beginner piano app Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈 hey everyone welcome back to the...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. Click Here 👈
hey everyone welcome back to the channel in this video I'll be reviewing the best piano lesson apps for learning how to play the piano and I already play the guitar but I wanted to learn the piano as well so I signed up to a few different Android and iPhone apps for piano looking for the best piano for beginners lessons and I tried them all out so that I could tell you what's good about each one and what they could be doing better so this is a review and comparison of three of the subscription Services I found to be fun and effective ways to learn how to play the piano so so in this video I'm going to be talking about simply piano sco and playground sessions what they're like to use how much they cost and who would enjoy them in my opinion the most so which of these apps is best for beginners it's really up to you but I'll share what I know about them to help you be able to choose the right one for you and if you find this review interesting or helpful you can show your appreciation by liking this video and subscribing to the channel if you haven't already to see more of my honest reviews and even though I'm an affiliate of most of the companies that I talk about including simply piano scoop and playground sessions my recommendation wouldn't mean much if I didn't give you my honest opinion so I always try my best to but nevertheless if at any point you decide that you want to try any of these learning programs use the links that are down in the description they won't cost you anything and you might get a bit of a discount which you wouldn't get if you went directly to any of their websites so it's a winwin okay so first up is simply piano which is designed for beginners which I definitely was when I started using it and I was playing my first song with both hands after just about 10 days and I'm definitely not musically talented so if I can do it I'm pretty sure that just about anyone on Earth can and okay so for those of you who don't know what simply piano is it's basically an Android or iPhone app for piano that feels like it was designed for kids because it's very bright colorful and almost looks a bit cartoonish the downside is that there's no desktop or browser version but it does work with any normal piano or keyboard by using your phone's microphone to listen to your playing so the app basically offers piano guitar or singing lessons with a focus on acoustic learning that uses a feature called music sense to hear what you play or sing to give you instant feedback so you can learn how to play or sing better in terms of getting started you can create an account on their website or just download the app on either iPhone or Android like I said it's pretty quick and easy after you go through a detailed quiz with questions about your level your goals what kind of music you like and whether you specifically prefer audio or visual instruction or a balance of both based on how you answer they tell you what to expect in terms of how fast your progress might be depending on if you stay consistent now simply piano does have a limited free version that gives you one free course in piano Basics but you'll need to subscribe to a yearly Premium plan to go any further it costs $1250 a month build annually at $149 a 2-e free trial kicks in so you can cancel at any time in the first 14 days and after that there's also a 30-day money back guarantee and the first 30 courses start with the very Basics and then you can choose between two lesson plans depending on whether or not you like to focus Fus on Theory and technique or actual core lessons if you go with Theory and technique you'll focus more on learning classical music and if you go with chord lessons you'll start learning poppy Jazz and rock music right away each course starts with explainer videos then you learn a few bars with the music sheet at the top of the screen and the notes highlighted on a keyboard below then you get to play it all together with a backing track and the music scrolling as you play so the lessons feel more like playing a game than learning which which makes it a little bit more fun but they sort of balance out fun and discipline nicely there are 5minute workout sessions using the on-screen keyboard to keep you practicing between courses and if you want to use it there is printable sheet music as well and I really like that they have a catalog of over 5,000 songs from all kinds of different genres and for my kids it was really cool that they had lots of Disney and classical music too which you unlock as you progress but I do wish there was a metronome and although you can slow down the tempo of the backing track you can't lower the volume or mute it because the arrangements weren't always that great also there's a very active Facebook group with piano teachers to give you their support and other Learners to interact with but there isn't any live content in terms of the design I really like that it's colorful but the interface has a lot of animation and sound effects which might irritate some people especially because you can't turn them off and more experienced players might find it too simple so this is a great app to learn the basics of piano for beginners and get playing quickly especially for kids and the young at heart like myself okay so before we move on to the next option I just want to reiterate that if you want to give any of these learning programs AG go you can use the affiliate links that are down in the description below they won't cost you anything and you might get a bit of a discount which you wouldn't get if you went directly to any of their websites okay so another fun way to learn piano is scoop which is an AI powered app for music lovers that tries to make learning piano and guitar easy and fun by using popular music to get you playing along the way you also learn to read music and play chords you can use the sco app which has sort of elegant uncluttered interface on your browser desktop computer tablet or phone it works on both acoustic and digital pianos or keyboards it's pretty easy to set up but not all configurations give you the same results so you might want to try the free version of the app that gives you access to three basic lessons just to see if it works for you if you decide to subscribe you have a few options a single month starts at 30 bucks but the best deal is 150 bucks for the year which works out to about 1250 a month and