Piano Lessons for Beginners: Part 1 - Getting Started! Learn some simple chords

piano lessons Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 hi if you just bought your first keyb...

piano lessons

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈

hi if you just bought your first keyboard or piano and you don't know where to get started you've come to the right place I've made this little minseries just for you so you can jump start your piano playing career it's going to have a couple of parts and we're going to gradually build up your skills and vocabulary and I plan to release a video approximately uh maybe once or twice a month let's get started and we'll need a little bit of terminology if you look look at the piano keyboard you see it's made out of repeating units you have two Black Keys three Black Keys 2 3 2 3 and so forth the white key to the left of any two Black Keys is called a c so this is a c this is a c this is a c and so forth the notes are named following the C uh as you would perhaps expect them to be this is a c d e f g and then it wraps around and a goes back to a b and c and it keeps going c d e f g a b c okay so we got the naming under our belt the first thing I want to teach you in terms of playing is how to play a couple of simple chords and I'm going to assume that you want to accompany yourself singing on the piano that's kind of the popular approach to playing the piano so maybe you want to sound like this now I'm going to teach you four chords which will be C major F major G major and a minor or I just play them out C major F major G major and a minor if I don't say major after a chord name it's assumed so I'll just maybe call them c f g and a minor let me start by showing you how to play them again you can play them either in the left or the right hand we're going to focus on the right hand for starters here's a C major chord and I'm playing three notes all of the chords have three notes in this video and I'm playing a g a c and an E with my right hand now notice the fingering the fingering means which fingers I use to play this chord I'm using my thumb my first finger and my fourth finger now this is largely a matter of taste you could use this fingering as well thumb third finger and fifth finger it's kind of up to you to experiment and see what feels natural for [Music] you the next chord IS F major so I'm playing an A C and F and I'm using my thumb first finger and fifth finger on the right hand and the fingers are just numbered the way you'd expect them 1 2 3 4 5 for the G major chord I'm playing a g b and d with my thumb first finger and fourth finger and finally for a minor I'm playing an a c and e with thumb first finger and fourth finger again experiment you might find it more convenient to use your thumb third finger and fifth finger to play some of these voicings now what about your left hand so the left hand is going to play the Basse note and the Basse note is simply going to be the name of the chord the note that corresponds to the name of the chord so for a C major chord in the right hand you're going to play a C note in the left hand for an F you'd play an F note in the left hand for an A Minor you play an A in the left hand and for a G G major you play a g the note G in your left hand doesn't really matter how you finger these you can just even use one finger if it's more convenient for you so you can just jump around but it's more convenient a little bit to put all of your five fingers like this such that your thumb rests on the C and then you you can press the C with your thumb the F with your pinky with your fifth finger the a with your third and G with your fourth finger so you don't have to jump around your hand hand just rests evenly on one spot so now you have four chords under your belt and you can experim first of all start by experimenting with different combinations so let's see you can start with a C going to an F going to an A Minor going to a [Music] g how about a different combination let's go for something that starts with an A Minor goes to a C major then goes to a let's say F major and G major a minor C major F major G major let's go for a third combination just to see how it sounds Let's do an F major to a C major to a G major to an A Minor F major C Major G major a [Music] minor now a great number of popular songs have been written using just these four chords and just go online and look for some of your favorite songs and see uh which which ones were written using CF G and a minor now one more thing before we conclude for today and that is basically what you can do to add some motion and interest you're playing is once you've hit a chord just repeat it at constant intervals so I'm going to play it and then hopefully that will give you an idea of what I mean and I'll play uh let's say a C major to an F major to a C major to an F major and so [Music] forth while I'm playing by the way I'm holding down my piano pedal so you can see it with the camera but all of keyboards today come with pedals and pianos come with pedals and the nice thing about the pedal is that if I don't press the pedal and I press a note and let go the note stops but if I hold down the pedal and I press the note and I leave it it keeps on ringing and the same goes with a chord without a pedal and with a pedal so the idea is to hold down the pedal for as long as you're on a particular chord when you switch between chords be sure to depress the pedal so the previous chord doesn't keep on ringing when you switch to the new chord so I'm keeping my pedal pressed here depressing it and when I move to the F major can I depress it and press it again the press and press and so forth so this will give you a nice full sound when playing and of course the sort of quintessential song that you probably want to check out for these four chord is Imagine by John Lennon uh do go ahead and and have a look and in the next lesson I'm going to show you four different ways interesting ways in which you can make your playing sound more interesting so not just push down the chords but make it sound more mature complex and sophisticated that's it I hope you've learned something interesting welcome to your first lesson for playing the piano I hope you'll have many more and enjoy your path and I'll see you next time ...

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