best app to learn keyboard Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano -For-All">Click Here 👈 a...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano-For-All">Click Here 👈
and the best beginner keyboard is you'll have to watch him find out one of the most popular questions we get at piano is what keyboard should I buy the best beginner keyboard will be different for each person but we're gonna give you a head start by sharing our favorite keyboards for 2023 along with some tips on how to pick the perfect keyboard for you now to help us on this journey we've got Mr keyboard himself Terrell hi guys to help us out in this video we'll be reviewing and comparing keyboards from Yamaha Roland Casio oh and dexie belt now before we dive into our comparisons here are some quick tips on what you should look for when deciding which keyboard is the right fit for you starting with the number of keys so you can get keyboards that come in idiot Keys 49 61 76 okay 88 is ideal but if you have less than 88 keys weighted keys okay this one instruments like uh like a synth yeah so like if you play it it just doesn't feel the same you won't develop that finger strength and coordination the same way a key velocity can you tell us what that means so velocity is how hard you're going to press the keys and the sound response that you would get with that right so every instrument will have a slightly different feel in that key velocity so that's why brings us to our next point it's very important that you try before you buy because every keyword is going to sound and feel different so I recommend taking some trusty headphones along with you to the store cuts that way you can plug them into the keyboard nobody in the store is going to hear you you won't feel awkward about being really loud or playing crazy and you can really get a sense of key velocity how the keys feel under your hands and how the instrument sounds all right let's dive into the keyboards first up we have the Yamaha p45 this looks nice the p45 it is the basic piano from Yamaha and so there's not a lot to get in the way of distractions when you're playing it is pure and simple piano and that may be what a lot of people are looking for it's also going to be one of the more like entry-level pianos in terms of price yep but it's also one of the more entry-level pianos in terms of capabilities okay um it has a simpler sound set there's only uh 10 odd sounds that you could switch through other than something like a main piano and there's very basic function beyond that there's a metronome there are some Reverb algorithms but it's simply and straightforward a piano to play oh and importantly onboard speakers you can use headphones or you can hear this out without having to plug any extra speakers for a beginner piano player this is okay so we're gonna we got it so I'm just gonna it sounds bright to me how does feel emotionally it feels like a little bit like like nice but the touch like it feels like maybe the velocity isn't where I want it to be the keys are very easy to push down yeah yeah so that's fine there's absolutely nothing wrong with that that's where this comes down to personal preference um but the keyboard feels nice it plays nice like the the surface of the keys is good it's a Yamaha it's a Yamaha so like you can't go wrong all right so second on our list and successor to the Yamaha p45 is the Greater Yamaha 125. it's got uh more polyphony it can sound three times as many notes what it has a more detailed and nuanced uh sound engine so the piano is going to sound a little more realistic and overall it's just a better build quality better speakers better features it's the uh the generous Step Up compared to the 45. it sounds better am I like does it how does it feel that's something important it feels like it's still I'm gonna be honest it's still not my favorite in the world however it feels a little bit better than the other one the keys are much improved the uh feel of the keys the uh hammer action of the keys I feel like a more Dynamic control it's all an improvement from the p45 but you're paying for it it's a little more expensive too so I would say like the the price difference is just a couple hundred dollars so if you have it in your budget and you're trying to decide between the two I would say it's worth the upgrade to this one if you can swing it the experience yeah is superior yeah and you know what I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you this is like an upgraded like a newer model than the one that I used to have at home but I had something similar to this in my house for a couple of years and I practiced on it like I had no problem playing classical pieces on it working on my skills and my technique it was a great little piano and foreign friends we've shown you two Yamaha pianos so here are some specs so you can compare and of course if you're deciding between these two make sure you go play them before you make your decision all right so next up Lisa we're moving into the rolands Rowlands and this is the Roland fp10 which is the entry level keyboard that we'll be showing off from Roland the most comparable to the Yamaha p45 that we were showing off first but the Roland takes things a couple of steps further it's uh first and foremost a very basic piano not unlike the p45 I found a ton of buttons but it's got a couple of little extras in fact the uh sampling technique the sound engine inside the fp10 it's a little more nuanced it's a little more complex than you would get in either of the Yamahas but um every key is uh sampled individually it is a very true to form acoustic piano when you're playing it ooh is this what they call the supernatural sound design and so the fp10 it also includes some extra digital features like Bluetooth Bluetooth midi so you could connect to your phone or your computer and you could record your playing or you could play uh synthesizers and vsts and uh via Bluetooth take advantage of a whole extra Suite of sounds a