if you're still on the fence about it there's a 7-Day free trial and you have another 14 days to change your mind and get a full refund so you can try it out completely risk-free there's a course structure with over 500 lessons roughly organized into beginner intermediate or Advanced levels but you can move through lessons in any way you want and there are courses on reading music chords and scales but the best ones are focused in my opinion on genres like blues or jazz or specific artist Like The Beatles or queen but if you're someone who wants to go old school and learn to play music using original sheet music scoo might not be the app for you because all their songs are simplified versions arranged by sco for lessons and in terms of their song Library it has a lot of really cool and popular songs but is relatively small compared to other platforms like simply piano for example the lesson design is simple and clear you start by listening and watching to get to know a song then you see a teacher's hands playing the notes on a piano on the bottom of the screen while the music notes are tracked towards the top of the screen they design the app that way for you to make the connection between the notes you see and their sounds and then you learn the names or notes of whatever Theory applies to the song before you play it with your virtual teacher giving you real-time feedback on timing technique and expression now this kind of learning is not for everyone but there are real teachers you can reach out to on the app or in the Facebook Community if you have any questions something that I really appreciated specifically about scoo was how they completely changed how I think when I hear music to be able to make the connection to figuring out the notes at the same time also sco is simple but also has options to change your lesson settings to match your style so you can practice with one hand or both there is a metronome you can easily use to keep track or change the tempo okay so to sum up scoo I think that they give you a good foundation and practical piano skills for beginners although it's probably not comprehensive or Advanced enough if you already know the basics and want to take the piano more seriously okay so finally we are going to get into the last one we're going to talk about today which is playground sessions it is an American app co-created by Quincy Jones and endorsed by a bunch of bigname musicians and I think that it's a great app for younger users because it's the most gamified of all the ones that I tried it's bright and colorful giving you constant feedback with stats on how you're doing with the ratings for performance and points for skills and other game likee features that make lessons more fun and inspire you to try harder the app can be used on a desktop tablet or on a mobile device but not in a browser and you can't use an acoustic piano with it like on the other platforms that I've been talking about so you have to connect a digital keyboard to your device but if you don't have one and you're set on trying the app you can use a laptop keyboard which to be honest isn't so great for learning piano but I think it's a fun little feature that some people might like and playground sessions is one of the only piano apps for beginners to offer a free trial that doesn't need a credit card at all plus downloading creating an account and starting the 14-day free trial was very quick and easy especially because I didn't get asked a whole bunch of questions or have to subscribe to start playing okay so the subscription plans are all backed by 30-day money back guarantees and there are more plans than the other apps offer and month-to-month Plans cost 20 bucks but if you opt for the yearly plan the price comes down to 8 bucks a month and they also give you the option of a lifetime membership for a once off payment around 200 bucks although your access to their huge library of over a th000 popular songs is limited to 2 years why they give this option I have no clue okay so in terms of app layout it's dominated by a dashboard that tracks and analyzes your progress like a game showing completed sections total playing time and scores for overall note accuracy with star ratings and special Awards to encourage and motivate you I got to say that these extra features did keep me more engaged but on the flip side sometimes I was more focused on how high I could score rather than the music itself and from the dashboard you can navigate to boot camp where you learn the basics and foundational skills along with a clear path as you progress from Rookie to intermediate and eventually more advanced levels under courses you find extra lessons to practice more and finally songs is where you have access to a vast library of sheet music and backing tracks arranged for all skill levels to play plus lots of royaltyfree Classics that you can download and print completely for free now teaching is done through explainer videos from a range of real music teachers followed by interactive lessons with realtime feedback which is probably the best analysis you get out of all the apps that I've tested and playground sessions has a really active YouTube channel and a for for members to interact with and ask the teachers which they have on staff for advice to summarize playground sessions is a solid userfriendly platform for beginers to learn and keep playing but unless you use an acoustic piano or don't enjoy games you could easily progress beyond the basics to more advanced stuff with cool songs great feedback and encouraging rewards to keep you on your toes for me it was a great way to learn and I actually kept this app a lot longer than the other ones okay so there you have it a detailed comparison of the three top Cano apps for beginners I hope I was able to help give you all the information you guys need to be able to make your choice so that about sums up this video If I Was helpful or interested give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to see more of our review and comparison videos and like I said a few times earlier if you want to try any of these piano apps check out the affiliate links that are down in the description because you might get a bit of a discount on each of them which you wouldn't get if you went straight to any of their websites and as always I enjoy hearing your thoughts and I'll try to get back to any questions or comments you leave down below as fast as I can finally guys thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video ...
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