The Fastest Way To Learn Any Piece

best way to learn keyboard Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano -For-All">Click Here 👈 Y...

best way to learn keyboard

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano-For-All">Click Here 👈

You're trying to learn a piano piece you love and it's taking months and it's getting dull. In this video, I want to propose a rule for you to follow when you're practicing piano. That if you really took to heart and practice with the utmost discipline will help you to learn your songs and pieces within days, perhaps within hours, rather than weeks or months. On surface level, this will sound like very common sense talk. But I want to suggest you to stick to the end of the video to listen to my in-depth explanation and see it in demonstration. I promise this will be a game changer for you like it is for many of my live students. So here's the rule - when practicing DO NOT ALLW YOURSELF TO PLAY WRONG NOTES. This rule is so important in my personal practice. I'm just going to say it one more time, do not allow yourself to play wrong notes. And I mean this in a relatively strict way. So I want you to imagine you're playing a game with yourself when you're practicing. And the moment you strike a single wrong note, it's almost like you'll be electrocuted. Or you that you have to do 100 push-ups as punishment if you struck even a single wrong note. Let me explain what I mean. Many of our subscribers or even some of my own students practice in this way. I know this because I observe them during the lesson and I'm seeing how they work and how they hone their parts. This is where they're trying a passage for 10th time, trying to kind of nail it on the 11th time. In in my personal opinion this is not the best way to work. It's based on a terrible but common misconception that as long as you keep playing, keep playing, keep playing you through, eventually it'll be right and you'll get it. During my college and high school teaching days, I was required to accompany many soloists I had to learn very complicated piano parts in short amounts of times to perform or rehearse with these soloists. I would get the sheet music sometimes just days or maybe even on the day of the performance or rehearsal. Imagine getting sheet music to a performance 60 minutes prior. How would you spend that 60 minutes? You could say that through my training, I was forced to really think about how to spend little time to churn out lots of music. Here's what I found in my training in my 20 years of piano playing experience. When you're practicing piano, your hands and your brain will retain whatever you execute on the keyboard. If you practiced like this... If you did that, for let's say seven times. On the eighth time of trying to execute this, it's likely your hands will do the same thing. If you practiced however like this, which is the wrong way you know if you screw up the notes something like this. If you allow unmindfulness and allow your hands to execute wrong notes like that, it's very hard for your brain to understand and know what you want it to retain. As you're practicing, when you attempt a passage 10 times and you play those 10 times slightly differently each time, your brain gets very confused. It is not sure what exactly you want it to learn. It says to you "Excuse me, Mr. Pianist. Excuse me, Miss Pianist. It seems to me you're wanting me to learn and retain a certain sequence of finger movements. However you've demonstrated this passage 10 times but slightly differently each time. Which one do you want me to retain? Imagine going to a dance class and needing to learn a simple 10-second choreograph. The dance instructor stands in front of you and goes "Okay this is how you do it." She demonstrates it 10 times for you to watch and learn. However in each of the 10 times, she does her choreograph slightly differently each time. Wouldn't that be a little bit confusing for you? Unfortunately, this is how a lot of people practice piano. They unmindfully practice passages in very different ways. Every time they strike and their brain gets very confused about what it needs to retain. So here's my method. PLAY A GAME WITH YOURSELF. I want you to practice in small enough sections that you can guarantee 100% note accuracy. And don't worry about the beat or the rhythm for now. Once you can do 7 times in a row without any note errors, 7 times in a row then you can expand or extend these sections. This is a piece I literally just learned this morning it's one of Schubert's impromptu and there's a lot of passages that help you work on scales if you like the sound of it please go and try this one so let's play the game the game is to let's say start with four measures a very small section we're going to try hands together first let me show you what the goal should be first 100% note accuracy so if you're doing something like this let's say you're practicing and you're making some errors here and there let's say if you make errors two or three times in a row we want to know that there is a reason for that we must put our ego aside and just admit that there currently is a level of coordination that our brain is not quite getting just yet it will eventually I promise but not in the this current moment if you're making mistakes we need to reduce that level of coordination for our brains to prioritize success we either reduce it to two measures or maybe even one measure or maybe do hand separately so let's say if we reduce it to one measure it might look something like [Music] this and we will just hone that we will make sure we can do it 100% correctly it's not just seven times not just small sections but it's seven times it's small sections and they have to be 100% correct so as I said before either reduce the number of measures or do hand separately try to teach your hands exactly what it needs to do and rinse and repeat in exactly the same way that you executed the last time remember the R do not allow yourself to play wrong notes give your brain the correct information it needs every single time so it knows what to remember it knows what to retain in your hands I would practice that passage for seven times if you play a single wrong note in that seven times it unfortunately means you haven't quite understood that part enough and you need to restart you need to make sure you play through seven times in a row correctly before you can move on only when you can do seven times in a row without a wrong note can you say confidently that you got it not three times not five times not seven times out of 15 tries but seven times in a row whilst you're doing this forget about Rhythm for a second so for example one of my sections down here in the E flat minor part sounds like this when I was practicing this part I actually made eight measures my little section and I practice in this particular way I did this I paused and I tried to prepare each transition pause to think pause to think pause to think pause to think pause to think you get the idea so it's always prioritizing success I don't allow myself to play a single wrong note I forgo Rhythm and beats for now in each difficult part I just give my brain a little bit of a rest to make sure I actually understand the coordination I need to execute the next Parts because I remember that every single note I strike on the piano is some of it is getting retained so I don't want to retain anything wrong I want to retain all the right stuff and if I rinse and repeat like this suddenly I know the parts very quickly within 5 minutes within 10 minutes because I've done it correctly seven times in a row if you have the discipline to really do this properly you will find this works like magic you'll magically learn passages and sections and entire pieces very quickly because for once you're finally giving your brain always the correct information to retain into your muscle memory rather than just giving it correct information sometimes if you progressively build on this method Lego piece by Lego piece you will have a magnificent structure by the end of that practice session compound this over 7 days you would have learned the entire piece and perfected it I've talked about this method in another video I called it the a AR method the absolute accuracy rule I advise you to really try this really take this seriously sometimes people say this is a little bit boring I personally think you're doing yourself a huge disservice if you don't practice in this way lots of people practice in that kind of trial and error way practice it 10 times try to nail it by the 11th time and they compound this over weeks and months and I find they eventually hate their piece I rather you let's say just suffer for 5 to 10 minutes using this method and actually retain your love and passion for the piece because you actually get it in your hands pretty quickly please try this method and let me know in the comments how you go if you have other ways of practicing that works for you please share in the comments too I would love to learn from you and our pianists around the world would love to learn from you as well that's it for today's lesson if you have any other piano questions please let us know in the comments catch you in the next piano tutorial ...

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