Piano Chords: Beginner to Pro in 10 Simple Steps

piano chords for beginners Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 today we're going to...

piano chords for beginners

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈

today we're going to learn piano chords all the way from Level beginner to intermediate to advance all in 10 simple steps even a complete beginner could learn and along the way these Stars up here indicate some surprise songs from the radio that you'll be able to play using the chords you're about to learn and very quickly impress your friends and family all right let's get started all right step one we're going to start by finding the basic chord shapes simply copy these to the piano so we got a minor F major C major and G Major by the way I have a cheat sheet PDF with all of these I'd recommend grabbing that now for free the link is in the video description all right step two we're going to add the left hand simply play the name of the chord with your left hand so for a minor we're going to play a and then for f we're going to play F and then for C major we're going to play C and for G major we're gonna play G so now we have a minor F C and G step three we're going to Simply play each chord two times so it's going to be a minor 2 f 2 c 2 g 2 and boom now you got the beginner pattern down pat and guess what we're at our first star and with this pattern you can already play Play the song cuz I'm so sick of love songs so tired of Tears so done with wishing you were still here said I'm so it already sounds good but let's spice it up and move on to the intermediate patterns but first if you like this video hit that like button I'd really appreciate it it does help the channel out a lot all right so step four we're simply going to play four times with our right hand instead of two times so it's going to sound like this a minor 2 3 4 f 2 3 4 c 2 3 4 g 2 3 4 all right starting to sound cool but let's add some base into equation so step five we're going to use left hand octaves all right so every leftand note if we have our first note a we're simply going to play with our thumb and then we're also going to play another a down here with our pinky right then for f we're going to play Both of the fs and then C both of the C's and then G both of the G's now this isn't actually as hard as it looks notice that your left hand keeps the same shape we're simply shifting it to F and then shifting it to C and then shifting it to G so now when I play the full progression notice how this adds more depth to the sound all right so step six we're going to add something called rocking chords so all you're going to do is instead of playing the notes in the right hand at the same time you're simply going to alternate the top two notes the bottom note the top two notes and the bottom note so for our a minor chord looks like this top two bottom top two bottom then F top two bottom top two bottom then C top two bottom top to bottom then g walk to bottom top to bottom so sped up it's going to sound like this all right now step seven we're going to add the fifth in our left hand so for our first chord a minor we're simply add our pointer finger on E notice how this gives the cord more body and warmth and then for the rest of the chords again you keep the same shape and you just shift it down to F and then you shift it up to C and then you shift it down to G so all in all we have a minor F C and G and guess what we're already on to our second star so our second song we can play is Apologize by One Republic check this out I'm holding on your rope got me 10t off the ground I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound all right pretty cool so far but now let's move on to the advanced patterns these are the ones that really impress your friends and family but they're actually not that difficult to learn but before that if you're enjoying the lesson so far hit that subscribe button and hit the notification Bell to make sure you don't miss out on any important videos in the future all right so step seven we're going to arpeggiate the right hand so so if we take our a minor chord all we're going to do is play top bottom Middle top bottom Middle top bottom right then we move on to our F chord same thing top bottom Middle top bottom Middle top bottom then C top bottom Middle top bottom Middle top bottom and finally our G chord top bottom Middle top bottom Middle top bottom and once you get It sped up it's gonna sound like this sounds pretty cool right all right now for step nine it's the exact same except we're going to play our left hand whenever we play the top note in our right hand right so for example our a minor chord we have top bottom Middle top bottom Middle top bottom and then our F chord top bottom Middle top bottom Middle top bottom and then our c chord top bottom Middle top bottom Middle top bottom and then our G chord top bottom Middle top bottom Middle top bottom so once it's sped all the way up it's going to sound like this trust me your friends and family are going to be absolutely blown away if you can play this pattern and finally for step number 10 You're simply going to learn all these patterns Step 1 through n over the top of a bunch of different chord progressions so that you can learn any song you want from the radio so you can start that here with the top three core progressions every beginner should know or if you want to jump right into songs here's four easy piano songs that are perfect for beginners [Music] ...

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