free online piano lessons for adults Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 [Music] hi the...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
[Music] hi there welcome to Brenda's Studio of Music here today I am going to teach you the very very first lesson whether you're an older mature person like me or whether you're the very youngest student this is the lesson that you would want if you do not know anything about piano including the fact that there are just black and white keys and that's it so today's lesson is entitled Black Keys and finger numbers let's start with the first thing grouping black notes together the black notes are grouped in groups of twos and threes look at your keyboard you have three black notes together then you have a space and you have two black notes together so so let's start with the first assignment find all of the sets of three Black Keys from the bottom of the piano to the top of the piano the bottom is to your left those are the lowest the very very lowest notes on the piano really really low and the highest notes are to your right the very highest notes so whatever size keyboard you have find the very first set of three black notes together they will look like [Music] this so find the lowest one wherever low is on your keyboard whether you have a small keyboard or a full set of 88 like this one with your left hand play the lowest set of three Black Keys then with your right hand do the next set then cross your left hand over and play the next set of three then take your right hand underneath and play the next set and keep going do all of them that you can find if you have a small keyboard you might only have four if you have a full set of Pian of keys you have one two three four five six seven seven sets of three Black Keys all right that's your first assignment all right on my worksheet there's a little keyboard that you can see Circle all the sets of three Black Keys on the sheet just helping you recognize them more so with the sets of three Black Keys we went from bottom to top left to right let's do the opposite with the sets of two black keys so in the middle of the piano find a set of two Black Keys play them get them used to find another one anywhere you want so the assignment is find the highest set the highest set on your piano at the very far right of the two black keys that are grouped together find the highest one with your right hand and play them now with your left hand find the next one down the next set of two good now take your right hand and cross over your left hand and play the next one down then move your left hand out from underneath your right hand and play the next one down cross over if you have more do all the way to the bottom alternating right and left hands now do that on your [Music] own good now on the sheet you can Circle all the sets of Two Black Keys on that worksheet the next thing we need to learn is our finger numbers now it may seem weird that we're talking about finger numbers but it is one of the most important things that you could learn on the piano is to know your finger numbers 1 2 3 four five thumb is one index finger is two middle finger is three ring finger is four and our pinky is five so it's real important spend some time one two 3 4 five and I'll help you on these first few lessons the first song we're going to play is called right hand twos so find your right hand and put fingers two and three on a set of two Black Keys find a set of two Black Keys put your second finger on the lowest black key to the left and your third finger on the higher black key to the right of a set of two Black Keys all right so follow this song now here is the key for taking piano lessons online everyone can take piano lessons online and imitate songs and they will learn songs but I don't want you to just learn a song I want you to know how to play any song Eventually so this is what I'm going to do when I give you a song I will play it and you will see the notes but I'm not going to show you my fingers because you need to site read it first so look at this song notice it place your right hand fingers two and three on a set of two Black Keys now you play the notes that you see it says two then three then two then three then two then three then two go ahead and play it how did you do now I will play it and you can see it while we're playing it together now 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 very good the second one is for left hand two black keys so now it's going to sound different because of with it's not going to sound different but you're going to have different finger numbers playing so lift up your left hand put your left hand fingers two and three on a set of two black keys and notice that your second finger is on the higher note this time and your third finger's on the lower note now play the left hand twos starting on three this time all right now I will play it and you can see it while we're playing it together now all right now see if you can play them at the same time together so you stack them on top of each other the right hand music is going to be on the top the left hand music will be on the bottom you're going to play Different Finger numbers though finger two with the right and finger three with the left then you [Music] switch all right you might be saying Brenda this is so easy what are you wasting this time for but it might be a little difficult coordination depending on your age is a little hard to do the opposite fingers all right try these songs yourself right hand and left [Music] hand right hand and left [Music] hand good now it's time for our first real song that you will recognize So the instructions are put your left hand fingers two three and four index middle and ring on a set of three black keys somewhere in the middle of the piano just play them make sure you're using the three middle fingers leave your thumb and pinky off of them okay two three and four on the three Black Keys now take your right hand P sign fingers two and three and find the next set of two black keys right above that so you have the five middle black notes really close together left hand should be on the three black keys right hand should be on the two Black Keys now follow the finger numbers that you see on the screen that I will highlight one at a time left hand you notice is below the crossbar the right hand are the notes that are above the crossbar and if you can see the little notes that are circles with numbers in them and have a stem going down are for your left hand notes underneath the bar for your left hand the set of three block Keys everything above the crossbar has little circles either black black circles or not black circles with stems going up those show you that you should be playing with your right hand on the set of two Black Keys all right I'm going to play this without my fingers playing so you can sightread this yourself then after we're done and I let you try it first then we'll play it together 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 three three two now right hand two two now go to the next line 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 did you recognize it yet all right let's try it again we'll do it together this time time my fingers will be on the keys now with you all right one two ready go [Music] all right good job next part of the lesson this is the last thing we'll do today is the 2 three4 arpegio so we are going to alternate hands like we did when we first tried the black notes starting with our left hand we're using four different sets of three Black Keys we'll use this one to start with our left then we'll use the next one up with our right then then we will cross over with our left for the next one up then we will release our right hand from underneath and do the last one with our right hand and then the next line of the song we will start up high with our right hand then we will do the left hand then our right hand crosses over the left and plays the next one down then we come back down with our left and play the bottom one so we will be playing 432 2 3 4 on our right and left hands alternating going up so you are going to do this yourself like I said before so watch the instructions left hands are in purple right hands are in green and the finger numbers switch left hand does 432 then the right hand does 2 three 4 and it's actually going the same direction because remember we have opposing fingers our thumbs are together so we oppose if we go one then two then three then four then five we're going up with the right but down with our left so start with fourth finger on the bottom set of three 432 and then when our right hand does the bottom to the top on a set of three it's going to be 2 three 4 and then you'll do all four octaves okay I will highlight these and name them but you play them without looking at my fingers this first time all right here we go I will say the numbers left hand Four 3 2 right hand 2 three four left hand 4 3 2 right hand 2 three 4 stay there 4 3 2 left hand 2 3 4 right hand 4 3 2 left hand 2 3 4 very good now to do it exactly the way I wrote it we're not going to pause from changing from Left Hand to right hand we're going to go right from the 432 to the 23 4 go 4 3 2 2 three 4 4 3 2 2 three 4 so let's try it again without the pause 4 3 2 2 3 4 4 3 2 2 3 4 4 3 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 4 all right now let's do it together now that you got a chance to site read it yourself here we go let's do it together one two [Music] go your first Big Four four octave arpegio let's try doing it fast when you're ready 1 2 [Music] 3 Bravo you know about black notes and you know about finger numbers have a great day we'll see you next time [Music] ...
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