keyboard learning app Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano -For-All">Click Here 👈 welcom...

Now it's YOUR turn to be the life and soul of the party!. piano-For-All">Click Here 👈
welcome back my name is Warren mcferson today we're going to talk about musical apps and how technology can help you as a music student to accelerate your playing in recent years the harmonious blend of technology and music education has evolved into a fundamental partnership significantly enhancing the effectiveness of Educators and Expediting students learning Journeys if you've yet to harness the power of technology to elevate your playing by ear skills you're inadvertently hindering your own progress in the spirit of musical advancement I am thrilled to introduce you to six exceptional music apps designed to refine various aspects of your musical growth these digital tools are poised to be your companion on the path of Mastery each offering a unique key to unlocking your musical potential so we're going to talk about some apps [Music] today the first app on my list that I want to share with you today for people who want to learn piano by ear is a Midi player now this Midi player is designed by myself over here at piano lesson with Warren along with our development team and that allows you to play back MIDI files and if you're not sure what midi file is you need to get up to speed with that it basically stands for musical instrument digital interface and that's just basically how musical instruments digital instruments like keyboards can communicate with computers so when I play something on my keyboard the computer can record all of that musical data in what is known as a midi file now a midi file requires a special player you can't use an audio player or a video player by QuickTime um or you know Microsoft player or any of that stuff you got to use a specific player known as a Midi player and what I have done over here at pis with Warren is to create a browser version so you don't have to worry about installing and downloads and all of that now once you upload that midi file and click play you'll see the keys on the Midi player lighting up just as you watch my tutorial you'll see the cords displayed but the beautiful thing about media players is that you can manipulate the files in ways that you can't when you're just watching a tutorial for example if you want to slow down the keys that's being lit up on the screen the tempo of the midifile you can slow it down to as slow as possible you can also speed it up you can transpose it to see what's being played in another key you can display whether whether or not you want sharps or flat to display for the Black Keys it's amazing and so for people who are visual Learners which most of us who play by ear or if you desire to play by ear there's going to be some visual learning elements where you have to look and copy right and midi players and MIDI files are great for stuff like this I would recommend head over to pisith mplayer and check out our free Medi player you can upload any Medi file and do it that way in addition to upload file if you have a keyboard that's connected to your computer via a Medi cable you can play anything on your keyboard and you should see the Midi player lighting up right there in your browser so that's the first app on the list that you should definitely check out Midi [Music] player now the second app on my list that I want to share with you today is called laal Ai and this is a amazing tool I actually did a full I think half hour tutorial showing you how it works and you can check that out I'm going to link to that in the description but basically this is a stem separation tool now I wish when I was learning music years ago tools like this exist so for people who are transcribers you want to transcribe a song a vocal part but you want to sort of quiet the rest of the instrument that's what this does it separate the stamps so once you upload an audio file you can say just play me the vocals and it strips out all the other instrumentation and you can just hear the vocal lines so if you want to be able to teach Harmony for your choirs and you're trying to learn a choir piece you can just hear the vocal Harmony but what if you're a piano player and you're trying to transcribe the chords but there's just too many distractions with all the other instrumentation when you upload the file you just select and say play me the piano only and it does that you can do that for any of the instruments the bass the drums but one of the ways that I find that i' I'm using laal AI is also as a practice source so you can create your own backing track from a regular track so you upload a file and you can say mute the piano play everything else so you have your drums bass vocals going and then you can replace it with your own piano as a practice right what if you're trying to create a backing track without the vocal so then you can hand it off to a vocalist to sing along to you can strip out the vocal export it with just the instrumentation and a vocalist can use that to sing like a karaoke track so laal AI is a beautiful tool now there are other stem separation um apps out there but to me I think laal a is one of the best partly because again it's browser base so you don't have to download and install and all of that stuff right you just go to the browser and you can get that working right away but also it is very accurate very accurate so check out la la AI for stem [Music] separation the third app on my list is active ear and that is an ear training app also created by your truly um over here at pnis withth we developed this app for my students and active here is available only as a mobile or uh sort of a tablet and and um iPads mobile devices we don't have a desktop version as yet we'll probably looking to get in something like that for 2024 or so on but active year is a powerful ear training app and it's designed by a Pianist for pianist so I'm thinking like a piano player what are the things that are important for musicians wanting to play by ear what are some of the skills important for them to work on and so active ear comes with a whole bunch of different quizzes and practices and on the Google Play Store I'm looking right now and I can see we have 198 reviews with a 4.9 4.6 star rating and we've had over 10,000 downloads so far so active ear is definitely one of the more popular ear training apps out there on the market even though I've recently released it it hasn't been out that long yet so we also offer a free version for active ear if you've been struggling with your ear training and you need help I would definitely recommend you check out active here we also have free tutorials included for each of the categories that you're going to cover throughout the app so you know what you're supposed to do you can't play by ear if you're not actively working on your ear training so definitely check out active ear that's a great app for [Music] you fourth app on my list is called drum beats plus now this is a app I've been using for a few years it's