Piano Chords: The Basics

piano chords Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 what is up guys so in this lesson we...

piano chords

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what is up guys so in this lesson we're going to be learning the very basics of piano chords so this is very much same that beginners and we're going to learn what they are how to play them and what you actually need to do to get started so let's get straight into it [Music] so what is a chord well it's basically just a collection of notes which are played at the same time and the most simple type of chord contains three notes and this is known as a triad for example so how do we know which three notes to play well every chord is built from a scale so to really understand how to play chords we need to know a scale and we'll keep this nice and simple by using what is known as the c major scale which is just all of the white notes [Music] so for this lesson you can just forget that the black keys even exist so going back to the question how do we know which three notes to play well a triad is built from the first third and fifth notes or you could think of it as playing one note skipping the next and then playing the following note skipping the next and then playing the following one again so using this c major scale if we wanted to play a c chord we play the first note which has to be a c since we're playing a c chord and then we skip the next note and then we play this one and then we skip the next note and we play this one this thing gives us three notes which if we play together gives us a c major triad and in your left hand you can just play the root note which is the note of the chord name so that would be a c this gives it a bit more depth and just makes it a bit more interesting [Music] say we wanted to play an f chord we would follow the exact same process we start off playing the note f we skip the next one and we play this note we skip the next one and we play this note if we play this all together we get an f major chord and the same goes for g if we play the first note skip the next note skip the next note we play this together put the root on the bottom we get a g major triad [Music] so we've been over chords 1 4 and 5 of the c major scale these chords are always major or happy sounding and now if you investigated this process further you would find that some of the chords sound kind of sad rather than happy [Music] and the reason for this is because they are minor chords rather than major these chords are constructed using exactly the same process as we followed earlier and i'm going to go into more detail with these in another video and there will be a playlist which follows on from this lesson so make sure you check that out the last thing i want to go over in this lesson is what's known as chord inversions and this is a relatively simple concept but can take a bit of practice to get used to the idea is that playing these chords the way we have been throughout this lesson can get fairly boring so what you can do is play them in different positions so here's that c major chord and what we can do is move the notes around but keep playing exactly the same notes so we have our c down here at the bottom in our right hand and what we can do is move this c to a c higher up on the piano so we could play this one instead [Music] so we've got exactly the same notes we've just moved them around a bit we can also follow the same process to get a new position we can put this e up on the top so we now have three different ways of playing the exact same chord [Music] and this can make our chord progressions much more interesting later on so that's it for this lesson and make sure to check out the rest of the playlist where we will continue to develop our understanding of chords if you enjoyed this make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one you ...

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