once and then move down and you can go slow and move up to the a and then down to the f but you could you know play five rotations on each or ten rotations on each i always want to encourage you to get creative with how you put your practices together but the main goal is just to get comfortable playing those five notes that fall under your fingers on c g a and f now spend as much time as you need on this step on this day and i'll see you in the next day where we're gonna be looking at how we can actually create something that sounds really really beautiful and song like you're going to be improvising so i'll see you there okay so so far we've practiced moving our hand position and then playing a five note scale on the notes c g a and f in those positions and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take all of the muscle memory that we've built on moving our hands around like that and we're gonna actually play something that sounds beautiful and very very song-like so let's get our right hand back into c position and instead of playing you know all the notes that fall under your fingers i want you to play your thumb and your baby finger at the same time and this might just take a little bit of time to get the feel for but keep your wrist up and your fingers relaxed and that's what we're going to do so we'll play it four times two three four then we're gonna move down to g and we're gonna keep that same shape playing our bottom finger our thumb and our five finger it creates what's called a fifth we'll play it four times there and then we're gonna shift up into that a position two three four and then down to the f position so it's like i'm setting myself up just like i did before but instead of playing the notes one at a time i'm playing two notes at the same time on the bottom and the top of that shape using the one and the five and then we're down on the f position so let's try that with our left hand so c two three four down to g two three four now this might be sounding a lot like some of you know the songs you hear because this is the chord progression can you believe it you're playing a chord progression um that most popular music uses so you go for four for each and then here's the a and when we come back around to c we're going to try this hands together and it's okay this takes some time in practice but here we go c 2 3 4 down to g 2 3 4 and then a position 2 3 four and f position two three four and i'll move back to c and that's your homework that's all you have to do for this step it could feel a little bit intense right now if you're brand new or if you've got some previous history at the piano this might feel like a really comfortable thing for you in which case spend some time and see what kind of creative ideas you can come up with this uh but i want you to just get comfortable here first in the next step we're going to be looking at ways that you can kind of change this up to challenge your coordination a little bit and and to kind of beautify what we've done even further so practice practice when you feel ready i'll see in the next step here we go okay so we're going to take what we just worked on with that chord progression moving our hands around using those fifths and we're going to change it up just a little bit so what this will do is it'll give you more dexterity in your hands and it'll also help you to develop a little bit of hand independence it's going to be a little bit challenging but it's definitely worth it because it's going to sound so pretty and good so before we were working with our hands moving together at the same time what i'd like you to practice now is playing the bottom of that chord note with your left hand and holding it so your right hand is going to move and your left hand is going to kind of freeze and it'll sound like this let's do that again so i'm going to play and hold this and i'm going to play this for four one two three four and then i'm gonna move down into the g position and i'm gonna play and hold this and getting the hands to do different things it can be really challenging so you might want to practice this for a few rounds and when this is comfortable you can play that fifth shape and hold that so this time it'll sound like this it's a little more full and then you can move down to the g position a position and when that feels good i want to encourage you to start to explore in your right hand so what i mean is this i'm gonna play and hold the fifths in the left but instead of playing a solid fifth here i'm gonna break it up and it's gonna sound beautiful watch this g a position just kind of rotating my wrist in the right hand and i'm going to do that one more time here's the c position and the g position now if you're a more advanced piano player and you're at this step it might be fun for you to begin to explore a little bit further with any of the notes that are kind of fitting under your right hand so i'm just going to pause here and say that's the goal that's the hallmark for this day or this step is to just get comfortable moving into those different positions holding this left hand while you get creative and rhythmic with your right hand that's the hallmark if you want to expand on that you could play the five notes that fall under your fingers the sky's the limit so you could really get creative here and begin to improvise and create your own sounds i'm going to stop it there because that's the skill i really wanted you to zero in on for now is just getting comfortable moving those hands around getting some different rhythms between them and creating something that's very lovely to the ears so the next day or the next step whenever you're ready for it is going to be looking at how to actually play a full triad now this can be a difficult thing for a beginner but lucky for you we've done the work already in getting used to that fifth because a full triad or a full chord uses a fifth but it just adds an extra note into the equation so instead of playing with my one and my five i'm playing with my one and my three and my five and this can be challenging at first because the other fingers will try to get in the way so just remember this is the shape you've spent time with and gradually work on adding that third finger in and then you can move into a g position you can create that same shape on the a position and then again on the f position and you are now playing chords and this is really exciting because the next step from here is going to be playing a song using these chords using something called a chord chart but before you do that you need to be really comfortable here so one more time c and we're going to go to g and then we're gonna go to a i'm gonna get crazy in a second we're gonna go to f i'm gonna call these out in different orders so be ready so we'll go to c four times and next is gonna be f here we go f let's go back to c and now let's go to g let's go to a and then we'll go to f again and then we'll go to c and then we'll end on we'll go to g and then we'll end on c so at the end there i was starting to mess around a little bit with your sense of routine because you got comfortable playing those chords in the same order but i really want you to know that when you're playing songs these chords can show up in any order and that can change as you go through songs so it's really