suite of sound included on the piano itself I really want to play this I want to compare it how does it sound how does it feel okay I like the feel of the keys better I have to be honest they've got this uh like fake wood yeah there's a little bit of a texture on the key which I really really like the other keys were very like they're great but they're slippy a little slippery they were just shiny this is the same uh graded key action that comes available in the fp30 that will be showing off it's the same that's the same keys and the same sensors that you get in the higher end piano in the fp10 it's a little more streamlined it doesn't have the same sounds or or features as their higher end model okay but it has the same coarse sound and it has the same core keyboard your your playing experience is going to be just as good the neighbors okay we have a whole new role in here the fp30 acts so the fp30x is something of the follow-up to the fp10 something of an expansion on the idea it's got a couple of extra features more buttons it's got more sounds it's got more polyphony it's got a better build it's got better speakers it is the Step Up from the fp10 very much like the p125 is to the p45 and this has pedals built right on in all three all three of them where any piano we've led up to at this point only has the sustain pedal available so like you probably wouldn't want to like it might be a little more challenging to throw this in the back of your car and do a gig with this you think more of this one like a piece of furniture in the home rather than like something you're carting around to a gig or playing for friends and family at the Christmas party okay fair enough it sounds beautiful it's got the same Keys the same action the same sound set as the fp10 makes sense because it sounds the same but more polyphony more a greater range of notes to be played at once it's gone uh better speakers on it too if you were going to be playing this in your home or as a performance instrument it's got a much greater range to it like with the Yamaha like here's here here's loud but I feel like there's more of the key velocity so it requires more control in the hands to get that out of the actual sound of the key you're not wrong and the Roland uh Supernatural sound set it is a multi-sampled uh keystroke so everything from your lightest touch to your hardest push will have a greater range of nuance and Dynamics whoa okay so with the Yamahas I definitely if you had it in your budget love the idea of taking the p125 over the 45 feels like a remarkable difference definitely with these two they're really close so I think it's more about what what sort of features that you feel most inclined towards because they both sound and feel amazing and then to summarize it all for you we just got this little spec sheet free right here [Music] all right next up we are in casioville beautiful the magical Casio p x s 1100 and it's gorgeous polished finish it's a much um nicer Lisa not anymore it's a much nicer looking piano than some of that we've shown off before but it does get fingerprints if you're worried about fingerprints you're going to want to keep a cleaning cloth it definitely is you sorry I couldn't help go again and it's like they're just links tell us a little bit about this instrument so the Casio is their entry-level digital piano but it's a lot more than an entry level keyboard it's got some great features and sounds built in it's got the newest and the fastest Bluetooth midi technology fastest it's five it's faster than the rolands it's faster than anything we've shown you thus far and so the keys themselves they are um meant to mimic the feel of a proper acoustic piano you notice they have a deeper text string than what we've seen on the Rollins or the Yamahas it feels good how does it sound how does it compare to something like the Roland that we were just looking at it doesn't feel as dynamic as the Roland that's like for sure but it still sounds good it's [Music] and the dynamic range isn't quite as magical as the Roland either it's got two headphone outputs if you wanted to play together okay this together with somebody that'd be cool you can have headphones and another person could have headphones the two of us could we could both have fun it would be beautiful that's kind of cool now it is more it is more expensive than our entry levels with both Yamaha and Roland it's a little bit of a step up uh aesthetically though too a little bit more of a feature piece or or a uh Furniture so this is where it comes down to your checklist and actually going and playing these pianos putting on those headphones and really allowing yourself to go what would I most want to play every single day of my life if I could only pick one piano that's the question you have to be asking while you shop next on the list the amazing the shiny Casio pxs 3100 the Step Up from the 1100 actually the 1100 we were just looking at is the newer of the two pianos but the 3100 it's the the higher end of the two it's got more sounds it's got more buttons oh and just end up the first one we've shown you with the screen yes so you can know what you're playing you can see a little bit deeper into the menu if you were changing effects or the sounds looking to dive deep it has the same keyboard it's got the same Keys the same action and a grand piano button right here as the 1100 we were just showing you but it's got uh there's one that says others hundreds of more songs hundreds synth sounds um guitar sounds drum sounds how many others there's a lot of guitar sounds there's 700 sounds in here so you're gonna be scrolling for a long time ultimately it is built to be the same style as what we're showing you but it goes a lot deeper it has more of a like a keyboardist's range of capabilities to do more things you can play something for us oh there's a pinch fan so that's kind of a sense and you've got controls for effects or your built-in sounds it's a much deeper level of control than you get to