a versatile style and indispensable tool for drummers and musicians of all levels pianists the app offers a comprehensive metronome with Advanced features ensuring precise timekeeping and practice and performance I've been using this app purely as just sort of a rhythmic Source you know back in the day a lot of those Yamaha keyboards used to come with drum beats that you can select a lot of us probably don't have keyboards with those features anymore and so having an app like like this it has so many different beats I always recommend that when you're practicing instead of practicing to just a standard click metronome get a drum beat going so you can get into the groove because when you're playing a song you're actually trying to make it musical right so might as well make all the other elements in you're practicing a musical exercise as well so if you're practicing scales practice it to a drum beat so you can make it sound musical arpeggios chords and that's how I use it to just be able to practice to something groovy cuz we don't have a drummer around right so I don't know if there's an Android version for this app definitely I know there's an iPhone version but I would definitely recommend if you don't get this particular one or if it's not available for your device get some form of drum beats app and start practicing with that oppos to just a standard metronome it'll improve your timee keeping a lot better and a lot quicker because you're you're practicing to something that you're used to that you can Groove to opposed to just a standard click so check that out in the app store's drum beats [Music] plus number five on my list is an app called sound slice sound slice is a revolutionary platform that seemlessly combines the power of sheet music in audio recording providing an immersive and interactive musical learning experience we actually incorporate this software in my paid program over at Pano lwith for all my song tutorials because with sound slice you can hear the audio going of me playing to a backing track and then you can see the notation of everything I'm playing on the screen now if you don't read music you can switch that to just the chord View and you can view the chords the beauty about working with sound slice is that you can slow things down you can play along and then like I said you can manipulate all different kind of variables to display with notes or chords or transposition there's so much you can do with it so sound slice is a very important thing it's a standalone app that you can check out on your own but it's really used more by Educators such as myself we incorporate in our program so all the students who are in my program heavily rely on sound slice when learning a song tutorial especially if they come from a background where they can already read sheet music it's an immense helpful tool because you get to hear what's being played and see what's being played and the ability to be able to slow things down and transpose so that's the sound slice app definitely check that [Music] out and the last app I want to bring to your attention today this one's been been around for probably 15 20 years U it's definitely been around I remember using it when I was in college and it's called IAL Pro now they say IAL Pro mastering your art by practicing with the world's most versatile band seamlessly accompanying you in any style Tempo or key with thousands of core charts in your pocket you'll always be prepared prepared for your next jam session so back in the day when I used to use iail Pro it's basically it shows your score or not a score really like a a lead sheet a chart a chord chart and it's interactive so when you play hit play on your iPad or your iPhone you see the playhead going and it's showing you the cord and you're hearing a full [Music] band [Music] you hear a guitar a piano a drum and the bass going playing the chords written on the screen and so the way I used to use it as a practice tool you can just remove the piano and play along with the bass and the drums now I Pro as it says comes loaded with hundreds of real book cords so if you're not familiar with a real book it's like sort of like the Bible of jazz standards and so all of those chords for jazz standards is already available in the IR Pro app and you can learn a lot of those chords but also it gives you the ability to create your own chord [Music] chart [Music] so you don't have to rely on those chords so if you have a certain progression that you want to be able to add to the the iral pro and then practice it you can do so and then select from a huge database of different um musical styles if you want to practice it with swing you know rock blues s whatever it's available that backing track going so you get to really create your sort of In-House backing track so you can get to practice with to improve your Rhythm for a lot of you who struggle with rhythm because you're not experienced you don't have any experience playing with a drummer or a basis then you're trying to figure out how you can incorporate that in your practicing iral Pro is to this day one of the best resource for stuff like that so those are my top six apps that I would recommend all of you who desire to get better at playing by ear you should be using all of these or at least most of these and just to recap we have the Midi player for reading MIDI files we have the stem separator Lal AI active ear our ear training app that covers everything you're going to need in your training drum beats Plus for creating for being able to practice to so many different type of Beats and then you have sound slice the interactive um score and audio platform it comes B both and then you have IAL Pro for basically practicing with a band where you can manipulate a lot of the variables tempos style and key and stuff like that technology can definitely help you to improve your plane guys and so so I definitely recommend if it's not something you're doing it look into it my job is to find ways to make your life easier to make your progress faster more manageable and so dive into these new technologies as they roll out I'm constantly keeping my ears to the ground what's coming out next what's New and how I can use it to not only improve my own ability as an educator and a musician but to share with you guys so you can continue to grow as well all right that's all I have for you if you have not hit that subscribe button and a notification Bell yet please do so so that you know the channel can continue to grow and I can continue to give you great value and again if you haven't been over to pianis withth yet check it out you can join us for free it's an online program for learning pan of by ear I give you tutorials we have group session coaching sessions just so much stuff for me to list so head over there and check that out and I'm going to link to here some of my videos on apps that I've covered that I think you'll find helpful to see a deep dive into how these app works all right bye for now and have a blessed week ...
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