piano learning software for pc Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 please click on the ...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
please click on the button and click on the bell icon to get the letter patience hello everyone it's me Jerry from immigrants today in this video I will show you two best piano software's to play with computer keyboards so without any further more delay let's begin as we all know that the original piano music instrument is very costly and I'm sure there are many who love playing piano but can't afford because of this costly prices but don't worry if you have a computer then definitely you can play a great piano music using your computer keyboard and using your computer so we ready for more delay let's begin so first of all what you need to do is you need to open any web browser and you need to go to this website every one piano calm so this is the first piano software I'm going to show and this is highly recommended for any portion out there because this piano software offers you a lot as you can see here when you click on this piano softly you will get our everyone piano which is the piano software to be played with a computer keyboard and you can get a lots of plugins like a metro more means extend music master waterfall even you can get our audio recorder a lots of things using this every one piano so that's must like a complete set of piano software's so when you click on this piano software I'll be taken to the download link basis as you can see here the servers you can use any server to download this everyone piano software and you on the Levin said you can see all different plugins if you need any one of them you can use on them and you can learn more and you can use a music stand you can see the notes chords then you can use the matrimony a lots of things you can down all this for completely free of course yes you heard it right it's all of them are completely free of course and I would like to give a big thanks to this developer who created such a wonderful piano software and they're providing everything complete even though plug-ins for totally free of course so you download it and install it so let me show you as I've already don't know to install it so you don't really install it so let me show you so when you run this everyone piano you can see it's easier dear friends so I highly recommended you use the bigger size computer keyboard not the portable size because in the portable size you will not be getting the numpads as you can see on the right corner so I highly recommend you use the complete size that is the big size computer keyboard to play everything perfectly so when you press the keyboard you can see you you can hear the music sounds up here so in this way you can play our various songs and you can just right-click and you can change the chord you can change the pitch you can select anything you can control the pitch you can change the same channel you can control the pitch you can sense depending upon your needs and even you can sense the call keys even CJ's fan see Wendy be there's various options even you can octave increase or decrease depending upon your needs when you can increase the dynamic that is the tsa's dance and you can decrease it to even you can turn off turn on even you can increase the volume and even you can record this your planks and you can letter save it for your future use there is one more good thing if you need the plugins just click on here and download those plugins which I've shown you earlier by going to the official websites and if you need a better pianosoft just and I will have recommended to use a piano pianissimo which you can see here so I highly recommend that you use this pianissimo software which is a fantastic software so let me show you that in the friends so this is one of the best piano VST plugins which I am using right now I'll be providing this soakers that is the VST plugin of shell website link but unfortunately this is not a free version so you need to have to download this and process it later on so there is some inbuilt also but they are not that great sound so since one of the Israelis the grand piano is the plugins which I muscle is using it so I'll be posting this download link that is the website link of this software to in the video description so you can click here and visit it website so this is all about the everyone piano so let's move to the second software for this we will open the web browser again and we'll go to this website I'll be providing this website link to in the video descriptions like before so you can visit this website and download this piano software so you can see here the fourth one you can see a winter the two that is 32-bit I will highly recommend that you download the 32-bit inspite if you are using 64-bit offering the system also because what's the benefit of using wintery tube it is most of the BST the millat support a 64-bit this play piano softer so you use the wind 32-bit it will perfectly walk you've been in yo 64-bit processor having computers so you download this one so I'm not going to do that is I'm not going to download it again as I have already download and install it so you download and install it so after installing you open run it on opening or running it for the first time consider actively like the everyone piano but what's special about this if you want a video recording like suppose what you were playing then you can do using this and you can save it like an people format and when you can save it the music songs as a WAV file even in the music format so in my opinion I to use this one because it's video recording that I can record completely what I am playing and I can let her post it for my future reference so it is exactly the same like right-clicking on the keys you can see you can sense the notes trance octaves annals depending upon your needs and you can arrange it and play it very easily and even like before you can see here keys you can send the chords especially on them you can since the substance bellow just by clicking and you can sense the velocity when you can change the octaves and in this case also I would highly recommend that you use the bigger size combat your keyboard as you can see if you don't use the full size come to keyboard so you will not be getting this numpad so it will be a little disappointing so use the complete size computer keyboard so that you can play every keys nicely so you can see your instruments when you click on the instruments you can select different places you're also I'm using the same pianissimo software like before as it is one of the best piano sounding software so I'll be using here too so like before you can see here different settings layouts when you can see your music sits here also while you are playing music seats you can regulate you can use this music sense of the or you can use in this pattern if you want to see what you are pressing so in my opinion I think this is a very quick review of these two piano software's and trust me these two piano software's are the best piano software's that you will ever get for the computer so try it out by yourself and if you face any difficulty in understanding or using these software's feel free to leave your comments below I will try my best to help and guide you with your problems so if you find this video information useful click on the thumbs like button and if you're new to our channel click on the subscribe button and lastly thanks for watching ...
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