anything we've shown you thus far okay I think it's just and it's spelled the same features you've got the two headphone Jacks I still love that you've got the better speakers built into this one than you do the 1100 okay sounds good and a wider range of capabilities about the Casio one 's the sharpness of the and yeah it kind of like delicate fingers and yeah it does kind of feel sharp but other than that it's a cool instrument you can do all the things so you should definitely give this one a try when you shop now we've got a comparison for you so check out the specs [Music] what do we have here okay so this is a big step up from what we've been showing you before yes we've shown you like the most popular piano sort of in North America well probably the world with Yamaha Casio and Roland now we're taking a trip to Italy you're taking Italy this is the dexabel h10 yeah and it is uh a flagship it is uh it's a luxury piano digital piano it's got a wood action Keys how do they feel they they feel like they're supposed to feel it has a sound engine not unlike the Roland Supernatural okay it has extremely detailed and expressive uh piano sounds built in and some a very capable range of features you can uh stack and um split your sounds or um try that [Music] fun so you can do anything it's got a mic built in yes it's got Bluetooth features you can adjust your mic volumes and levels right here on this side which is super cool so if you had to go like perform for your health guests or at a gig and it's gorgeous and it's heavy and it's uh something you're not going to be moving around your house it feels really good this is a piano that you could kind of like last you your your entire Learning Journey you know it can take you from beginner all the way through to more of the advanced playing if you're even playing in classical Styles we had our classical piano teacher Victoria theater playing on a Dixie Bell when she filmed our classical method I love playing this piano it's absolutely beautiful it's all about the experience uh the better your piano the better your experience the more you're likely to play the more you have to enjoy foreign [Music] it's gorgeous get the specs right there okay friends our final piano is nothing less than a rolling Go piano portable piano it's pretty cool if you've seen any of our Shenanigans with piano and the Roland go Keys it's very similar to The Go piano piano system go man it's pretty awesome it does not have 88 keys 61 but 51. you can oh you can change the octave so you've got a whole range of piano sounds you've got um electric piano sounds and uh some drums too more could you want really the sound like you're still getting an absolutely incredible sounding instrument batteries and built-in speakers and just a lightweight build so it's the least expensive how do you feel about it Lisa what speaks to you or takes you away I love the sound the feel on this not my favorite if I'm perfectly honest with you the action on these Keys springy it's a little springy it doesn't really make me feel like I'm gonna sit down with this and do my scale pack but that makes sense if you had to be conscious of space or if you were throwing it in the back of the car or if you were performing in the Park oh yes I don't know that I could think of a better keyboard to be carrying around it's pretty all right we've got a spec sheet for you right here so check it out foreign friends we've shown you pianos we've compared them we've played them we've talked about them and this is a very individual process if you gotta pick what's gonna be good for you but I have a clear favorite me too I think we should share our clear favorites I know what yours is gonna be no you don't and uh we'll just wait and see if I'm right side from the luxury my favorite was hands down the Roland fp30x and why was that Lisa what spoke to you about this sounded incredible like it just the sound is such a good sound on that piano it's affordable why not the fp10 then it's got the same sound because I liked the extra buttons there you go I like the action there's just speakers and the pedals were connected yeah so I really liked that all the things I needed were right there I could set it up and that would just be my piano um so for the price you get incredible sound incredible feel and everything I personally would want or need um in a piano now you might assume that I'm a Roland guy and I am to my core okay the Yamaha was beautiful to play the rolands were an incredible experience contrary to what you might have assumed or what I might have even thought before we started this it was the Casio it was the pxs 3100 that really spoke to me and and more so as a keyboardist than a Pianist so it depends on how you wanna like take advantage of it and from what perspective okay but the extra of features the uh the polished finish it all added up to a very complete and diverse experience for me not just from a piano player's perspective but from a musicians I like this you see you can see how individual this can be we've just proven our own point she's perfect you gotta go try pianos you gotta think about what's important to you and I really hope that you found this video to be helpful for your decision making process well and tell us what you're playing or what we want to be playing tell us your wish list what speaks to you and what's the most important features that stand out when you're looking or comparing pianos it's a very personal preference and it's something that you'll have to spend a lot of time on coming to terms with what's best for you yeah share your experiences because the the comments section of this video could be like a little review section so people are going to go in there and read that and get your thoughts and opinions and you will be debating and preparing it'll be so fun telling you why you want one over the other so comment below um thanks for hanging out with us hey little Sarah [Music] ...
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