good to always be challenging yourself to do things just a little bit differently it keeps your brain really active and engaged and it really contributes to your learning process so your homework for this day or this step however you're approaching it is going to be to get used to that shape that one that three and that five and playing chords on it you can use the c a c g a f positions or you can just get creative and try mixing and matching them however you like now next step when you're ready when all that feels comfortable we're going to be looking at the song imagine by john lennon i've got a simplified chord chart for you and this is really exciting because this is where you see how just a little bit of time and attention to developing some really basic skills in your fingers and on your hands on the piano uh can bring you to a place where you can actually play a song and a song that you you know a modern contemporary amazing song and you don't even need to be able to read notes to do it so let's jump in now here we go so you're going to see on your screen lyrics with chord names above them you're going to see c's and c's and f's and all kinds of things i'm going to walk you through the step by step and you're going to see how easy it is use what you've learned so far to play a song so let's take a look at our first lyrics we've got c over the word imagine so just get you could play a fifth here you could play record you could play rhythmically or you could hold it let's keep it really simple to start let's play our full triad here and we'll play the root note root note just means the bottom note of this shape right now or you could think of it as if you see the word c play c chord this is your c chord so you're gonna play c here imagine there's no heaven and then i'll move to c it's easy if you try and you can keep going okay so now let's build some rhythm so we can do this it works really well here to play four for each of these chords watch you could break up that remember how we did that earlier that broken fifth you could do that there too so many options so that's the first little bit of the song and if you can do that you can play most of it now let's look at the little coursy bit here because that's where things go a little bit different so you're going to see f and then you're going to see f with a slash and an e and f with a slash with the d and then f with the slash with a c don't panic so your right hand is going to play f and it doesn't have to go anywhere just stay f for the whole line now your left hand is going to follow what's happening after those slashes so you're going to play f and then you're going to play e because that's what's represented by the e after the f and the next one sounds crunchy but don't worry you play with a d and then with c so let's do that again imagine all the people so this part rhythmically is a bit different we just have two one two then we change one two and then one two and one two and then you go to the g and you can just hold it live and you just keep going you've already done all this so you've got the muscle memory for it and you can have some fun and so that's that's your homework for this day just to get comfortable playing with this chart you can actually download it below and you can just spend as much time as you need getting these things feeling really good under your hands the final point that i wanted to make here was that you don't have to travel down to f you could travel because there's an f here there's like here there's an f here so you can travel from c there's no rules about this up to f and if that's a sound you like better then that's what you should do and it actually sounds really nice on this little pre-chorus okay so i'm gonna leave you with that to spend as much time with as you would like and our finishing touch our final day our last step i'm gonna give you some fun extra creative things that you can do to add into this to make a sound even closer to the original kind of like this we'll be looking at that okay so when you're ready let's do it okay can you believe how far you've come so we've gone from possibly never having played a piano ever to playing a chord progression to kind of improvising to playing with a chord chart and now we're gonna get fancy so this is so exciting um okay so the final steps here uh it's gonna be c chord so you're gonna play the top two notes together and then you're gonna rock down to the bottom this takes some coordination so you might have to practice this for a few minutes when you've got it you're gonna do that three times and then you're gonna move up so your five finger is gonna hit b and think about this you know if this is a group of two and this is c and this is a group of two and this is c b is always just below c two three and then you're gonna hit b and you can hit the g at the same time and then rock back down to the c sounds kind of crazy right now but it comes together i promise one two three four and then kind of lock into what you're thinking about here these two fingers are gonna just shift down so they've gone from being on g and b to being on f and a and this thumb stays exactly where it is so we'll do it again really slow put angie here up to g and b c and then f and a two three and then your thumb is going to come up and play a and then this black key here it's called b-flat and then b and that's the intro that's the iconic intro let's do it again i'll add my left hand here a bit and then when we get to this position our left hand moves to f you can use any fingers you want on these no it's totally up to you and then you just repeat now you could do that and sing along but if you don't sing if you can play this people will know people will know the song you're playing because it's so iconic and then you're kind of back on track you could play the f chord here next thing you know you've just spent your entire day playing the piano and everything's good and you just feel amazing because you've played a song and it's beautiful and lovely and it's just feeling good for your hands and your brain and your heart so there you go that is seven days to learning the piano now obviously there's so much more uh but the takeaway here is number one there's no time like right now to learn how to play the piano i'm not even kidding if you feel like oh i wish i would have learned back when i was a kid i'd be so much farther put that away now is the perfect time you can do this and you can have a lot of fun doing it which is the next point is this should be fun you should be moving towards playing songs you love and developing your creativity and developing your ability to play songs at the same time that you're working on building out those little technical skills which i think is kind of really demonstrated super well in what we've done in the past seven days or steps here we've worked on those technical skills to develop your hands and your fingers and we've also worked on our creativity with the chord progression and the song so if this is possible in seven practices can you imagine where you'll be after 30 or 50 practices right the sky's the limit so i'm so glad to have spent this time with you um i hope that you enjoyed all this if you have any questions comment below happy practicing you ...

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